Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 208 Alliance Showdown

Chapter 208 Alliance Showdown (20)
Guo Xiaoyue was stunned for a moment, knowing that she had been deceived, her eyes widened angrily: "Yes, I sold the apple to you, but it doesn't prove that I was the one who poisoned it! I suspect that you accepted a huge bribe, poisoned and murdered Lin Hua, and then framed the blame To me!"

"I knew you would bite me back. Maybe you didn't know, right? Every one of our police officers wears a law enforcement recorder when they go out to police. The law enforcement recorder integrates digital video, photography, and intercom functions, and can monitor the law enforcement process. Digital recording of dynamic and static on-site situations. It is convenient for supervisory agencies to supervise whether the public security officers are enforcing the law properly. The recorder image of that day shows: After you put three apples into a small plastic bag, you tied two cross knots at the mouth of the bag. Then he handed it to Zhou Ting. After Zhou Ting took your bag, he carried it with his right hand and kept his left hand in his trouser pocket. He didn't take out his left hand and knocked on the door of Lin Hua's house. After the door was opened by a colleague, he put it in Hand the bag to Lin Hua. The whole process lasted only 4 minutes and 51 seconds. He didn't open the bag at all, so how could he poison him?" Jiang Yiming motioned to Lu Yingying to play the video.

Lu Yingying started her laptop, entered the desktop, clicked on the video, started playing, and then turned the computer screen to Guo Xiaoyue.Guo Xiaoyue squinted and looked at the screen. Lu Yingying thought that Guo Xiaoyue might be a little short-sighted, so she held the computer in front of her and let her see it.

After watching for a while, Guo Xiaoyue closed her eyes.

Lu Yingying said: "Don't close your eyes, look at this again..."

Guo Xiaoyue opened her eyes and saw the whole process of her getting off Luo Liangcai's car at the Gaogang service area, then walking into the restaurant and leaving... She knew that it was useless to argue.

"Tell me."

"What's there to say? I fell into your hands today. I admit it and wait for the judge's decision. I don't want to say anything." Guo Xiaoyue said calmly, with an expression as if a burden had been lifted, and then leaned her head on the back of the chair. She closed her eyes again, and the past passed by her like smoke...

17 years ago (1997), Guo Xiaoyue was only 13 years old, and her sister Guo Xiaoshuang was 15 years old. She was in the first grade of junior high school, and her sister was in the third grade of junior high school. They both studied in No. [-] Middle School in Chihe Town on the outskirts of the city.Both sisters are beautiful, but have completely different personalities. The elder sister is introverted and timid; hers is bold and fun-loving.Maybe Guo Xiaoyue is the younger sister, and her parents prefer her and she becomes the apple of her father's eye.

One evening in the summer, after Guo Xiaoyue and Guo Xiaoshuang were out of school, Guo Xiaoshuang's classmate Yang Jun asked his sister to play. Guo Xiaoshuang did not want to go because he was afraid of being scolded by his parents.When Guo Xiaoyue heard that she could go to sing karaoke, she was very excited and begged her sister to take her with her, because their parents went back to her grandma's house that day. Guo Xiaoyue said she would not let her parents know, and her sister couldn't bear to let her down after her begging. , so he and Yang Jun took a taxi to the Great Wall Hotel for dinner.

Yang Jun is a bad student. His mother abandoned him and got married. His father has been running freight for many years and can't control him.He dared to do anything and became the boss in the class.Because he fought fiercely and bravely, Luo Liangcai took a fancy to him and accepted him as Ma Tsai.

During the meal, Yang Jun introduced the sisters to Luo Liangcai, Yang Xiaoming, Lin Hua, and Jin Daqiang. The sisters did not know that they were eating at the same table with a group of evil wolves. After all, they were students and had never heard of their names, so they did not know their names. Not timid, they were polite to the sisters during the meal, causing them to lose their vigilance.

After dinner, Jin Daqiang left for something, and they went to the Great Wall Entertainment City karaoke on the 8th floor. Guo Xiaoyue started to order songs as soon as she entered the box.She loves singing most and her dream is to grow up to be a singer.Every time she sang a song, someone came to toast her. She had a bold personality and was embarrassed to refuse the advice of her "big brothers", so she drank wine like boiling water.

Guo Xiaoshuang was drunk by them. Seeing that her sister was drunk, Guo Xiaoyue asked Yang Jun to send them home, but Yang Jun disappeared.She asked Luo Liangcai where Yang Jun went?Luo Liangcai said that he went downstairs to buy cigarettes for his elder brothers and would be back soon, and asked her to wait patiently.

But soon Guo Xiaoyue felt dizzy, nauseous and wanted to vomit, and then fell asleep on the sofa.

When Guo Xiaoyue woke up, she found herself lying naked on the hotel bed, with the white sheets stained with blood. She knew she had been raped or gang-raped by them, so she burst into tears.After crying for a while, she remembered her sister. When she saw it, she saw Guo Xiaoshuang also lying naked on the next bed, her white body lying sideways, her long hair hanging to the ground. There was no one in the room, only the air conditioner was humming softly. …

Guo Xiaoyue hurried over to wake up her sister, but when she touched Guo Xiaoshuang, his whole body was cold, his face was as pale as snow, there was a purple mark on his neck, and there was no heartbeat or breathing...

She screamed and opened the guest room door and ran out like crazy. The floor attendant heard the shrill scream and ran over to her and asked her what was going on?Guo Xiaoyue pointed to the room and said breathlessly: " sister...she...she was strangled to death..."

The waiter immediately turned on the intercom and called Manager Liu to go to the room to check, only to find that Guo Xiaoshuang had expired.Manager Liu knew that the situation was serious. After he learned that it was Jin Daqiang and others who had opened the room, he did not call the police, but called Jin Daqiang.

After Jin Daqiang learned about the situation, he immediately rushed to the Great Wall Hotel and gave Manager Liu and the waiter 1 yuan each. Then he called Guo Xiaoyue's parents and told them that they had something important to discuss.

Guo Xiaoyue's father, Guo Jin, and mother, Huang Ju, rushed to the hotel and saw their daughter lying dead on the bed. They cried heartbrokenly while holding their daughter's body... Guo Jin asked Guo Xiaoyue what happened.Guo Xiaoyue explained everything clearly.Guo Jin picked up his sister's body and went to the Public Security Bureau to ask for an explanation.However, two burly men stood at the door, holding two knives against Guo Jin's chest, preventing him from going out, otherwise they would kill him too!
Jin Daqiang is known as the golden tiger, with hands and eyes that are as big as the sky and is not easy to mess with. Guo Jin is frightened and dare not take a step forward.

Jin Daqiang patted Guo Jin on the shoulder and said: "Brother, if you have anything to say, please tell me. This was an accident. My little brother doesn't want to see such an ending. People can't come back after they leave. The only thing we can do is to lose money. I listen. Luo Liangcai and the others said that your daughter had sex with them for money. Maybe they drank too much and got a little stronger, which led to this result... Tell me, how much does it cost?"

Guo Xiaoyue's parents are both weak vegetable farmers, unable to fight against the powerful gangsters.In the end, Jin Daqiang paid them 5 yuan to save one life, but Luo Liangcai, Yang Xiaoming, and Lin Hua never came forward to say a word of apology from beginning to end.

Guo Xiaoyue did not agree with this treatment, but her parents did not agree with her filing a petition, otherwise they would not even be able to save the life of their only daughter!Guo Xiaoyue is very stubborn. It would be a waste of life for her not to avenge her!Seeing that she was as determined as iron, her parents knelt down to her, crying bitterly and begging not to avenge her sister, otherwise they would commit suicide by taking poison.

In the end, Guo Xiaoyue promised her parents not to file a lawsuit.

A few years later, her mother committed suicide due to depression caused by Guo Xiaoshuang's death. 15 years later, her father died of lung cancer at the age of 49.Before she died, her father repeatedly told her not to avenge her sister.

Guo Xiaoyue felt that the deaths of her sister, mother, and father were all caused by her greed for fun. If she did not avenge her, she would have trouble sleeping and eating, and her life would be in vain.

However, it is not an easy task for a weak woman to fight against a powerful gangster.So, she found Luo Liangcai's enemies Li Ren and Fang Hong. They hit it off and formed an alliance, vowing to send the three scumbags to hell.

So, they spent more than two years preparing. When they felt that the conditions were ripe, they started killing Luo Liangcai, followed by Yang Xiaoming and finally Lin Hua.

"One thing I don't understand is, why do Luo Liangcai, Yang Xiaoming, and Lin Hua know that you want to kill them?"

"We jointly sent them an email. We want to feel the fear of death before they die. When I think of my sister dying with fearful eyes, I think I must do this, just like the one who avenges his daughter in "The Wandering Blade" My father has the same peak."

"But why didn't Luo Liangcai, Yang Xiaoming, and Lin Hua call the police? I don't understand this." Jiang Yiming said.

"We issued a challenge. We said: Aren't you very powerful? If you have the ability, don't call the police. Let's see who has higher courage and IQ. They are gangsters in nature, and the first choice method of gangsters to solve problems is violence and murder. What's more, They will never accept being outdone. Of course, as long as one of them calls the police, their past misdeeds will be discovered by the police and put in jail. How can they be willing to obey us?"

"How do you know Lin Hua likes apples?"

"It's very simple. Lin Hua is a pervert. I seduced him. From the chat, I found out that he loves apples the most, especially red Fuji. Luo Liangcai is also a pervert. When I asked for a ride on the highway, he stopped and gave way as soon as he saw me. When I got on the bus, they had played with so many women that they couldn't even remember what I looked like when I was 13 years old. Of course, my appearance is very different from when I was 13 years old... Oh, I forgot to tell you, I am still a network technician. Expert, I can hack into ordinary people's computers at will. For more than two years, I have been spying on their chat records and emails in the background of their computers, and I know everything about them. This is the key to our successful revenge."

"Where did the poisonous dart frog toxin you used to murder Lin Hua come from?"

"I asked Chen Zhan to buy it at a high price from the Brazilian crew."

This serial murder case has been solved so far. The only regret is that the sniper hired by Lin Hua was not found. Therefore, the No. 1 Crime Team must continue to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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