Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 259 1 Carbon oxide poisoning

Chapter 259 Carbon monoxide poisoning (2)
Linjiang Community is located at the end of Jiangnan Avenue in Jiangnan District, nearly 20 kilometers away from the city center. It is a small residential area built in the late 80s. After more than 30 years of vicissitudes, the houses have become old and mottled. Most of the original residents bought their homes in the urban area. After buying new houses and moving into newer and higher-end houses, only some old people are left who are unwilling to move out and look after the old houses.

The elderly rent their empty houses to migrant workers or low-income citizens. Therefore, the residents here come from all over the world and come from all walks of life, but they are relatively peaceful and harmonious, and no serious criminal cases have ever occurred.

Gu Guohua is nearly sixty years old and is the owner of Rooms 16 and 101 in Building 102 of the community. Although she has retired for a few years, she still looks young because she knows how to cultivate herself, has fair skin and a good figure.

On the evening of November 2015, 11, she went home after dancing in the square and prepared to cook. She took out her key, opened the big iron door on the first floor of Building 3, walked in, and when she reached the door of 16, she remembered that the tenants of 101 were not there. Pay the rent to her. The rental contract stipulates that the rent should be paid on the 101st to 1nd of each month, otherwise you will have to pay a late fee.

There is a man and a woman living in Room 101. They are renting together. The man is Liu Xishan and the woman is Pei Shaofang.Liu Lushan opened a lumber shop in the middle of Jiangnan Avenue. Linjiang Community is less than one kilometer away from his shop. He rented here because of its convenience. He has been renting it for three years. He has never been late in paying rent. Why is it late this month?
Gu Guohua took out her mobile phone and called Liu Xishan. The phone was turned off. She dialed it again, but it was still off.She wanted to call Pei Shaofang's cell phone, but she thought about it and held it back. It was Liu Shaoshan who vacated one of the two bedrooms and one living room and sublet it to Pei Shaofang. Pei Shaofang only paid the rent to Liu Shaoshan, and Gu Guohua also agreed to the sublet.

Gu Guohua thought that Liu Laoshan might be sleeping, so she approached the 101 door and pressed the doorbell several times. There was no response. Thinking about it, she remembered that Liu Laoshan had removed the doorbell because many children liked to ring the 101 doorbell and often made noise. Liu Laoshan couldn't sleep well.

Gu Guohua knocked on the door with her hand several times, but still no one responded. She thought Liu Xishan might not be at home. Just when she was about to leave, she suddenly smelled a smell. The smell was very light and people with a weak sense of smell could not smell it. .Gu Guohua worked as a laboratory technician in a pharmaceutical factory's laboratory for most of her life. She is particularly sensitive to smells and can distinguish more than 300 different fragrances, so she can detect odors.

She put her nose close to the crack of the door, took a few deep breaths, let the air swirl in her chest, and carefully identified the smell. Suddenly, she felt something was wrong. It was very much like the smell of a corpse in the early stages of decay.She was shocked: Could it be that Liu Xishan died in the house?How is this possible?Is it too suspicious?
She opened the door, sat on the sofa, and turned on the TV, trying to get rid of the strange thoughts, but she couldn't watch the TV series, and her mind seemed to be filled with chaos... She called Liu Shushan's cell phone again, but it was still turned off. She finally I decided to open the door of 101 and go in to take a look.

She took out the spare key from the closet and opened the door of 101. The living room is in the middle of the house, with a bedroom on the left and right. The kitchen is in front of the living room. Behind the living room is a large balcony. Each room is sealed by iron fences. No one is outside. Impossible to get in.

The more Gu Guohua walked in, the stronger the smell of decay became. She followed the source of the odor and walked forward. She found that the stench came from the kitchen. There was a sliding frosted glass door in the kitchen. The door was closed tightly, but there was a small gap of 0.5 cm. The smell was That's where the smell comes from.

She walked to the door and opened it to the left. Suddenly, a strong stench hit her and she almost fainted.She felt sick and quickly backed out.After she stood in the living room to collect herself, she went to the balcony, took down a towel from the clothes rack, turned on the faucet, soaked the towel, covered her mouth, and walked to the kitchen.

There was a small dining table in the kitchen. Liu Xishan was sitting on a chair, with his hands hanging down and his head tilted on the table, as if he was asleep.Gu Guohua realized that something had happened to Liu Laoshan and did not dare to get close because the smell emanated from him.

She stood more than 3 meters away from Liu Xishan and shouted Liu Xishan's name loudly, but he didn't respond.She quickly exited and came to the living room. She wanted to take out her mobile phone and call 110, but she found that her hands were shaking badly, so she sat on the sofa to calm herself down, took out her mobile phone and dialed 110.

After receiving the order from the 1 Command Center, the No. 110 Serious Crime Team quickly assembled, brought investigation tools, and drove two police cars towards Linjiang Community.

Xiao Ke and Zhou Ting cordoned off the site, Wu Jiang laid out the exploration pedals, and Luo Jin stepped on the pedals and approached Liu Liushan.Although Luo Jin was wearing a mask, the strong corpse odor still penetrated into his nasal cavity through the gauze.Luo Jin has been a forensic doctor for 8 years, and it is not uncommon for giants to view corpses, so he has a strong ability to withstand odors.

Luo Jin asked Xiao Ke to take photos and fix the scene and the body, then put the body on the ground and observed it carefully. After watching for a while, he said to Jiang Yiming: "The deceased's face was red and his lips were purple, which is typical of carbon monoxide." Death due to poisoning. The Giant View phenomenon has just begun to form, and it can basically be judged that the deceased has been dead for three days, that is, between 72 and 80 hours."

"Do you think this is a murder or an accidental death?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"I don't dare to judge." Luo Jin replied.

"Say whatever you want, go with your gut."

“My gut is not working and I trust science.”

Jiang Yiming didn't say anything. He squatted down, reached into the deceased's pocket, took out a wallet from his back trouser pocket, handed it to Wu Jiang, and took out an iPhone 6S from the inner pocket of his suit. The phone was turned off. He tried to turn on the phone, but it couldn't be turned on because the phone's battery was exhausted.

Wu Jiang opened his wallet and said while checking: "There are 15 100 yuan notes, 20 50 yuan notes, and some change in the deceased's wallet. If it was a homicide, it should not be a homicide... The identity of the deceased was in the wallet. The ID card showed that the deceased was from Jiangnan District of this city. He lived at No. 171 Kaiyuan Avenue, his name was Liu Xishan, he was born in September 1985, and he was under the jurisdiction of Kaiyuan Police Station of Jiangnan Branch."

"No. 171 Kaiyuan Avenue is where Haitian Community is located. It is a high-end community where rich people live. How come Liu Xishan lives in a dark and damp old house?" Jiang Yiming asked. "Maybe he doesn't get along with his parents, maybe he has a business nearby?" Wu Jiang seemed to be answering.

Jiang Yiming walked out of Room 101 and saw the door of Room 102 open. Gu Guohua was standing at the door and asked: "Aunt, are you Liu Xishan's neighbor? I want to know about Liu Xishan's situation from you, okay?"

"He is a neighbor and also Xiao Liu's landlord. He has been renting here for three years. I know his basic situation. Just ask. I was the one who called the police." She looked ugly because once the house dies, it will not be easy to rent. , which is a loss for her.

"According to Liu Xishan's ID card, he is from this city. Why doesn't he live in Haitian Community and rent your house?"

"Xiao Liu said that he opened a wood shop in the Jiangnan Avenue Timber Market. Because it is very close to the shop and convenient for business, he rented my house." Gu Guohua said as she walked inside and walked to the sofa to motion to Jiang Yiming. Sit down and talk.

After Jiang Yiming sat down, he took out his notebook and recorded the conversation just now. After writing it down, he asked: "Auntie, have you met Liu Shushan's parents?"

"No, he never mentioned his family in front of me, and I didn't ask too many questions."

"Does he have a wife and children?"

"No, he said he is single. Although he is a little older, he is not in a hurry to find a partner." At this point, Jiang Yiming noticed that her face turned from gloomy to clear, and she seemed much happier... Could it be that she had a secret crush on Liu Laoshan?However, their age difference is nearly 30 years. Gu Guohua has experienced vicissitudes of life and is mature and prudent. It is impossible for her to have unrealistic dreams, right?

"Do you know who he's closer to?"

"How do I have the right to interfere with young people's affairs?" She seemed unwilling to continue talking.

Wu Jiang walked to the door and told Jiang Yiming that the site survey had been completed and everyone was waiting for his instructions.Jiang Yiming looked at his watch. It was already 21:50 in the evening. They had been working for more than three hours without knowing it, and he said to Wu Jiang: "It's very late. Let's go back to the team first and let's talk tomorrow."

So the members of the crime squad packed up their tools and headed back home.

"Luo Jin, tell everyone about the autopsy." Jiang Yiming sat at the head of the small conference room of the criminal police team.

"The autopsy results showed that Liu Lushan died of carbon monoxide poisoning. The affinity of carbon monoxide to hemoglobin is two to three hundred times higher than the affinity of oxygen to hemoglobin. It can easily combine with hemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin, causing hemoglobin to lose its oxygen-carrying ability, causing suffocation - this It’s the principle of carbon monoxide poisoning.”

"Death time?"

"The observation of corpse spots and the examination of the deceased's stomach contents showed that the deceased died in the evening three days ago, that is, around 10:31 on the evening of October 19. The error will not exceed two hours. The composition of the stomach contents It was rice, eggplant, and pork. Judging from the fast food box on the table, the deceased was poisoned while eating dinner, which is consistent with the food left in the fast food box."

"Could it be poisoning due to liquefied gas leakage?" Jiang Yiming looked at Luo Jin and asked.

"It's possible." Luo Jin replied.

"No way? I checked the valve of the liquefied gas tank. It is closed. The leather pipe connecting the liquefied gas tank and the liquefied stove is intact and there is no possibility of leakage." Xiao Ke said.

(End of this chapter)

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