Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 233 Not at the scene

Chapter 233 Not at the scene (6)
Wu Jiang and Zhou Ting came to Jinrong Community and prepared to visit the nearby residents door to door.Wu Jiang stood in the square of the community and looked up. He found that Jinrong Community was divided into two building groups: high-rise and low-rise. Each building in the low-rise group only has 7 floors, while each building in the high-rise group has 18 floors, which is closest to the crime scene. The high-rise building is about 100 meters, so people living in the high-rise can easily see what happened in Room 704.If someone sees what happened in 704, then there will be a big breakthrough in the case.

Following this idea, Wu Jiang and Zhou Ting first began to visit the residents of "Tianxiang Building". "Tianxiang Building" is in the shape of a zigzag, with four houses on each floor and four families living in it. Its south side faces the crime scene.Today is Saturday, and they deliberately chose a day off to visit because most residents would stay at home.

They started from the first floor and planned to visit the residents on the south side until they reached the 1th floor. If there was no result, they would then start from the first floor and visit the residents on the east, west and north in case anyone among the 18 households provided information. If you have clues, don’t bother anymore.

They knocked on the doors to the south one by one to inquire. It was almost noon when they visited the 8th floor, but found nothing.Zhou Ting's stomach growled with hunger. Wu Jiang knew that he was hungry and said to Zhou Ting: "Visit one more household for lunch, and half of the work will be completed."

"It's okay, Angkor. Even if I don't have lunch, I can still visit 18 households. With my body, I won't die from starvation for a week."

Wu Jiang raised his thumb and praised him.

They came to room 901 and rang the doorbell. The heavy oak door opened, revealing the head of a little guy. He saw two policemen. He shouted into the living room: "Grandpa, grandpa, two policemen are here." ."

Then an old man with white hair appeared, looked at them and asked, "Who are you?"

Wu Jiang quickly held his hand and said, "Uncle Lu, I am Wu Jiang from the Municipal Criminal Police Team. I have admired your name for a long time. You are the hero in our hearts. I am so happy to meet you unexpectedly today."

Uncle Lu's name is Lu Yuanfang. He is 70 years old this year. Before his retirement, he was the deputy director of the National Security Bureau. He received first-class merit and devoted his life to national security work.

"Oh, I've heard about the name of Crime Unit No. 1 for a long time. Please sit in the room."

Wu Jiang and Zhou Ting took off their shoes and walked in. Lu Yuanfang enthusiastically boiled water for them to make tea. Wu Jiang said, "Uncle Lu, don't bother, we will sit for a while and then leave. There is still a lot of work to do in the afternoon."

"No trouble, the water will be turned on in 5 minutes. It's cold. Drinking a cup of hot tea to warm yourself up will help you work better... Are you here specifically to see me?"

"No, we are on a routine visit. I didn't expect you to live here."

"What's the matter? I will try my best to help you." Lu Yuanfang's bright eyes were shining, which was a trait developed from many years of professional habits.

"You know that a man was hanged on the balcony of Unit 14, Building 7, opposite your house, right?"

"I know, his name is Yang Zhengbiao, and I heard he is the manager of the water company."

"We would like to ask, did you notice anything unusual in Room 704 that night? I know this is very difficult for you, but it is very important to us."

Lu Yuanfang frowned and began to think deeply. After a while, he raised his head slightly and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't notice anything unusual in Room 704. To be more precise, I didn't even look at Room 704 that night."

"Okay. So, have you noticed anything unusual around your home?" Wu Jiang felt that the scope should be expanded.

Lu Yuanfang fell into thinking again. For a moment, he suddenly remembered something and said: "The typhoon blew very hard that night. I went to bed early, but around 12 o'clock, the clothes hanger on my balcony was blown by the wind. I I slept very lightly, which is a habit developed by my profession. I was woken up, put on my down jacket, went to the balcony, and put all the hangers back into the house. When I was about to go back to the house, I suddenly saw a big balloon. It flew down from the roof to the south. I thought at that time that the rope of some company's advertising balloon might have been broken and it flew towards the community. I didn't pay attention and went back to the house to continue sleeping."

Wu Jiang felt strange. If the rope holding the advertising balloon was broken by a typhoon, then the balloon should fly to high places. How could it be possible to drift southward with a downward trend?
"Uncle Lu, did you see a person hanging under the balloon?"

"No, I only saw the balloon flying towards the south building... However, I am highly short-sighted. The balloon was at least 50 meters away from me, and the wind and rain were heavy, so the light was very weak. Even if someone was hanging on the balloon, I could not see it. Can’t see.”

"Did you see the balloon land on the top of 17 buildings?"

"No, after a few seconds, the balloon disappeared in front of my eyes. Even if it landed on the top of 17 buildings, I couldn't see it because the light from my balcony was very bright, but there was almost no light in the distance. You can’t see clearly if you look into dark places.”

"Approximately how big is the balloon?"

"Well... it should be as big as a car."

"Are balloons round?"

"Of course it's round."

"Are there any words on the balloon? Generally, advertising balloons have the name of a certain company or product printed on it."

"I didn't see it." Lu Yuanfang looked helpless.Wu Jiang has guessed how Zhen Dawei entered the scene.He said to Lu Yuanfang: "Thank you, Uncle Lu, you have helped us a lot. After the case is solved, we will come to thank you!"

"It's a small effort, why bother?" Lu Yuanfang said with a smile.

"The ancients said that a drop of water should be repaid by a spring of water. We should reward every citizen who provides us with important clues...Uncle Lu, please keep our conversation confidential today."

"I know this. The National Security Bureau is a disciplinary department, and it is our bounden duty to observe discipline."

They said goodbye to Lu Yuanfang.

Back in the team, Wu Jiang reported the situation to Jiang Yiming, and then said: "Zhen Dawei should have climbed from the outside of the community wall into the wall, then entered Tianxiang Building, took the elevator to the rooftop of Tianxiang Building, and took it out of his backpack The balloon was then fully inflated, and he tied his body to the rope under the balloon. With the help of the power of the typhoon, he jumped off the roof of Tianxiang Building with his feet and let the balloon fall to the roof of Building 17. After that, Fix the balloon on the railing of the rooftop, and then enter Room 704 from the roof. At this time, Zhu Xiaolin had not left Room 704. She directed Zhen Dawei, who was wearing shoe covers, to take the route that Zhu Xiaolin and Yang Zhengbiao had not taken. After entering the bedroom, he He carried Yang Zhengbiao to the guardrail of the balcony, fixed it, and quickly returned to the roof of Building 17. He untied the balloon and landed on the ground behind Building 17. Then he climbed over the wall and came out, and beat him back to the Haobang Fitness Center. Dormitory so he could complete the murder and have a perfect alibi.”

"What a cunning wolf! But this is just a hypothesis. We don't have any evidence to prove him." Xiao Ke said.

"As long as he did it, there is a way to find evidence. For example, is he going to buy a rope? It's impossible to wear gloves to buy a rope, right? Where did his balloon come from? There must be surveillance video in Tianxiang Building, right? It’s impossible for him to fly in a balloon from the mountain to Tianxiang Tower, and then fly to the top of 17 buildings, right?” Jiang Yiming said with confidence.

"Yes, if Zhen Dawei wants to go to the rooftop of Tianxiang Tower, he must pass through the gate of Tianxiang Tower. The gate has 24-hour security and surveillance video. Zhou Ting and I will go check it out." Wu Jiang said.

"Xiao Ke and I went to find out the origin of the balloon and nylon rope." Lu Yingying said.

Jiang Yiming nodded with satisfaction: "I will arrange for the peripheral team to monitor Zhen Dawei and Zhu Xiaolin 24 hours a day to prevent them from absconding."

Xiaoke and Zhou Ting are the Sanda champion and runner-up of the Public Security College, and they are very confident in dealing with fitness athletes like Zhen Dawei, so Jiang Yiming sent them to arrest Zhen Dawei, and arranged for Lu Yingying and Wu Jiang to arrest Zhu Xiaolin.

Xiao Ke knocked on the door of Zhen Dawei's dormitory. When Zhen Dawei saw it was Xiao Ke, he said angrily: "Why is it you again?"

"Zhen Dawei, you are under arrest. This is the arrest warrant approved by the procuratorate. Stretch out your hands." Xiao Ke took out the handcuffs and prepared to cuff them on his wrists.

"Why are you arresting me?" he asked calmly, without any trace of panic.

"You are suspected of murdering Yang Zhengbiao." Xiao Ke cuffed his hands.

"Ridiculous! Where is the evidence?"

"The procuratorate will not issue an arrest warrant without evidence. Go to the criminal police team and we will naturally show you the evidence. Let's go." Xiao Ke gently pushed Zhen Dawei.

"I firmly believe you will send me back."

"It's true that I can't shed tears until I see the coffin!" Xiao Ke glanced at him with disdain.

Zhen Dawei pondered as he walked: What went wrong?How to face the impending disaster?

The police car drove to the criminal police team and Zhen Dawei got out of the car. At this time, Lu Yingying and Wu Jiang also captured Zhu Xiaolin.He saw that Zhu Xiaolin's face was as pale as a dead person, her body was shaking slightly, her messy hair covered half of her face, and her face was full of despair... Zhen Dawei knew that Zhu Xiaolin had collapsed, which was what he was most worried about... He My heart skipped a beat and my heart beat faster.

Zhu Xiaolin also saw Zhen Dawei, tears burst out of her eyes instantly, and the scene in front of her was blurry...

Zhen Dawei sat on the chair in the interrogation room, his body blocked by the wood, and his previous calm expression had been replaced by anxiety.

"Zhen Dawei, please tell us about the process of murdering Yang Zhengbiao, so that you can win leniency." Wu Jiang said.Sitting next to him were Lu Yingying and Luo Jin. Jiang Yiming, Xiao Ke, and Zhou Ting were watching their interrogation in the monitoring room.

"I didn't kill anyone. When he died, I was sleeping in the dormitory. I'm not Sun Wukong and I don't have the ability to clone myself." He replied with a stern look.

"We already have a variety of evidence of your murder. I advise you to confess. This is to give you an opportunity for leniency. Don't miss this opportunity."

"If you can, show me the evidence and make me convinced."

(End of this chapter)

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