Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 243 Not at the scene

Chapter 243 Not at the scene (16)
"No way? So complicated? Isn't it the same person who killed and robbed?" Xiao Ke said.

"It's impossible. There are only his shoe prints and fingerprints at the scene. The murderer and the robbery must be the same person. Unless the other person can fly, it is impossible to leave traces at the scene." Wu Jiang said with certainty.

"Angkor, let's assume that two people entered the scene and one of them wore shoe covers and gloves to commit the crime. Is it possible that there will be no traces left?" Zhou Ting asked.

"It's also impossible. The famous French forensic scientist and criminologist Rocca said: 'Any time two objects come into contact, there will be a transformation of physical evidence. Some things will be taken away and some things will be left behind.' This is called Rocca. Theorem, even if he enters the scene wearing shoe covers, there will be friction with the ground. Then, the ground will leave traces of friction, and even leave fine particles when the shoe covers rub against the ground. Don't think so much, murder and robbery are certain It's him, he's acting with you two." Wu Jiang encouraged Zhou Ting.

"Could the polygraph test deceive us? Or is Zuo Limin's IQ high enough to fool the polygraph test?" Lu Yingying raised objections.

"It's possible, but polygraphs are sometimes unreliable, so polygraph results cannot be used as evidence... Captain Jiang, why don't you speak?" Wu Jiang asked.

"I can't decide for the moment. To be honest, we have never encountered such an opponent. I think Zuo Limin's actions are different from ordinary people. Let's put him aside first and then interrogate him at night. In the first half of the night, Lao Wu and I interrogated together. Xiaoke and Zhou Ting will interrogate him together in the middle of the night, and we must get his true confession..." Jiang Yiming said.He rarely said this because fatigue interrogation was against the rules. However, special cases could be handled specially. After all, Zuo Limin had irrefutable evidence and stayed at the scene.

In addition, Luo Jin is already doing DNA comparison for Zuo Limin, because sweat was extracted at the scene. Once his DNA matches the sweat's DNA, he can be brought to court even without his confession.

Of course there are a few important things: murder daggers, huge sums of money, and jewelry.According to the investigation: Feng Ling is the mistress kept by Wang Dashan, the vice president of Changping Group.Wang Dashan said that he spent at least 500 million on Feng Ling. Although Feng Ling was a high-level intellectual, she liked gambling very much, winning or losing 20 million in a night, so she often kept a large amount of cash in her safe.

Wang Dashan loves and hates her at the same time. He loves her beauty and intelligence. Only she can have a high-level conversation with Wang Dashan. The communication that goes deep into the soul is very beautiful. You can never find that feeling in a prostitute.The complaint is that she likes to gamble. Apart from going to work, she plays cards in her spare time and doesn't even have time to find a boyfriend.He persuaded her many times, and she promised him to quit gambling. However, she refused to change her ways and secretly gambled behind his back.He couldn't understand how a highly educated girl could be so obsessed with gambling.

During the on-site investigation, Jiang Yiming went to her study room and thought she was a girl with good taste. Unexpectedly, she turned out to be a gambler. It turned out that the books in her home were all for show.

The next morning, Jiang Yiming and Wu Jiang entered the interrogation room to replace Xiao Ke and Zhou Ting.Jiang Yiming read the transcript and found that it was completely blank except for the time, interrogator, and interrogator. Zuo Limin said nothing throughout the night.Jiang Yiming told them to go home and sleep and come back to work in the afternoon.

At this time, Zuo Limin suddenly screamed, his whole body twitched, his hands stretched forward as hard as he could, his head stretched back, his eyes rolled up, his mouth was tightly closed, foaming at the mouth, mixed with blood... Jiang Yiming was afraid that he would bite his tongue and commit suicide. , hurriedly ran forward and opened his mouth with both hands, but did not see that the tongue was bitten off. The tongue was only broken a little and was bleeding.Jiang Yiming asked Xiao Ke to call Luo Jin.

After a while, Luo Jin came in, looked at his symptoms and said: "He should be having an epileptic seizure. I have a lamotrigine injection in my laboratory. One injection will make him better. Open the wooden seal and handcuffs and let him lie down." On the ground, loosen his collar and turn his head to one side to facilitate the discharge of vomitus from the mouth and prevent it from flowing into the trachea and causing choking and suffocation." Luo Jin finished speaking and ran out to get the potion.

Luo Jin came in quickly and gave Zuo Limin an intramuscular injection. After a while, Zuo Limin recovered and asked in a daze, "What's wrong with me?"

Without answering him, Jiang Yiming called Luo Jin outside the door and asked, "Is he pretending?"

"No, his symptoms are typical epileptic seizures. The look in his eyes and reaction may indicate mental illness."

This shocked Jiang Yiming: If he was really a mental patient, he would not be legally responsible, then Feng Ling's death would be in vain, and the large amount of police force they invested would be in vain.Jiang Yiming asked: "How should we deal with Zuo Limin now?"

"Send him to the neurology department of the hospital. After his condition stabilizes, we will take him for psychiatric evaluation," Luo Jin said.

Jiang Yiming felt heavy.

A few days later, Zuo Limin was discharged from the hospital. Jiang Yiming and Wu Jiang escorted him to the Provincial Psychiatric Hospital for a psychiatric evaluation. The Provincial Psychiatric Hospital is an authoritative institution designated by the Public Prosecution and Law and is composed of provincial experts. The results of the evaluation are unquestionable.

When they arrived at the attending physician's office, three specialists were already sitting there waiting for them.The three experts are old acquaintances of Jiang Yiming. Every time the Municipal Bureau has a suspect who needs a psychiatric evaluation, Jiang Yiming and Wu Jiang bring the suspect here.

So after they greeted each other, they quickly entered the identification process.Luo Yueyi, the chief medical examiner, saw that the subject of the appraisal was Zuo Limin. He was slightly surprised and said: "This person does not need to be appraised. His name is Wang Cailai. He escaped from our hospital a year ago. When he escaped, his condition was relatively serious."

"Oh? Are you sure?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"Of course, we have his medical records and files in the archives. I'll show them to you." Luo Yue walked out and came back soon, handing the files and medical records to Jiang Yiming.

It turns out that Zuo Limin's name is Wang Cailai, a native of Pinggu Village, Songjiang County, this province. He was born in 1975. He is unmarried. His father died young, his sister married away in Shandong, and there is only a 72-year-old mother in the family.At that time, his cousin sent him to the provincial mental hospital for treatment.His cousin's name was Wang Tujin. After he paid the money and settled Wang Cai's arrival, he went back.Wang Tujin said that he was doing business in Shanghai. If he ran out of money, he asked Luo Yue to call him and he would pay the money into the hospital's account on time.After Wang Cailai was treated in the hospital for half a month, his condition improved, and he took the opportunity to escape and disappeared without a trace...

After Wang Tujin received the notice from the hospital, he threatened to hold the hospital accountable, otherwise he would not give up.The hospital promised to compensate him 10 yuan, so Wang Tujin did not sue us.We suspect that Wang Tujin secretly assisted Wang Cailai to escape for money.

Jiang Yiming was worried that after Wang Tujin received the compensation from the hospital, he would send Wang Cailai to another hospital for treatment. After curing his illness, he would instigate Wang Cailai to kill people and steal money in return for Wang Tujin's treatment.After being captured by the Crime Squad, he pretended to have an epileptic seizure during interrogation to evade police action.

Jiang Yiming felt that Wang Cailai should be appraised again to distinguish the authenticity.Luo Yue agreed with Jiang Yiming.So the psychiatric evaluation process for Wang Cailai began.

First, Wang Cailai underwent a physical examination, including electroencephalography, CT, magnetic resonance imaging, and biochemical examinations to see if Wang Cailai had any organic disease, whether there were tumors in his brain, and whether there were any lesions in his brain and other organs that would affect his mental health.

Then enter the mental examination, which relies on the doctor's clinical communication with Wang Cai.The examination content includes testing intelligence, using the Wechsler Intelligence Test, and measuring emotion, thinking ability, consciousness, personality and other measures.

All tests were actually conversations between Wang Cailai and the doctor. Wang Cailai was tested through constant dialogue and questions. The questions were temporarily changed based on Wang Cailai's reaction. None of these were prepared in advance.The doctor came up with a set of questions, mostly multiple choice and judgment questions, and the content was based on Wang Cailai's situation...

After finishing this, it was already evening, and it was almost time to get off work, and all the procedures had been completed.As a result, several doctors and experts involved in the identification agreed that Wang Cailai suffered from severe schizophrenia and did not have criminal ability.

Jiang Yiming was not willing to accept this result. However, Wang Cailai did not have a deep power background or economic background, and there was no possibility that the three experts would be bribed by huge interests at the same time.

Luo Yue suggested Jiang Yiming to keep Wang Cailai in the hospital for treatment. They would contact Wang Tujin and persuade him to fund Wang Cailai's treatment. If he did not agree to fund the treatment, the hospital would sue him and ask him to return the compensation, because Wang Cailai had been raped by them. found it.In addition, after Wang Cailai's illness was cured, he might remember where the money taken from Feng Ling's home was hidden.

Jiang Yiming was convinced by Luo Yue.Jiang Yiming said that Wang Cailai must be strictly monitored, otherwise they will have unshirkable responsibility when they commit crimes again in society.

Luo Yue said: "Captain Jiang, don't worry. The doors and windows in the ward are reinforced, and the door to and from the ward is password locked. No one else can enter except medical staff. In addition, there are all-weather monitors watching. Once If a patient is found escaping, more than a dozen strong security guards from across the hospital will catch the patient."

"How did he escape last time?"

"His condition improved last time. He stole the doctor's bag and mask, and followed the doctor out of the coded door after get off work."

"This shows that your hospital still has loopholes."

"Every time you learn something, you will gain wisdom. Later, we held a meeting to find a way to plug this loophole."

(End of this chapter)

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