Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 280 Stampede

Chapter 280 Stampede (5)
Xiao Ke found that there were fingerprints on the surface of the lock and it was fresh. The suspect should have used a master key to open the padlock.It does not take any advanced skills to open this kind of padlock. You can buy this kind of universal lock online for a few hundred yuan.

He asked Liu Biao if he had opened the lock in the past few days. Liu Biao said that he had not opened it, but he did not know whether the chairman had opened it.Xiao Ke asked him to call Yan Zhong to inquire. Liu Biao nodded and walked aside to make a call.

After a while Liu Biao came back and said that the chairman had not opened the lock for a long time.Xiao Ke judged that the fingerprints most likely belonged to the suspect. However, the suspect had anti-reconnaissance capabilities. How could he easily leave the fingerprints on the lock?Xiao Ke was not sure. He was afraid that the lock had been touched by others because he heard that someone was throwing money on the rooftop. Will the person who threw the money drop the money on the rooftop?If it falls on the rooftop, wouldn't there be money to pick it up?So someone will come up and see that the door is locked. The person who comes will touch the lock and try to open it, only to find that the lock cannot be opened and then leave.

Wu Jiang and Zhou Ting arrived with the exploration box.Wu Jiang extracted multiple fingerprints from the lock and smooth door, and then asked Liu Biao to open the door after completing it.Sure enough, there were three new 100-yuan RMB notes left on the rooftop.Don't underestimate these three RMB. If it is taken out from a cash machine, the number of the magnetic card with which the money is withdrawn will be left on the banknotes. Then you can find its owner by following the clues.

However, suspects generally do not use magnetic cards to withdraw such large amounts of cash, because most ATMs can only withdraw up to [-] cash a day, unless the suspect is not afraid of trouble and withdraws it in several times.

Wujiang used multi-band light sources to illuminate the rooftop, hoping to find physical evidence, such as body fluids, fibers, saliva, hair, dander and the like. However, due to the infiltration of rain, no valuable physical evidence was found, and even the shoe prints became Blurred and difficult to distinguish.Wu Jiang had no choice but to give up.

After they cordoned off the door to the rooftop, they started looking for suspicious footprints from the stairs on the 18th floor. They came to investigate only two days after the stampede, and all the companies in the Electronics Building were on holiday, except for one. Others work overtime, so few people take the stairs. If the suspect walked down the stairs, then his shoe prints should be left, and the shoe prints left on the 18th floor stairs are the clearest, because that afternoon It was drizzling, and the rainwater on the suspect's shoes had not dried yet when he walked from the rooftop to the stairs on the 18th floor.

Sure enough, Wu Jiang soon discovered that there was a fresh shoe print in the middle of the stairs on the 18th floor, and it extended all the way down. Wu Jiang and Zhou Ting took photos to extract the shoe prints, while Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying continued to look down, leaning against the stairs. Walk on the edge for fear of destroying the suspect's shoe prints.

After walking up the last flight of stairs, Xiao Ke saw the same shoe prints using a multi-band light source, which showed that the suspect did walk from the 18th floor to the 1st floor.But why is the suspect so bold?Why isn't he afraid of the police coming to arrest him?Is he sure the police won't come to arrest him?
Wu Jiang and Zhou Ting extracted several fresh fingerprints from the handrails of the stairs.After they surveyed each staircase, it was already time to get off work, so they called it a day and returned to the team.

Wu Jiang compared the fingerprints on the lock with the fingerprints on the stair handrail, and the result was that they could be identified as the same. He then entered the fingerprints into the computer database for comparison, but there was no match, which showed that the suspect had no criminal record.He analyzed the shoe prints and determined that the suspect was about 168 centimeters tall, wearing size 40 leather shoes. He was thin and walked slowly, like an old man.But there are only fingerprints and shoe prints, but no appearance. In the vast sea of ​​people, where can I find him?
The only way is to return to the Electronics Building and check the surveillance video on December 2015, 12. The suspect must have entered through the three doors of the building. Other than that, there is no shortcut. If the suspect entered through the door, He couldn't possibly climb 31 flights of stairs with an umbrella again, could he?It’s impossible to take the elevator with an umbrella, right?If he takes an elevator with an umbrella and is seen by security or others, he will definitely be suspected or even questioned by security. Wouldn't all the previous efforts be wasted?

Judging from the fact that the suspect held an umbrella and walked out of the small door of the electronic building, he must have planned it, otherwise he would not have had to hold an umbrella to avoid the monitor. Did he want to cause a riot, or did he want to murder someone in the crowd?If he wants to cause chaos and gain happiness from it, it means that his psychology is abnormal and twisted; if he wants to murder someone, he must have an accomplice to cooperate, otherwise he will not be able to achieve his goal.

It is believed that the suspect creates riots and achieves psychological satisfaction, but it is difficult to murder someone and create riots.First of all, we must know that the murder target will definitely go to Qianjiang Park to watch the fireworks; second, there must be an accomplice, or even more than one accomplice; third, the fatal injuries to Jiang Shuiming and Mi Xiang'er were not caused by sharp or blunt instruments, and the murderer was not sure that they would use them. The murder target was killed with one blow.

In order to quickly view the surveillance videos of three large and small doors and four elevators, all members of the No. 1 Crime Team were dispatched. Jiang Yiming called Liu Xiaowei, the leader of the No. 2 Crime Team, and each of them happened to watch one video. They drove two A police car arrived at the Electronics Building and went straight to the monitoring room.

They started checking at two o'clock in the afternoon and were ready to see it at 12 o'clock at night.Watching videos is a very boring job. It requires a high degree of concentration. You must keep your eyes glued to the screen and cannot leave for a second. Once you leave, clues may be missed.

Most of the clues to solve the crime come from surveillance video, which is the most effective shortcut.According to incomplete statistics, 2014% of clues to solving crimes nationwide in 71 came from surveillance videos.Many public security bureaus have specially set up surveillance video investigation teams.

When Xiao Ke saw 23:01:23, he found a man holding an umbrella and walked into the monitoring area from the small door, then walked to the stairs and climbed up.It was the same umbrella and the thin man I saw last time.He should be the suspect they're looking for.

Xiao Ke froze the video and asked everyone to watch it together. Everyone thought that he was the person who walked out of the small door at 2016:1 on January 1, 00.So he really climbed the stairs from the first floor to the 45th floor!It's a pity that the electronic eye did not capture his appearance.How can I find this person?Lu Yingying remembered that the small door led to Huadong Road. There was traffic surveillance on Huadong Road. Maybe the electronic eyes would take pictures of the suspect's appearance.

Lu Yingying returned to the criminal police team, turned on the computer, entered the traffic monitoring center, and called up the surveillance video of Huadong Road. Because she had the accurate time, she quickly found the video of that time period.

However, the video showed that the suspect was still walking on Huadong Road holding an umbrella. He was walking from the direction of Luoqian Village, which is nearly four kilometers away from the Electronics Building. The suspect was holding an umbrella along the way. Lu Yingying was a little disappointed because After entering Luoqian Village, there are no electronic eyes.

Lu Yingying re-checked all the videos from Luocun to the Electronics Building. Suddenly, she found a mirror on the wall of a hair salon, and the suspect happened to be reflected in the mirror... Lu Yingying froze the scene, watched it for a while, and confirmed that he was holding an umbrella. of suspects.

However, because the lights were dim at night and the suspect was passing by, his appearance was blurry and only the outline of his face could be seen. Lu Yingying took a screenshot of his appearance and used the "FotoSoft" software to process it clearly. The desired effect is achieved, but much clearer.

She posted photos of the suspects on the city bureau’s official Weibo and WeChat, looking for witnesses and offering rewards to those who provided clues.They also printed out photos of the suspects and sent joint investigation notices to all public security units in the city.

On the third day, a photographer who claimed to be from the Provincial Pictorial Agency called Lu Yingying and said that he had seen the suspect. Lu Yingying invited him to come to the criminal police team for a detailed discussion. He readily agreed, and Lu Yingying's mood suddenly improved.

The photographer came to Lu Yingying's office. Lu Yingying received him warmly, took out her favorite coffee and made it for him, and then asked him if he knew the suspect?

He said he didn't know the suspect, but he took a photo of the suspect.What happened was this: In order to take pictures of the fireworks that day, he climbed up to the rooftop of the Binjiang Building on the north bank of the Qianjiang River. When the fireworks started to go off, he kept taking pictures. At this time, he suddenly saw someone throwing money on the rooftop of the Electronics Building. He was very excited. Surprised, he quickly zoomed in and took photos of the suspect's appearance and the money falling.

After returning home, he sent the photos of the fireworks to the mailbox of the editor-in-chief of the pictorial, and traveled to Lijiang the next day. Today when he went home and went online, he saw the official website of the city bureau looking for suspects he knew, so he came here.After he finished speaking, he took out a Canon 1DX SLR camera from his bag, pulled up the suspect's photo, and handed the camera to Lu Yingying to see.

The photo is very clear. The suspect's face takes up half of the photo. There are three photos in total. The first is a close-up of the suspect's face; the second is a full-body photo of the suspect; and the third is the scene when the suspect was throwing money.This is very good evidence, and once the suspect is caught, he will not be able to deny it.

The photographer took off the memory card and handed it to Lu Yingying.Lu Yingying put the memory card into the card reader, then plugged the card reader into the USB port of the computer, copied the photos to the computer, and after completion, removed the memory card and handed it to the photographer.

Lu Yingying was very grateful to the photographer for his help. She asked him to go to Jiang Yiming to apply for the reward. The photographer smiled and said: No need, I am not short of money. Let me make a small contribution to the country.

Lu Yingying said: You are worthy of being a photographer. It would be great if every citizen was like you.She sent the photographer out while praising her. It wasn't until she saw the photographer driving away that she went to Jiang Yiming's office, reported the situation to him, and asked him if he wanted to expand the scope to search for the suspect?
(End of this chapter)

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