Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 236 Not at the scene

Chapter 236 Not at the scene (9)
The two of them chatted with An Xiaoning all morning, but to no avail, let alone identifying the suspect.After Lu Yingying and Xiao Ke had lunch downstairs at the Prospect Company, they went to An Xiaoning to continue digging.An Xiaoning was a little impatient, but on the surface he did not dare to express it too strongly. Finally, An Xiaoning asked them to find Zhou Chaohua's personal secretary Ning Wei.

Ning Wei is Zhou Chaohua's secretary. She not only helps Zhou Chaohua with company affairs, but also takes care of her in life. She is Zhou Chaohua's most considerate person.

When Lu Yingying and Xiao Ke appeared in front of Ning Wei, Ning Wei asked eagerly: "Has the murder case of President Zhou been solved?"

"Miss Ning, we are not gods, how could we solve the case within two days of the incident?" Lu Yingying said.

Ning Wei was a little disappointed, with tears in her eyes, she put her hands together and said, "Mr. Zhou, I hope you can rest in peace as soon as possible."

"If I want the deceased to rest in peace as soon as possible, I must get your help."

"How can I help you? As long as I can do it, I will do my best!"

"I heard that you were Zhou Chaohua's childhood friend. From elementary school to middle school, then to university, until now, you are as close as sisters. I think you must know who she has offended?"

"This..." Ning Wei hesitated.

"Every citizen has the responsibility to provide clues to the police. If the truth is concealed, legal responsibility will be pursued. Moreover, the person who was killed was your good sister, so you should tell everything you know."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhou. In order to smile as soon as possible, I can only expose your shortcomings..." After saying that, she closed her eyes, put her palms together, prayed silently for a while, and then opened her eyes, "In 2005, Mr. Zhou 28 She was working as a clerk at the Land Bureau in our district when she was still a teenager. In the spring of that year, she quit her job and suddenly became very rich. She bought expensive clothes, jewelry, and bags. I thought She fell in love with a rich man, but she refused to admit it. One day, a man who claimed to be her boyfriend came to her door and said that she defrauded him of 100 million yuan to buy a house and refused to marry him. He asked her to get the certificate immediately Get married, otherwise the money must be returned to him. Mr. Zhou agreed to marry him, but she asked to buy a house first and then get married. Her boyfriend promised to give her half a month to buy a house and get married... Later, Mr. Zhou disappeared with his huge sum of money. He searched for her all over the world, and she seemed to have disappeared from the world. In fact, I was the only one who knew that Mr. Zhou had undergone plastic surgery. She made herself more beautiful than a celebrity, bribed the household registration police, and moved her household registration to Jiangdong District. Mr. Zhou I used the remaining money to partner with An Xiaoning to open the Future Culture Company. The person who hates Mr. Zhou the most is probably her ex-boyfriend."

"What's her boyfriend's name?"

"It seems to be called Qian Zhong, or Qian Tong. Ten years have passed and I can't remember."

"Have you seen him?"

"Only saw him once from a distance."

"Please tell me about the situation at that time."

"One day, I was shopping for sportswear at Dongjiang Mall and saw Mr. Zhou walking towards her with a tall man on his arm. The man had a dark face and was at least 10 years older than Mr. Zhou. I guessed he had a family. Therefore, Mr. Zhou refused to admit that we were in love with him in front of me, so naturally he would not take me to get to know him... A year after Mr. Zhou disappeared, one day, she suddenly contacted me and asked me to work as a business manager in her company, because The monthly salary was relatively high, and Mr. Zhou and I were very close, so I agreed. I was shocked when I met her, because except that her voice had not changed, I could hardly recognize her... I understood that she was trying to avoid Qian Zhongcai. Of course, I have plastic surgery, and I am much prettier than before... From now on, Mr. Zhou and I have a mutual understanding and will not mention the past, otherwise, Mr. Zhou will not keep me in the company for so long and give me a high salary." Ning Wei said slowly while recalling, she was always thinking about her words, as if she was afraid that Zhou Chaohua would hear.

"What is Qian Zhong's occupation?"

"He seems to be the boss of some cultural supplies company."

“Can you think of a company name?”

"I can't think of it. It's been too long. I only heard my classmates talk about it once. Since then, there has been no information about Qian Zhong."

"Okay, let's talk about this today. We may come to you again in the future. Please take care of us!" Xiao Ke said politely, then handed her the business card and told her to call him when she remembered something. 11
Laishan Villa is built on the mountain. There are only two entrances on the east and left sides. The entrances and exits are 150 meters apart. All residents and vehicles must enter through these two gates. There is no other way because the south, north and west sides of the villa are surrounded by walls as high as 4 meters. The villa is tightly surrounded by a [-]-meter-long wall, making it difficult to enter the villa without the help of climbing tools.

Wu Jiang and Zhou Ting divided their work and called up the surveillance videos of the two entrances and exits. They started checking at noon on March 3 and watched until 5:6 on the 03th. No suspicious person was found.

After that, they called up the No. 104 surveillance video of Villa No. 10 and started viewing it half an hour before the incident. They found a person wearing a black tight suit who avoided the bright street lights at 6:01 on the 20th and deliberately chose Walking along the dimly lit road, he quietly approached Villa No. 104, then climbed along the iron fence into the courtyard of No. 104. Because the courtyard was a blind spot for surveillance, the suspect's murder process could not be seen.

The suspect entered the surveillance area from the south, then walked from south to north, approaching Villa No. 104. He had a clear goal and did not look left or right.The suspect's face was covered with black cloth, and his appearance and features could not be clearly seen, and his figure could only be vaguely seen. He deliberately lowered his head to avoid the surveillance, which shows that he was very familiar with the distribution of the surveillance cameras in the villa. Ripe.

Wu Jiang visually determined that the suspect was about 180 centimeters tall, with a thin build, agile and powerful steps, and a gait like a soldier.

Why didn't the suspect appear in the surveillance video at the gate?Did he enter the villa in a car or hiding in someone's trunk?Of course, there is another possibility: the suspect entered the villa area through the wall behind the mountain.

If the suspect wants to climb the 4-meter-high wall, he will definitely have to use ladders, bamboo poles and the like, which will leave scratch marks on the wall.Wu Jiang and Zhou Ting came to the outside of the wall and looked all the way from south to north. They found no trace of anyone climbing. Of course, because the wall was high and long, there was not enough time to check it carefully.

They came to Villa No. 104 and found that the electric switch was in an open iron box under the balcony. Wu Jiang took out a magnifying glass and tried to find fingerprints from the iron box, but after looking for a long time, no fingerprints were found.

Wu Jiang checked the handle of the electric switch. The handle was made of white ceramic, which is a good attachment for fingerprints. However, no fresh fingerprints were found on the handle. However, the thick dust on the handle had imprints similar to those of a finger, which indicated that the murderer I pulled the switch while wearing gloves.

Wu Jiang took a photo of the imprint of the handle, then brushed off the dust attached to it with a zygomatic brush, and extracted a fingerprint from it. The fingerprint looked like a woman's, probably Zhou Chaohua's, and was probably of little value.

Wu Jiang and Zhou Ting reported the investigation results to Jiang Yiming. Jiang Yiming asked them to continue to carefully observe the wall of Laishan Villa. They may find the suspect's shoe prints. They must also visit the wall from the night of March 3 to 5 am: 6 entered all the people and vehicles in the villa area, trying to identify the suspect.

Lu Yingying and Xiao Ke came to the Municipal Industry and Commerce Bureau to find out from the registration information the legal representative of a stationery company named Qian. Because Ning Wei was not sure whether Zhou Chaohua’s ex-boyfriend was named Qian Zhong or Qian Tong, she first found the legal representative named Qian. .

They found out that the legal representative of a company called Huihuang Stationery Company was named Qian Tong, but there was no one named Qian Zhong.Then, Zhou Chaohua’s ex-boyfriend should be Qian Tong.

Information shows: Qian Tong is from Shangzhen, Beishi City. He was born in 1972. He is a retired soldier. He once served as a border armed policeman in Heilongjiang. He is 178 centimeters tall and unmarried. His company closed down in the winter of 2005 and he disappeared later.Some people suspected that he took the money and ran away.

Qian Tong's height is very similar to the suspect captured on the surveillance camera of Laishan Villa No. 10. The story should be like this: Zhou Chaohua defrauded Qian Tong of millions of dollars, and then disappeared from the world. He hated Zhou Chaohua to the core and vowed to find her. The beautiful snake who defrauded him of his feelings and money, therefore, neglected the management of the company, had poor cash flow, or was heavily in debt, and eventually went bankrupt.

Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying went to the police station where Qian Tong's registered residence was located to learn about the situation. The director said that after Qian Tong was defrauded of a huge sum of money by Zhou Chaohua, the company declared bankruptcy soon after.Two years later, Qian Tong built a house on the top of the hill behind Laishan, and contracted 200 acres of barren hills to plant paulownia trees. The barren hills belonged to Chaoyang Town, Jiangxi District. If you want to find Qian Tong, you can ask the deputy in charge of forestry in Chaoyang Town. Mayor.

When they arrived at Dynasty Town, Deputy Mayor Wang heard that they were criminal policemen from the municipal bureau and received them warmly.Deputy Mayor Wang said: In the spring of 2007, Qian Tong contracted 20 acres of barren hills in the town for 200 yuan for 11 years. Because Paulownia is a fast-growing wood with relatively fast benefits, Qian Tong chose to plant Paulownia. Eight years have passed. Most of the paulownia trees have been harvested, and some companies want to buy his wood, but he doesn't agree because he feels that if he sells it after the contract period expires, the income will double.

Deputy Mayor Wang drove them up the mountain to find money.Deputy Mayor Wang said while driving: It turned out that this was just a sandy mountain road more than two meters wide, but two years ago, in order to develop Laishan tourism resources, the government allocated funds to harden this winding mountain road that is 3.5 meters wide and 9.5 kilometers long. Keep driving until Qiantong's house is opened.

Half an hour later, Deputy Mayor Wang said to them: "It will be there soon. Look -"

(End of this chapter)

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