Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 278 Stampede

Chapter 278 Stampede (3)
He went into the bathroom and took a hurried bath, put himself on the warm bed, and prepared to sleep, but he couldn't fall asleep. There was always a question in his mind: Who was throwing money on the rooftop of the Electronics Building?Why would he throw money away to a dense crowd?Could it be that he deliberately created chaos to achieve an ulterior secret?If this person is not crazy, there must be something wrong inside!But crazy people generally don’t have that much money.

Xiao Ke kept thinking about this problem and fell asleep until a faint dawn appeared on the horizon.

Xiao Ke didn't wake up until noon. The scene of the accident last night was lingering in his mind. How could an accident involving 11 casualties occur?Of course, you can't blame the citizens for their lack of quality when it comes to grabbing money. Who wouldn't want to grab more money when money falls from the sky?The only one to blame is the person who spread the money. He or she is the culprit. This person must be caught and held legally accountable.

Xiao Ke got dressed, got up from the bed, washed up casually, and then called Jiang Yiming to tell him about the accident that happened last night.Jiang Yiming said that he had seen the news, but he did not expect that Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying were at the scene and witnessed everything. Due to the time limit of the news, the reporter did not report Xiao Ke's deeds of rescuing the injured at the scene.

Xiaoke said that the money scatterers might have a conspiracy, otherwise who would throw tens of thousands or even 10,000+ yuan into the crowd?He hoped that Jiang Yiming would approve the investigation and give an explanation to the casualties.

Jiang Yiming asked Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying to go to his office to discuss in detail.Jiang Yiming did not use the excuse of vacation to reject him. He was very happy. A capable criminal police officer needs a good leader who supports him to ignite their passion, so the hard work becomes easier.A wise leader is good at motivating his subordinates, tapping their potential, and fighting side by side with them to the end.

Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying made an appointment to go to the captain's office together. Lu Yingying was not angry because Xiao Ke's nosy and ruined her vacation. Instead, she was very happy. Is this a tacit understanding or does she like to work with Xiao Ke?She asked Xiao Ke to pick her up from downstairs.

After Xiao Ke received Lu Yingying, he came to the criminal police team. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yiming arrived earlier than them.After they sat down, Xiao Ke explained the entire accident process in great detail, and Lu Yingying supplemented the details that were not mentioned.

Jiang Yiming knew that this matter had a great impact. On the way to the Interpol Team just now, Deputy Mayor Deng, who was in charge of public security, had called Director Fang Lihua to investigate the matter thoroughly.Such a major public event has aroused great concern among citizens.Director Fang called Jiang Yiming and asked for his opinion: should this matter be handed over to the No. 1 Serious Case Team for investigation or to the Public Security Bureau.

Jiang Yiming asked the No. 1 Crime Team to investigate on the grounds that Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying witnessed the accident at the scene. Fang Lihua agreed to Jiang Yiming's request.

Jiang Yiming decided to call back Wu Jiang, Zhou Ting and Luo Jin who were on vacation to formally investigate.Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke went to the Third People's Hospital and brought Jiang Shuiming's body back to the forensic center for Luo Jin and his assistant to perform an autopsy.

Wu Jiang inspected Jiang Shuiming's clothes and found that there were many shoe prints on the lining of the gray jacket. The shoe prints overlapped each other and were very messy. However, it was drizzling that night and the ground was wet. Therefore, the shoes on the lining of the jacket were very messy. The print is clearly visible.

Wu Jiang took out a magnifying glass to carefully examine the shape and size of the shoe prints, and found that there were 12 incomplete shoe prints. These shoe prints had no reference value, indicating that it was not a person who repeatedly stepped on Jiang Shuiming. Jiang Shuiming was injured when the incident occurred. There must have been more than 12 people who pushed him down and stepped on him, maybe dozens, or even hundreds.After a thin person was pushed down, he probably wouldn't have the strength to get up and would have to endure the trampling of countless people.

The two knees of Jiang Shuiming's jeans were frayed and stained with rain and mud. Apparently he tried to get up many times when he fell, so the knees of his jeans were frayed, but he never got up. .So, is it possible that Jiang Shuiming was pushed down intentionally by others, and then kicked him hard and fast in the lower back, causing his kidneys to rupture, and thus died in Xitian?
If so, the murderer would certainly have left shoe prints on the lining of his jacket, but it would be difficult to hit a man with a precise kick to the kidney that would rupture it, unless the murderer had practiced countless times and the person had Very powerful.

The kidneys are hidden deep in the renal fossa and are well protected by the surrounding structures. Behind the kidneys are the ribs, spine and long muscles of the back, in front are the abdominal wall and the contents of the abdominal cavity, and above are covered by the diaphragm.Normal kidneys have 1 to 2 centimeters of room for movement, so the kidneys are not easily damaged.Therefore, Wu Jiang believed that the possibility of Jiang Shuiming being deliberately kicked to the kidney was relatively small.

But to be cautious, Wu Jiang analyzed the shoe prints on the lining of his jacket. One of the crescent-shaped shoe prints was particularly clear, as if someone had tried his best to kick Jiang Shuiming. Unfortunately, only the shoe prints were left behind. The tip and the sole are about 3 cm, and the pattern on the sole cannot be seen.If this is a shoe print that broke the kidney, it has no evidentiary significance, just like one out of ten fingerprints cannot be compared.

Wu Jiang took a picture of the suspicious shoe toe print and compared it in the computer database. The result was that there was no shoe print corresponding to it, which was what he expected.He used a computer to analyze the toe print and determined that it was a pair of leather shoes of about size 33. Therefore, the owner of the leather shoes must be at least 180 centimeters taller.

The next day, Jiang Yiming called everyone for a meeting. He first asked Luo Jin: "What was the cause of Jiang Shuiming's death?"

"The deceased's left kidney was hit hard by an external force and ruptured. The kidney hemorrhaged massively, and the blood infiltrated around the abdominal cavity. After all the blood flowed out, he died of renal failure in an instant. This is completely consistent with the doctor's statement. Although the deceased's kidneys had mild failure during his lifetime, The deceased was generally healthy, and this mild failure would not have a great impact on the body of the deceased, so the deceased would not see a doctor. Of course, due to failure, it is more likely to cause kidney rupture."

"Can you tell how many times the deceased's kidneys ruptured?"

"I took out the left kidney of the deceased and carefully observed the shape of the wound on the dissecting table. I found that it had only been hit hard once. That is to say, other people who trampled on the deceased did not cause damage to the kidney because the abdominal cavity and back were well protected. Kidney." "Time of death?"


"Old Wu, did you find anything over there?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"I extracted 12 kinds of messy shoe prints on the lining of the deceased's jacket and jeans, each belonging to different people. Among them was a suspicious shoe toe print, but I couldn't compare it in the database to find out what kind of shoe it was. The shoe toe was in the shape of a Crescent shape, through computer analysis, the toe print is about 33 size leather shoes, and it is the clearest and most original. Of course, this cannot mean anything because it is covered by other shoe prints and has no value." Wu Jiang said.

"Do you think Jiang Shuiming was deliberately trampled to death?"

"This is not certain. I think it is difficult to find clues in the shoe prints. Even if we have divine help and a 'eye of the sky' to see Jiang Shuiming trampled to death, it still cannot prove that he trampled him to death intentionally. We should start with the money scatterer. Only by finding this person can it help us," Wu Jiang said.

Jiang Yiming asked others if they had any ideas, but everyone said no. Jiang Yiming ordered Wu Jiang and Zhou Ting to visit the injured; Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying went to the Electronics Building to check the surveillance.

Wu Jiang and Zhou Ting first went to the Third People's Hospital and found the information of all the casualties who were treated in the hospital that night.

Yang Lijuan, the mother of the little girl who died.If this was an elaborate murder, the murderer might have targeted a little girl.

The little girl's name is Mi Xiang'er, a very beautiful name. She is only 5 years old and is in the first class of kindergarten. She is a beautiful, well-behaved and cute little girl who is deeply loved by her teachers and parents.

Yang Lijuan lives in Jinshan Community in the urban area. Jinshan Community is a high-end residential complex. It is famous for its good greening, open space and perfect management. It is deeply loved by Jinling beauties.

Wu Jiang rang the doorbell of Yang Lijuan's house, and the man who opened the door was a man in his late forties. Seeing that two relatively high-ranking police officers were visiting, he was a little confused: "Who are you looking for?"

"We are from the criminal police team of the city bureau. This is Yang Lijuan's home, right?" Wu Jiang originally wanted to say Mi Xiang'er's name, but was afraid of irritating the other party because he might be Mi Xiang'er's father.

"Yes, come in." His tone was sad and low. He should be Yang Lijuan's husband.

They walked into the living room and saw Yang Lijuan sitting on the sofa, holding a small red schoolbag tightly in her arms, holding a photo of Mi Xiang'er, staring blankly, as if she didn't feel him The arrival of both.

"I am Mi Jian, the father of the child. What do you want to know from Lijuan?" Mi Jian asked them to sit down, poured two glasses of water and handed them to them.

"We deeply regret Mi Xiang'er's passing, and ask for your condolences... I will investigate this accident thoroughly and give an explanation to the injured and the dead. Therefore, we must disturb you when you are most hurtful. We apologize for this." Wu Jiang was thinking about how to start the question, because Yang Lijuan's expression stung him, and he couldn't bear to ask Yang Lijuan.

"You can ask, but we will cooperate with the investigation and let our precious daughter rest in peace." Mi Jian is a strong person, and he must be strong. If he is also struck down by grief, then who will help Yang Lijuan?
"Do you have any enemies? Or have you offended anyone?" Wu Jiang asked.

(End of this chapter)

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