Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 210 Death Mentor

Chapter 210 Death Mentor (2)
Corpse spots usually form two to three hours after death, gradually worsen, and are basically stable within 24 hours. If the body is turned over within 24 hours, the corpse spots will re-form at a new lower position, but after 36 hours By 48 hours, the deposited blood will have penetrated into the soft tissue. This period of time is called the infectivity period, and it will be fixed thereafter.

"This is more difficult and cannot be determined at the moment, but I suspect that the deceased died of sudden cardiac death. The only way to accurately determine the cause of death is through an autopsy."

"Why is it suspected of sudden cardiac death?"

"Look at the deceased's right hand grabbing his left breast. This is a typical sudden cardiac death action."

"It's the same as my guess. Also, the deceased's mobile phone fell into the bathtub and automatically shut down due to water seepage. Could it be that the deceased was stimulated while talking on the phone and died of a heart attack?"

"It is possible, and there is another possibility: the deceased dropped the mobile phone placed by the bathtub into the water when he was struggling."

Jiang Yiming walked out of the bathroom and took a breath, because even if he wore a thick mask, he couldn't stand the stench of corpses for a long time.

Jiang Yiming wanted to go to the balcony to take a breath of fresh air, because after the bathroom door was opened, the entire hall was filled with the smell of corpses. He was about to open the glass door leading to the balcony, but found that the door was bolted from the inside, so he did not open the door. , he wanted to keep the scene as it was.

He went to the bedroom, where the aluminum doors and windows were also bolted.He came to the guest room again, and the doors and windows of the guest room were also closed.

This is a complete secret room. If Wu Xiaowan committed suicide, then the murderer must have used a key to open the door and come in.

Hopefully this isn't a murder.

Jiang Yiming walked out of the living room door and found Li Wenzhi still standing outside the door. He felt strange: "Mr. Li, why haven't you left yet?"

"Captain Jiang, I used to be colleagues with Wu Jiang, and later I went into business, but I still regard myself as a policeman, so I want to stand guard for you. I'm afraid that nearby residents will disturb your work."

"Thank you. I want to see Wu Xiaowan's parents. Can you take me there?"


The two of them came to the property management office together, and Li Wenzhi brought Jiang Yiming to Uncle Wu and his wife.Jiang Yiming looked at the white-haired Uncle Wu and his wife, and he really couldn't bear to tell them about Wu Xiaowan's death.The greatest sadness in life is when a white-haired person gives a black-haired person a gift... However, they will have to face it sooner or later, and Jiang Yiming wants to tell them in the most tactful way.

"Uncle Wu, how many children do you have?"

"It's just Xiaowan. When we were young, family planning was in full swing... What's wrong?"

Jiang Yiming felt a pain in his heart and said, "I'm sorry, Wu Xiaowan has left..."

"Gone? Where to? My daughter will never leave us alone." Before Uncle Wu came to his senses, he thought Wu Xiaowan had eloped with someone.

" heaven..." As soon as Jiang Yiming said it, his eyes immediately became wet.

"No, no, no, I absolutely don't believe it!"

"Let's go, I'll take you two to see your daughter."

When they saw Wu Xiaowan lying in the bathtub, Uncle Wu's head started buzzing and he fainted, while his wife burst into tears.

Jiang Yiming didn't expect that Uncle Wu would be so sad that he fainted. He immediately dialed 120 and asked them to come and rescue him.

Luo Jin had seen this scene before. He took out a bottle of pethidine from the tool box, cut open the glass bottle, used a syringe to draw out the potion, and injected it intramuscularly into Uncle Wu.

After a while, Uncle Wu came to his senses.

Jiang Yiming ordered the body collector to wrap the body in a body bag and carry it away quickly.Uncle Wu struggled towards the corpse and was held tightly by Zhou Ting and Xiao Ke.

After three hours of investigation, the work was basically completed.After Jiang Yiming put Uncle Wu and his wife on the 120 bus, he called it a day and returned to the team.

Uncle Wu came to Jiang Yiming's office. As soon as he saw Jiang Yiming, he knelt down to him and cried: "My daughter must have been killed by someone. Captain Jiang, you must avenge my daughter..."

Jiang Yiming quickly helped him up from the ground, let him sit on the sofa and said, "Uncle Wu, we can understand your feelings of losing your beloved daughter. However, there is currently no evidence to prove that your daughter was murdered because your daughter was the only one in the bathroom. There are shoe prints from the slippers, and the bathtub is three meters away from the bathroom door. If he killed him, it would be unless he had wings, flew to your daughter and scared her to death, and then flew out again. Moreover, your daughter did not have any external injuries..."

"I have heard stories from ancient times that the murderer drove iron nails into a woman's head because the woman's hair covered the nails and could not be detected, causing the woman to die unjustly..."

"Uncle Wu, that was in ancient times. Nowadays, technology is very advanced. Even if a needle is inserted anywhere in the human body, it will definitely be detected. There is no chance. Our forensic doctor has conducted an autopsy on Wu Xiaowan. The autopsy results proved that she died of sudden cardiac death. From her The ingredients of sleeping pills and wine were found in her blood, but the amount of sleeping pills was small and not the cause of death, so your daughter’s death should be accidental.”

"Accidental death? This is impossible! I don't believe it!"

"It's possible. It's not that you don't believe it, it's that you don't want to believe it."

"Why did he die unexpectedly?" "The story should be like this: Your daughter probably died late at night the day before yesterday, that is, between 10 o'clock in the middle of the night on October 21 and 11 o'clock in the morning on the 22nd. She may have had insomnia and ate about 3 She took a tablet of alprazolam, then poured a large glass of wine and entered the bathroom to take a bath. She lay in the bathtub, tasting the wine while letting hot water flow from the air-energy water heater. Soon, she fell asleep. At this time, The temperature in the bathroom slowly rose to more than 5 degrees, and with the effect of wine, she drank at least 40 ml of wine. Then, she suffered a heart attack, struggled a few times in her sleep, and then died. If If someone was with her at the time, she wouldn't have died."

"Absurd! I also like to drink, take sleeping pills, and take hot baths at the same time. Why won't I die and my daughter will die?"

"Do you have a heart attack?"


"Does your daughter have one?"

"No! My daughter has been in good health since she was a child. It is impossible for her to have a heart disease!" Uncle Wu said loudly.

"Oh?" Jiang Yiming frowned and fell into deep thought: If Wu Xiaowan didn't have a heart disease, all the above speculations would be invalid. However, this was Luo Jin's analysis and guess.At that time, Jiang Yiming agreed with Luo Jin's statement, so he told Uncle Wu according to the script.Jiang Yiming felt that the person who tied the bell must be tied to untie the bell, so he asked Luo Jin to explain to Uncle Wu more convincingly.

Jiang Yiming called Luo Jin, who was working in the forensic autopsy room. He said he would see him in 5 minutes.

After a while, Luo Jin knocked on the door and came in. Jiang Yiming explained to Luo Jin what Uncle Wu had said.Luo Jin said: "Uncle Wu, I just performed pathological analysis and testing on Wu Xiaowan. Your daughter does have a serious heart disease, so the accident happened."

"What is pathological analysis?"

"It is through slicing Wu Xiaowan's heart and observing the morphology of tissue cells with a microscope. It is called pathology. It is called forensic histopathology. It is a method for forensic doctors to determine whether the deceased has organic diseases. This is very Scientific method of judgment.”

" daughter has never had a heart attack."

"Maybe she got it after she left you and started working. There are two types of heart disease: congenital and acquired."

“If it’s acquired, what could be causing it?”

"It's hard to say. High work pressure, unsatisfactory love life, long-term use of narcotics, etc. can cause heart disease. For example, overdose of sleeping pills and drug abuse will put a great burden on the heart, and over time, the heart will become fibrotic."

"Why have I never heard my daughter talk about taking sleeping pills?"

"Maybe she is a filial daughter and doesn't want to scare you so she hides it from you."

"But I always feel that my daughter was murdered. My feeling is very good... Captain Jiang... please help me..." He held Jiang Yiming's hand tightly, trembling all over.

"We can't open a case without evidence."

"My daughter is studying medicine. She worked as a head nurse at Changhong Hospital. She must know that she cannot take a hot bath after drinking alcohol and taking sleeping pills. Why did she act stupidly at that time?" Uncle Wu looked at Luo Jin and asked.

"We can't explain this. She must have given up under some pressure, right?" Luo Jin wanted to say that she committed suicide, but felt it was inappropriate, so he said it more tactfully.

Jiang Yiming thought for a while and felt that this matter was a bit strange. He promised Uncle Wu to do a preliminary investigation and inform him of the results in time.Uncle Wu was so moved that his face burst into tears, and then he reluctantly left. When he reached the door, he looked back at Jiang Yiming with praying eyes, and Jiang Yiming's heart was pulled.

Jiang Yiming called everyone to a meeting, and all six key members of the No. 1 Serious Case Team were present.

"Uncle Wu suspects that Wu Xiaowan died of murder. What do you think?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"No way? Murder? Wu Xiaowan's house is a secret room. Who has the ability to pass through the wall?" Xiao Ke said.

"Yes, we have tested the particles extracted from the keyhole. There are no new metal particles, so we can rule out that someone used a new key to open the door and commit a crime. There are no other people's shoe prints in the bathroom, how could it be a homicide?" Lu Yingying said.

Zhou Ting also agreed with Lu Yingying's opinion.

Jiang Yiming said: "I want you to ask if there is anything suspicious, not to ask you to give negative opinions... Yingying, you and Wu Xiaowan are both girls. If you live alone or stay in a hotel alone, the first thing you should do after entering the door is What's the matter?"

"Of course you just close the door."

"and then?"

"Then lock the door."

"By the way, why didn't Wu Xiaowan lock the hall door when she took a shower?"

"Yes, what if a man with a human face and a beast's heart opens the door and comes in?" Lu Yingying suddenly realized.

(End of this chapter)

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