Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 202 Alliance Showdown

Chapter 202 Alliance Showdown (14)
After ballistic testing, the sniper was located on the rooftop of the City Building 580 meters away and shot at Fang Hong. The City Building is 18 stories high and is a high-end office building with 115 companies and more than 1000 people working there. It is a mixed bag with poor management. A place where anyone can come and go freely.There is a serious shortage of security personnel. There are only 12 security guards in the entire building, which is completely insufficient according to the requirements.

The security manager said the door leading to the City Tower rooftop was locked.It is a very ordinary hidden lock. You can buy the key for one or two hundred yuan on Taobao and open the door easily.

Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke came to the rooftop of the city building to investigate the rooftop.This was the morning after Fang Hong was shot dead. It would be ideal to investigate the scene during the prime time of the crime. If the scene was not deliberately destroyed by the murderer, traces should be obtained.

Sure enough, they found a row of fresh shoe prints, which were size 42 Nike sneakers, and extracted two drops of sweat stains on the ground, which may have been left by snipers.Because the sun was very hot that morning, and the sniper was nervous and highly focused, he would sweat.

Jiang Yiming took Zhou Ting and Lu Yingying to check the surveillance video at the entrance and exit of the building, mainly to check the video of the elevator. Because the building only has two elevators and one freight elevator, they were each responsible for checking one elevator video.


Lu Yingying checked the No. 1 elevator. The video was played to 8:31:11 and she found a suspicious person.This man had long hair shawl, and was wearing large sunglasses and a mask. His face could hardly be seen clearly. It was obvious that he was deliberately covering it up so that the police could not recognize him.Wearing a black sports suit and carrying a violin case behind his back, he went directly from the first floor to the 18th floor and disappeared after getting off the elevator.

Jiang Yiming judged that his violin case contained a detachable sniper rifle because the 18th floor was the property management staff's office and conference room, and few people usually entered.

Jiang Yiming asked the security manager if he knew this person?He said he had never seen it before.Several security guards watching from the side also said they didn’t recognize him.

Lu Yingying said: "Captain Jiang, this man is about 1.80 meters tall. Let's check the people who took the elevator upstairs with him to see if anyone knows him."

Jiang Yiming nodded.Lu Yingying rewinds the video and freezes the scene after the elevator is closed on the first floor. The screen shows that there are 8 people in the elevator, 5 men and 3 women.The security guards recognized all 4 men and 3 women, except the man in sunglasses.

Jiang Yiming ordered the security guards to notify seven men and women they knew to come to the surveillance room to cooperate with the police. Five security guards left the control room and went to find them.

Four men and three women came to the monitoring room one after another.Jiang Yiming asked them if they knew the man in sunglasses.They all said they didn't know him.Jiang Yiming asked them to think about it before answering, but the result was still disappointing, so Jiang Yiming had to ask them to go back to work first.

After Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke finished investigating the rooftop, they came to the monitoring room and asked Jiang Yiming if there were any results.Jiang Yiming said he saw the suspect but could not find him.

When it was time to get off work at noon, Jiang Yiming ordered the team to close down and asked everyone to think carefully about how to find the sniper when they went to bed at night. They would share their thoughts and analyze them together at work tomorrow.Lu Yingying sighed and said: "Captain Jiang, I'm going to have insomnia again tonight, and there will definitely be an extra wrinkle at the corner of my eye. You have to compensate me for the loss of my youth..."

"Tch, are you afraid of getting wrinkles? I'm afraid too." Xiao Ke rolled her eyes at her, and she was about to hit him back when she saw him duck into the elevator and close the door, making Lu Yingying stomp her feet in anger.

In the afternoon, Jiang Yiming and the others went to the city building to check the entrance and exit surveillance video, trying to find out the time when the sniper left. However, they divided the work and watched it all afternoon, but they did not find the sniper leaving the city building. This was very puzzling.

Jiang Yiming thought that the only possibility was that the sniper did not take the elevator downstairs, but took the stairs from the 18th floor. Even so, he had to go out through the door, but the surveillance video did not see him going out.Jiang Yiming asked: "Manager Lin, besides the main door, is there any other exit?"

Manager Lin said: "No, the door is the only exit."

"How can a building only have one exit? This is completely unreasonable." Jiang Yiming felt strange.

"Originally there was a fire escape behind the lobby, but it was later converted into a cleaning dormitory, so the back door was blocked."

"Come on, take me to see it."

Manager Lin took Jiang Yiming to the cleaning staff's dormitory. The door of the dormitory was not closed. Manager Lin gently knocked on the wooden door and asked, "Is anyone there?"

"Here we come." The person arrived, and the door was opened by an aunt, and they walked in.On the left side of the dormitory, there is a row of one-piece wardrobes standing against the wall, about 4 meters long and 2.5 meters high.Manager Lin pointed to the closet and said, "The back door is behind the closet."

Jiang Yiming said: "Come on, let's try to see if we can move the wardrobe."

Manager Lin felt that Jiang Yiming was doing something in vain, but he couldn't refuse, so he walked up to Jiang Yiming, and the two of them grabbed the edge of the wardrobe with both hands and moved the wardrobe out with all their strength.The wardrobe was slowly moved away, revealing a double iron door, about 1.8 meters wide and 2.2 meters high, with a large padlock hanging on the door.

Jiang Yiming took out a magnifying glass from his pocket and looked at the lock carefully: the lock was covered with dust and there were no traces of it being touched.It seems that no one has opened this lock since it was turned into a dormitory for cleaning staff. It can be concluded that the sniper cannot escape through this door.

But how did the sniper escape from the building?Even if the sniper turns into a bird and flies out of the gate, the surveillance camera will still be able to capture it.Jiang Yiming came to the corridor on the second floor to observe.The corridor on the second floor is 40 meters long, with 10 rooms lined up on the left and right. There are windows and doors at both ends, but they are all sealed. No one can go out unless the glass wall is removed.Manager Lin said that the windows and doors of all public corridors in the building are sealed.

Jiang Yiming asked: "Do you mean that only the windows and doors in the room can be opened?"

"Yes, otherwise employees wouldn't be able to breathe fresh air. Our property management is more humane."

"You are so humane that you block the fire escape? What if a fire breaks out at the gate and spreads inside?" Jiang Yiming mocked Manager Lin.

Manager Lin smiled awkwardly and said, "I will suggest to the boss tomorrow to open the back door."

Jiang Yiming ignored him.He thought: If someone in the building cooperates with the sniper, and after the sniper kills the people, he stays in his comrade's company for one night and then leaves, then the video will not be able to capture him leaving... Just as he was thinking, Lu Yingying called him. When she went to monitor the situation, she noticed something fishy.

Jiang Yiming came to the monitoring room, and Lu Yingying pointed to the frozen picture and said: "Captain Jiang, look at the cleaner in the lobby. He is pushing a large trash can out. I suspect the suspect is hiding inside because the time is exactly in the morning. 10:11:02.”

Jiang Yiming asked: "Manager Lin, do you know that cleaner?"

"I don't know him. I'm sure he is not our cleaner. There are only two male cleaners in the building and I am very familiar with them. But the uniform he is wearing belongs to our company."

Lu Yingying clicked the play button with her mouse, and the video began to play - the male cleaner pushed the trash can out of the door, then turned left and slowly disappeared from the screen.

"Yingying, the suspect is 1.80 meters tall. Can he hide in the trash can?"

"Although the suspect is tall, he is relatively thin. As long as he squats down and covers the trash can, he can completely avoid the surveillance camera."

"Why didn't the suspect avoid letting us see him when he went upstairs? Why did he hide in the trash can and go downstairs when he left?"

"This...I don't understand. Maybe something went wrong...or something unexpected happened..."

Jiang Yiming and Lu Yingying came to the hut where the trash can was placed outside the building. They saw that the trash can was wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. It was 1.5 meters high, 45*45 cm wide at the bottom, and 65*65 cm in diameter, which could fully accommodate the suspect.One of them moved forward and the other backward, trying to find the monitor, but there was no monitor within 100 meters.

They were both a little disappointed.

Everyone tried every possible means to find clues and investigation directions, and visited and investigated non-stop for half a month, but to no avail.Lu Yingying took a screenshot of the sniper's portrait and prepared to upload it to the Internet, asking the public to help find clues.

Xiao Ke said that snipers are camouflaged because most snipers cannot have long hair. If the long hair is blown by the wind when shooting, it will block the sight and affect the accuracy.

Lu Yingying thought that Xiao Ke was right, the sniper must be wearing a wig, so she took off the sniper's wig and redrawn his portrait. After the drawing was completed, she printed two hundred investigation notices and sent them to various public security departments, but there was no one of the sniper. Without any trace, the case reached a deadlock.

The only good thing is that no more murders occurred in half a month.

"Why are we always led by suspects?" Jiang Yiming sat in the conference room, his eyes swept across everyone's faces, and then landed on Wu Jiang.

"Maybe we were too impatient, so we ignored a lot of things. I think the deaths of the four deceased are definitely related... Could it be like the cobalt 2009 case we detected in 60, where all the deceased died of suicide?" Wu Jiang said .

"How is that possible? Old Wu, don't forget that Fang Hong was shot dead by a sniper." Jiang Yiming said.

"Yes, it's impossible for Fang Hong to hire a sniper to kill him, right? If that's the case, it's ridiculous." Xiao Ke scratched his head and said.

(End of this chapter)

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