Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 228 Not at the scene

Chapter 228 Not at the scene (1)
Lao Liangtou, who is nearly seventy years old, was a soldier when he was young. After retiring from the army, he worked as a worker in an arsenal, and then moved to a security company as a security guard. He was later promoted to the security manager of the Royal Hotel until his retirement.Due to my special occupation, I have developed the habit of getting up early to exercise. No matter it is windy or rainy, cold or hot, I must get up on time at 5 o'clock in the morning. After washing, I go to the banyan forest in Jinrong Community to exercise.

On the morning of January 2015, 1, there was heavy fog, the road was slippery, and rainwater dripped from the banyan leaves from time to time, because Typhoon "Sea Wolf" had just passed through the Yangtze River City last night, sweeping down the path full of broken branches and leaves.

At 05:30, when it was just dawn, Lao Liangtou came out of his home, walked up the tree-lined avenue, and went to the banyan forest to practice the "Flat Throwing Kung Fu". While practicing, he took a deep breath of the crisp air.He looked up at the buildings in front of him, and his eyes suddenly froze: There seemed to be a person hanging on the balcony on the 14th floor of Unit 7, Building 7!Because the daybreak was relatively late in winter, the sky was still hazy, and the fog was very thick. He was not sure that it was a person. Maybe it was a piece of the owner's clothes that had been cut off and hung by the balcony?
Lao Liangtou didn't think too much and continued to practice the "Flat Throwing Kung Fu", but his eyes kept looking at the suspicious thing. The residual power of the "Sea Wolf" was still there. At this time, a strong wind blew by, and the leaves made a "cough" sound. There was a "cough" sound, but the "clothes" on the balcony were not blown. Logically speaking, the wind on the 7th floor was stronger, and the "clothes" would definitely be blown by the wind.

Lao Liang suddenly became alert. He had been working as a security guard for many years and felt something was wrong. So he trotted to Unit 14 of Building 7, a hundred meters away. He stretched his neck to observe. He was shocked when he saw a man hanging by a rope from the balcony. …

His friend Fang Hui lived on the third floor of Unit 7. He rang the doorbell of the unit door and explained the situation to Fang Hui.Fang Hui opened the door and let him in. He ran to the third floor. Fang Hui was already waiting for him at the door of the third floor. So, Lao Liangtou and Fang Hui ran to 3 and knocked on the door. They knocked hard for 3 minutes, but nothing happened. Any response.It means there is no one in the house.But they dared not break in.

Lao Liangtou took out his mobile phone and dialed 110: "Hello, I want to call the police."

"What's your name? What's going on?"

"My name is Liang Xiaomin, and I am a resident of Jinrong Community. Someone hanged here. Please send someone to rescue him quickly."

"Hello, please don't be nervous. Please indicate the specific location."

"The door of Room 14, Unit 7, Building 704, Jinrong Community, is locked and we can't get in."

"Okay, we'll send the nearest police officer to you right away to check."

Ten minutes later, three police officers from the Jinrong Street Police Station in Jiangdong District arrived, followed by the property manager. The leading police officer was named Zhu Jun. He asked the manager to open the door with the key while asking Lao Liangtou to learn about the situation.

After the administrator opened the door, he wanted to rush in to check, but Zhu Jun stopped him. He asked everyone to stand outside and wait while he went in alone to check.Zhu Jun is very conscious of protecting the scene. If this is a murder case, if everyone goes in, the scene will be severely damaged, which will bring many difficulties to the criminal investigation work.

Zhu Jun walked into the living room and quickly came to the balcony. He saw a middle-aged man hanging under the outer wall of the balcony, with a rope tied to the air-conditioning bracket beside the balcony.He touched the middle-aged man's face and found that he was cold and might have been dead for several hours.

Zhu Jun called a policeman into the house, and the two of them worked together to pull the middle-aged man up and lay him flat on the balcony.There were faint body spots on the body of the deceased. A wallet was found in his pocket. The wallet contained more than 1000 yuan, two bank cards, and an ID card. The ID card showed that his name was Yang Zhengbiao, a native of this city, 45 years old, and lived in Jiangdong. No. 186, Zhong Road.

No. 186 Jiangdong Middle Road is located in the city center. It is a high-end residential area with many high-end hotels and commercial buildings nearby. Transportation and shopping are very convenient. The residents there are either rich or expensive.Jinrong Community was developed in the early 90s and looks relatively shabby. Why did Yang Zhengbiao die here?

Zhu Jun asked the administrator about Yang Zhengbiao's situation.The administrator said that the property rights of 704 belong to Yang Zhengbiao. Yang Zhengbiao bought this house from the original owner for 2008 yuan in September 9, but he does not live in it himself. He has rented it to a girl named Zhu Xiaolin for several years.

Zhu Jun felt strange, why was Zhu Xiaolin not in the room?How did Yang Zhengbiao enter Zhu Xiaolin's room and then hang himself on the balcony?
Zhu Jun came to Zhu Xiaolin's bedroom to check. The quilt and pillows on Zhu Xiaolin's bed were very messy, not like a single girl's bedroom.The cosmetics on the dressing table were taken away, and most of the clothes in the closet were also taken away. Who took them?Is it Zhu Xiaolin?

Zhu Jun felt that he should call the No. 1 Major Crime Team and ask them to investigate clearly.He took out his cell phone and dialed Jiang Yiming's cell phone. After hearing what Zhu Jun said, Jiang Yiming promised to take people to the site to investigate immediately.

Zhu Jun found the mobile phone number with the word "wife" on Yang Zhengbiao's mobile phone. After making the call, he asked: "Are you Yang Zhengbiao's wife?"

"Yes, I am. Who are you? What do you want from me?" The other party was a little nervous, as if he had met a kidnapper.

"Hello, I am Zhu Jun from the Jiangdong Public Security Bureau. Something happened to your husband Yang Zhengbiao."

"Are you going to ask me to send money to you next? You liar! You can't fool me with this outdated trick." "I'm serious. Your husband hanged himself in Room 14, Unit 7, Building 704, Jinrong Community. Don't believe it. I'll give you his ID number." Zhu Jun casually gave Yang Zhengbiao's ID number to her.

The other party was silent for a while, then choked up and said, "Okay, I'm traveling in Wuyi Mountain, and it may take five hours before I get home."

"We will take Yang Zhengbiao's body to the municipal bureau's forensic room for preservation. You can go there to identify the body." After Zhu Jun finished speaking, Jiang Yiming arrived with the No. 1 Crime Team.

Jiang Yiming asked Zhu Jun to explain the specific situation.So Zhu Jun explained clearly what happened from beginning to end.Jiang Yiming called Lao Liangtou again for questioning. After clarifying all the circumstances, Jiang Yiming asked them to go back first and they would handle the rest, and praised Zhu Jun for protecting the scene well.

The scene has been sealed off, and everyone started their investigation work. Jiang Yiming asked: "Luo Jin, how did Yang Zhengbiao die? When did he die?"

"There are a large number of bleeding spots on the eyelids of the deceased. It should be a mechanical suffocation death, that is, death by hanging. The body spots have already formed. The time of death should be between 2 and 3 o'clock this morning. Captain Jiang, look at his crotch. There is a small piece of wetness, which is a urine stain. This is also a typical sign of hanging." Luo Jin pointed to Yang Zhengbiao's crotch, then took off his pants, turned it over and looked at his anus and said, "There is a little stool in the anus. Overflow is also a sign of death by hanging.”

"Will he be killed and hung from the balcony?"

"Probably not. There are no poisonous spots on the body, and there are no external injuries, which means that the deceased had not fought with others before his death. The specific situation will not be known until the results of our autopsy."

Although Luo Jin judged that Yang Zhengbiao committed suicide, why did Zhu Xiaolin leave the building empty?How could Yang Zhengbiao die at Zhu Xiaolin's house?This is all doubtful.

After three hours of careful investigation, they called it a day and returned to the team.

Yang Zhengbiao's wife is named Lin Yafang. She is nearly [-] years old. Although she is a mature woman, she is still radiant and has a restrained and elegant temperament. She even cried softly after seeing Yang Zhengbiao's body. She was not like most widows who cried loudly or tore apart. Crying heartbreakingly.

After crying, she sat on the chair in the anatomy room, closed her eyes, and leaned her head back on the chair. She needed to calm down her sadness.She is a physician at the city's Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. She has seen many tragedies of life and death, and has sent countless souls away from the world, but she never thought that this would happen to her.

Lin Yafang didn't know why Yang Zhengbiao hanged himself?What's even more outrageous is hanging himself in a woman's rental house?Although there is not much passion between them as husband and wife, they still treat each other as guests and get along harmoniously.Their daughter is already in college and is well-behaved and obedient.Yang Zhengbiao is the manager of Jiangdong District Water Supply Company with an annual income of 10,000+.She also has an income of 10,000+, and her family is said to be happy.

Moreover, Yang Zhengbiao was an optimistic and harmonious person, so how could he commit suicide?Unless he encountered corruption problems, but she never knew that Yang Zhengbiao had a large deposit in the bank, and there were no antiques, calligraphy, paintings, jade, or gold at home, so corruption problems should not exist.At least in the eyes of her wife, Yang Zhengbiao was a good and clean official.

Therefore, Lin Yafang felt very strange.She stood up slowly, walked out of the forensic room with heavy steps, and walked towards Jiang Yiming's office.The forensic center is only 80 meters away from the Municipal Bureau office building, and Lin Yafang quickly arrived at Jiang Yiming's office.

Jiang Yiming saw Lin Yafang walking in with a face filled with pear blossoms and rain. He quickly got up, asked her to sit on the sofa, and poured a cup of hot water for her to drink: "Ms. Lin, please express your condolences. People can't come back if they leave and cry too much. Excessive grief will only Break down the body.”

Lin Yafang nodded and said, "Thank you, Captain Jiang! How did my husband die?"

"Based on the results of our on-site investigation and autopsy report, your husband committed suicide by hanging."

"Impossible! My husband has money, status, and is optimistic. We have a good relationship as husband and wife, and my daughter is very obedient. He is respected by his colleagues in the workplace. How could he commit suicide? And it makes no sense to go to someone else's house to commit suicide. "

"It is not someone else's home. It is a second-hand house that your husband bought from Zhang Xueqiang in September 2008. The transaction price was 9. The Jinrong Community Property Management Office has a copy of your husband's property ownership certificate. After our investigation, it was not a forgery. False evidence."

(End of this chapter)

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