Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 231 Not at the scene

Chapter 231 Not at the scene (4)
"A long time later, when he saw that I had decided to leave, he said to me: Let's have a farewell drink, shall we? His tone was sad and desolate, and I felt pity. After all, we have been in love for 6 years. To say that we have no feelings is meaningless. Fake. Just like his wife, I cook for him and drink with him. He fills up the wine every time, wants to toast with me, and then drinks it all in one gulp.

"I knew he wanted to drink to drown his sorrows, and I kept trying to persuade him not to drink, but he roared at me like a wounded beast. I even saw the killing intent in his eyes, so I stopped trying to persuade him... and then he got drunk. He tore my clothes apart and kept venting on me... Although I was very reluctant, I knew how painful he was in his heart, so I had no choice but to use my body to comfort him, treating it as a kind of farewell. The ceremony..." When Zhu Xiaolin said this, she started sobbing and couldn't go on, as if she had been raped by Yang Zhengbiao.

Xiao Ke understood that Zhu Xiaolin was acting, because when a man is so drunk that he loses control, he will not use a condom if he wants to possess his beloved woman. The only possibility is that Zhu Xiaolin wants Yang Zhengbiao to have sex non-stop after being drunk, and then die of exhaustion; or Let him be so drunk that he fell unconscious, so that her accomplices could take the opportunity to hang Yang Zhengbiao to the balcony and pretend to commit suicide.However, this is all speculation, and there is no evidence to prove why Zhu Xiaolin got Yang Zhengbiao drunk?Why keep having sex?
After Zhu Xiaolin stopped crying, Xiao Ke said, "What happened next?"

"Then I took my luggage and left. Mr. Yang was still asleep in bed."

"What time did you leave home?"

"About 12:30 in the morning."

"Where did you go after you left?"

"I went to the Imperial City Hotel, where I've been staying."

"Why can't anyone contact you? What are you hiding from?"

"At noon the next day, City Satellite TV reported the news that Mr. Yang had committed suicide. I was shocked and dumbfounded. I felt very guilty and blamed myself, so I threw my phone into the toilet and flushed it into the sewer. I no longer wanted to see anyone and wanted to reflect on it."

Could it be that Zhu Xiaolin has too much money to spend and will throw away a mobile phone worth more than 5000 yuan?The toilet sink is curved. Is it possible to flush the mobile phone into the sewer?

Xiaoke gave the transcript of Zhu Xiaolin's questioning to Jiang Yiming to read. After reading it, Jiang Yiming said to them: "There are obvious flaws in Zhu Xiaolin's statement. She could have prevented Yang Zhengbiao from getting drunk. Also, she said that her clothes were torn apart by Yang Zhengbiao. Yes, if this is the case, we will definitely find the missing buttons at the scene. Why didn’t we find the buttons? She feels that the death has no proof. In fact, the scene and the corpse can talk... However, she said these loopholes, which shows that she "Her criminal IQ is not high, and she has a perfect alibi, which can rule out the possibility that she hanged Yang Zhengbiao herself, but it cannot rule out that she hired a murderer to kill him."

"Yes, that's what we thought too. She didn't abscond, but hid in the hotel, which means there must be people and things here that she can't let go of." Xiao Ke said.

"Zhu Xiaolin came from the countryside of this province. If she didn't want to stay in the Yangtze River, then she would definitely go back to the countryside to visit her parents. It's very strange that she didn't go home."

"Yingying, go find out who Zhu Xiaolin has the closest contact with, and then go with Xiao Ke to investigate the suspects around her. I will send Zhou Ting and Lao Wu to monitor her 24 hours a day. If there are new clues, report them to me immediately. "

"Yes, Captain Jiang!" Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying answered in unison, looking at each other and smiling.

Lu Yingying spent two days carefully searching Zhu Xiaolin's phone, mobile phone, QQ, WeChat, email and other contact information, and screened out the 10 people who had the closest contact with Zhu Xiaolin, and then investigated them one by one with Xiao Ke. However, these 10 Everyone has an alibi.

what to do?Did Yang Zhengbiao really commit suicide?But intuition and facts told Lu Yingying that it was impossible, it was just that the murderer had done it airtight... Lu Yingying thought of Zhang Xueer again. She was Zhu Xiaolin's best friend, and she should know who Zhu Xiaolin had the closest relationship with besides Yang Zhengbiao.Lu Yingying picked up the landline and dialed Zhang Xueer's phone: "Hello, I'm Lu Yingying. Thank you for cooperating with us to find Zhu Xiaolin in time last time."

"You're welcome. This is the duty of every citizen."

"Are you free? We want to talk to you."

"Okay, I have time at noon. Come and wait for me in the teahouse downstairs of my company. I will be there on time at 1 o'clock."

"Okay, thank you!" After Lu Yingying hung up the phone, she told Xiao Ke the situation.After the two had lunch, they came to the teahouse designated by Zhang Xueer.This is a simply decorated teahouse located at the front left of the office lobby, called "Tianquan Tea House".The teahouse is not big, with only ten booths, suitable for 2 to 5 people to drink tea and chat. Lu Yingying chose to sit in the booth at the door, and Xiao Ke sat next to her, so that Zhang Xueer could take the seat opposite.

Zhang Xueer arrived on time. When she entered the door, she saw Lu Yingying smiling and waving to her.After Zhang Xueer sat down, she looked at Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying carefully, as if she had no intention of looking away.It is very impolite to look at people like this, especially a white-collar beauty like Zhang Xueer who knows this very well.

Lu Yingying felt strange: "Ms. Zhang, what are you looking at? Are there bird droppings on our faces?"

"No, I think you two are a perfect match. I'm stunned by your tacit understanding." She didn't smile, but looked envious.

Lu Yingying suddenly felt her cheeks feel hot, her heartbeat quickened, and she felt a little overwhelmed...

"Sorry, we are not lovers, we are colleagues, comrades-in-arms..."

"We are comrades who are friends in life and death, right? Otherwise, it would be impossible to have such a tacit understanding."

"Yes, as long as a gangster shoots at Yingying, I will take the bullet for her without hesitation!" "One comrade in life is enough!"

Xiao Ke wanted to say: I will not only take bullets for my comrades, but I will also take bullets for every citizen.But he didn't want to improve his image, so he didn't say anything and brought the topic to the point: "Miss Zhang, I still need your help."

"I am very willing to serve these two heroes." Zhang Xueer looked at the two of them with a smile, but her eyes were mainly on Xiao Ke's handsome face and the other half on Lu Yingying, creating the illusion that she was looking at Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying at the same time. Obviously , Zhang Xueer is very smart.

"We are not heroes...Does Zhu Xiaolin have a boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend? I've never heard of her. If she had a boyfriend, she would be the first to tell me."

"Has she ever told you who she has a crush on?"

"This...oh, I remembered that she once had tea with me here. While chatting, I advised her to leave Yang Zhengbiao as soon as possible, find a boyfriend, and live a normal married life. She said that she was not moved by it. Boy. I didn’t believe it. Finally, after my hard questioning, she confessed to me that she had a crush on Zhen Dawei, but she repeatedly emphasized that they were not in a relationship.”

"Zhen Dawei? Who is he? What is his profession?"

"I don't know her either. One day she asked me to accompany her to see Zhen Dawei. As you know, I was very busy and couldn't accompany her. However, she said that Zhen Dawei was a coach at Haobang Fitness Center and took great care of her. I even went to buy sanitary napkins for her. She was handsome, so she had a good impression on her. I don’t know how far they have developed since then... You know, I am the deputy chief designer of the company. In order not to To live up to the high salary paid to me by the company, I often work overtime and even accompany my boss to socialize until early in the morning before going home. Therefore, even though Zhu Xiaolin is my best friend, I rarely have time to chat with her..."

"Excuse me, where is the Haobang Fitness Center?" Lu Yingying saw Zhang Xueer's eyes looking at Xiao Ke, completely forgetting her existence, and even showed her high salary and high position, as if she was conveying something special to Xiao Ke intentionally or unintentionally. information, so Lu Yingying was a little unhappy and interrupted Zhang Xueer's words.

"With the name of the unit and the name of the coach, it should be easy for you to find him, right?" Zhang Xueer was a little unhappy that she interrupted.

Lu Yingying was choked by Zhang Xueer, and then she felt that she was not patient enough and had a bad personal emotion mixed in. From the perspective of professional ethics and quality, she should not make such a mistake, but she couldn't bear to see Zhang Xueer only being right. Xiao Ke spoke... Thinking of this, Lu Yingying was suddenly startled: Why do I care so much that Zhang Xueer only talks to Xiao Ke?Did she fall in love with him?
Xiao Ke felt a subtle smell of gunpowder between them, and quickly sifted tea for Lu Yingying and Zhang Xueer, then moved slightly away from Lu Yingying, gesturing for her to ask Zhang Xueer, but Zhang Xueer answered Lu Yingying in a vague manner, seemingly without sincerity. .

Xiao Ke was unwilling to fight and asked Zhang Xueer to go back to work first. After he paid the bill, he and Lu Yingying walked out of the teahouse.

"Where are we going now?" Lu Yingying asked.

"You check where the Haobang Fitness Center is, and we'll go find Zhen Dawei."

Lu Yingying quickly found the address of Haobang Fitness Center, which is located on the 18th floor of Jinniu Building on Huanshi Middle Road.

They came to Haobang Fitness Center and found Zhen Dawei in the gym.Zhen Dawei is tall and handsome, with a straight figure. Perhaps he is doing it for advertising. Although it is winter, he only wears a T-shirt. His chest and abdominal muscles are bulging in lumps and have sharp edges.He has a short beard and exudes a masculine beauty, which makes him the envy of many girls.

Xiao Ke asked: "Is your name Zhen Dawei?"

"Yes, who are you? What do you want from me?"

"We are from the city's criminal police team. We are looking for you to understand the situation. Please answer us truthfully. Do you know Zhu Xiaolin?"

"Of course I do, she is my girlfriend."

"When was the last time you saw her?"

Zhen Dawei thought for a while and said, "It should have been in the middle of last month."

"Can you tell me exactly which day it is?"

"Maybe the 15th, I'm not sure."

(End of this chapter)

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