Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 255 Emotional Cult

Chapter 255 Emotional Cult (7)
"Where did he go after getting off the plane?"

"Then he entered the waterworks office building and I flew back to the rooftop of the company."

"Did he talk to you about anything?"

"No, I asked him, and he either shook his head or nodded. I thought he was very boring, so I ignored him. Maybe he felt that he and I were not of the same class, so he didn't want to talk to me more."

"Did you feel something strange about him? For example, was he very wary of you?"

"No, I think he is very relaxed... However, when I thought about it later, I was surprised: Why did he spend 15000 yuan to fly from Laishan to the water plant? If he took a taxi, the fare would not exceed 30 yuan. Maybe he had too much money to spend and was looking for excitement? Because he told me to sail as fast as possible."

Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke drove a police car, blaring the siren all the way, and rushed towards the water plant. They were fighting the sniper. Two hours had passed since the incident, and they were afraid that the sniper would escape.

The water plant is located at the foot of Dianbing Mountain and is relatively remote.A moment later, they came to the water plant manager's office and explained the situation to the manager. The manager and the two of them went to the monitoring room and pulled up the video of the time. The video showed that the sniper descended from the rooftop of the water administration building to the first floor, and then Quickly walked out of the hall.

He walked to the road outside the waterworks wall, trotted forward, and disappeared from the screen. So where would he go?There is only one cement road leading to the provincial road from the water plant. This road is called Water Plant Road. There are two neat rows of pine and cypress trees on the roadside. There are no houses or shops, so there are no monitors. Where will the sniper go?
Wu Jiang called Lu Yingying and asked her to enter the traffic monitoring center to find the surveillance video of Shuichang Road entering the provincial highway junction to find the whereabouts of the sniper.

After a while, Lu Yingying called Wu Jiang back and said that during that time, the intersection monitor only captured a white Guangben car driving from the tap water road onto Provincial Highway 115, but the driver was not a sniper, and there was only one driver in the car. .

Maybe the sniper hid in the trunk, thus evading surveillance.Wu Jiang asked Lu Yingying to continue investigating the suspect car.Lu Yingying entered the traffic monitoring platform again and started searching.Because the suspect's license plate number was very clear, Lu Yingying quickly found out the whereabouts of the suspect car. It entered the Beijing-Guangzhou Expressway from the provincial highway. The toll station at the entrance of the expressway photographed the situation inside the suspect car: there was still only the driver in the car. One person, he is not a sniper.Is the sniper still hiding in the trunk?If he really hides inside, then he has to endure the sweltering heat, darkness, lack of oxygen, and restricted limbs. How can he endure it?

Could it be a misjudgment?And the sniper actually escaped from the waterway where there was no surveillance?If this is the case, it will waste the opportunity to fight.

Wu Jiang called Jiang Yiming, who said that the sniper must be hiding in the trunk of the suspect car. He ordered the highway police to intercept the suspect car, and ordered Wu Jiang and Xiaoke to quickly enter the Beijing-Guangzhou Expressway to pursue.After a while, Jiang Yiming called Wu Jiang again and said: The highway monitoring system activated the thermal camera and found people or livestock hiding in the trunk of the suspect car.

Xiaoke's driving skills are comparable to those of racing drivers. After entering the Beijing-Guangzhou Expressway, he increased the speed to 200 yards and rushed forward crazily. Wu Jiang told him not to worry, since the sniper was already a fish in the net, so he just waited. They went to bring the person back, but Xiao Ke didn't listen. He hadn't experienced the passion of speed for a long time. He had to experience it today because the traffic police would not intercept or fine speeding police cars.

Half an hour later, Xiao Ke arrived at the Liangshanguan Toll Station. The suspect car had been stopped by the traffic police. When the traffic police were about to open the trunk, Xiao Ke rushed the car behind the suspect car, then braked suddenly, and made a loud noise when the tires rubbed against the ground. A harsh sound.

Xiao Ke hurriedly jumped out of the car, took out his pistol, and signaled the traffic police to back off. He was worried that the sniper had a gun. If he fired back, several unarmed traffic police would definitely fall down.Wu Jiang ordered the driver to open the trunk, but the driver was unwilling.Xiao Ke was very angry, kicked the driver on the knee, and ordered him to open the trunk quickly.The driver's mouth was sore that he didn't dare to disobey, otherwise he would definitely be beaten again.At the same time, he realized that there was an extraordinary person hidden in the trunk, and he regretted taking this business for money.

The driver took out the key and opened the trunk. He had only opened it halfway when a figure suddenly popped out of it and ran away in the distance. Seeing that he didn't have a gun in his hand, Xiao Ke chased him all the way. The two of them were on the highway. A flying battle was staged. Gradually, Xiao Ke gained the upper hand. When he was nearly two meters away from the sniper, Xiao Ke jumped up and kicked the sniper in the back. However, the sniper dodged to avoid it. Xiao Ke Ke was shocked: Did he have eyes behind him?

In the blink of an eye, the sniper and Xiao Ke were more than 4 meters apart. Xiao Ke wanted to draw his gun and wound him, but he felt it was inappropriate because there were too many cars on the road. If the shot missed and injured civilians, he could not explain it. .He was confident that he was younger and stronger than the sniper and would definitely catch up with the sniper during the long-distance run. Therefore, he gave up the idea of ​​taking out a gun and continued chasing the sniper on the road...

After running nearly 1000 meters, Xiao Ke caught up with the sniper, and the sniper and Xiao Ke started fighting.Xiao Ke is the Sanda champion of the Public Security College. Although the sniper's hands and feet are as agile as a monkey, Xiao Ke's attacks are fast, ruthless, accurate and full of strength. After the two of them fought for seven or eight minutes, Xiao Ke gradually gained the upper hand, and finally, like lightning, The ground kicked out, but the sniper couldn't dodge and fell heavily to the ground. Xiao Ke took advantage of the situation and pressed his body on him, pressing him to the ground. Then Wu Jiang, who caught up, handcuffed the sniper. The sniper said breathlessly. : "I really didn't expect to fall into the hands of the Chinese police..."

The sniper sat in the interrogation room, looking calm and calm.Jiang Yiming stared at this man with a medium build and a dark face, wondering what kind of devilish training he had received. He could actually injure Tang Ming with a sniper rifle from 2300 meters away. In addition to hard training, such a talent requires talent. , that kind of training pain is not something ordinary people can bear.If he was willing to serve the country, his future would be limitless. Unfortunately, he chose to take an evil path and became a puppet of a cult.He is over forty years old, with bright eyes and a strong and resolute temperament, without any trace of the loneliness of a prisoner.He has experienced countless tests of life and death, and has long put life and death aside. This kind of person is the most terrifying and the most difficult to interrogate. However, in order for him to reveal the mastermind behind the scenes, he must crack open the bones no matter how difficult it is to gnaw.

Xiao Ke has found his passport and ID card from him. His name is David Luo, he has dual nationality of the United Kingdom and Hong Kong, and currently lives in Hong Kong. In 2004, he fought bravely with the British army on the battlefield in Iraq, killing 31 militants and winning numerous honors. However, during a mission, he suddenly became impulsive and killed two Iraqi civilians. He was eventually killed by the British. Fortunately, he was not sent to a military court, otherwise he would be waiting for endless jail time.After retiring, he returned to live in Hong Kong and is currently the head coach of the Hong Kong Regal Shooting Club.This is the information faxed to him by the Hong Kong police.

"David Luo, who hired you to snipe Tang Ming?"

"I didn't kill anyone, and I don't know who Tang Ming is." He answered slowly.

"We found an English-made L115A3 sniper rifle on the mountainside east of Laishan. We extracted 18 fingerprints on the butt, barrel, and magazine. After comparison, these fingerprints are all yours. How do you explain it? ?”

"Someone must be trying to frame me."

"We extracted 9 shoe prints next to the sniper rifle. After comparison, they are exactly the same as the shoe prints you are wearing now. How do you explain it?"

"I can't explain it."

"The only explanation is that you used the L115A3 sniper rifle to snipe Tang Ming on Laishan Mountain."

"If you want to add a crime, why bother?"

"This is not a fabrication, it is irrefutable evidence! The information faxed from the Hong Kong police shows that you have two cute and smart children, an 8-year-old son, a 6-year-old daughter, and a young and beautiful wife. If you are willing to come out and accuse Liu Shaoqiang of hiring you By killing Tang Ming, we can turn you into a tainted witness, and the judge will consider giving you a suspended death sentence. This way, the two children will have a father, allowing them to live a better life."

"I don't want to break my promise and live on. I killed countless enemies on the battlefield in Iraq. I feel that my life is full of meaning and my death is worth it."

"If you don't cooperate, I will consider other ways to deal with you and make your life worse than death. Is Zhang Ziqiang powerful enough? The Hong Kong police can't do anything to him, but we let him speak easily. Think about the consequences." Jiang Yiming To put it harshly, he seemed to have lost patience with David Luo. In fact, Jiang Yiming wanted to force him to see his reaction.

David Luo was silent.A person who stands on the edge of a cliff and is about to fall into an abyss will subconsciously shrink back to prevent himself from falling, because once he falls into the abyss, he will be catastrophic and will never recover.

"Can you guarantee that I will not be sentenced to death?"

"We can't guarantee this, but if you have meritorious service, the judge will definitely take this factor into consideration. After all, you were brainwashed by a cult, and you are also a victim of a cult." Jiang Yiming knew that this statement was suspected of eliciting a confession, but time In an emergency, once Liu Shaoqiang is allowed to escape back to Country M, he will be like a fish returning to the sea or a bird entering the forest, never to return.

(End of this chapter)

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