Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 181 Accidental Death

Chapter 181 Accidental Death (21)
In the past 24 hours, there were only three business cars and two cars entering Jingya Villa.The commercial vehicles were cadres and employees of the National Taxation Bureau, students from Nanshan Noble School, and cadres from the municipal government office, a total of 21 people. The cars belonged to Yang Long and Cai Zhong. These people all proved to each other that they were not at the crime scene.

There is a monitor on the door of every house in Jingya Villa. The murderer can only enter "Wang Wei" by avoiding the monitor. Therefore, it can be completely ruled out that the person who drove into the Villa was responsible.The murderer probably entered the villa on foot from somewhere else.Otherwise it would be impossible to avoid so many monitors.

Niujiao Mountain has an area of ​​nearly 3 square kilometers and an altitude of 165 meters. Most of the mountains are pine and fir trees, which are very dense. Where there are no trees, they are covered with reeds and weeds. It is extremely difficult for anyone to find it when entering.

The No. 3 Major Crime Team did not detect any suspicious vehicles or persons.

Bureau Fang is very anxious. It is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. There is no suspect, and it is useless even if the police are gods.Director Fang is most worried about the murderer killing again.

Xiao Ke lay in the hospital and sighed, saying that his fate was bad. He fell into the murderer's trick and lost the opportunity to compete with the murderer. He had never fought against a skilled murderer before coming to the crime team.

Wu Jiang lay quietly on the bed, letting his thoughts go deep. He recalled every detail of the scene, the shape of each drop of blood, the direction of the blood flow, the surrounding furnishings, the state of the footprints... Yes, the murderer's footprints seemed to be somewhere. Yes, where is it?He has seen thousands of footprints. How can he determine whose footprints belong to them among the many?He thought about it in reverse order, and suddenly, he remembered that the footprints were very similar to Ruan Zhifeng's. Wu Jiang went to the police academy to major in trace inspection, was particularly sensitive to footprints, and had a particularly good memory...

Encouraged by his sudden flash of inspiration, Wu Jiang sat up from the bed with difficulty, took a deep breath, went to get his cell phone, and then dialed: "Captain Jiang, I remembered that the footprints at the scene are very similar to Ruan Zhifeng's. "

"Really? How sure are you?" Jiang Yiming was very excited.

"At least [-]% sure!"

"Okay, great, Old Wu, I believe you. I'll ask Liu Biao to compare right away." Liu Biao is Wu Jiang's assistant. He just joined the crime team not long ago. He is a peripheral investigator, but he is also very good at comparing footprints. Good at it.

After comparison, it was proved that the footprints were those of Ruan Zhifeng. Jiang Yiming reported the situation to Director Fang. Director Fang was very excited and called Jia Yiren to report.

Jia Yiren ordered all TV stations, networks, and media to conduct special reports, continue to broadcast Ruan Zhifeng's photos on TV stations, and offered a reward of 20 yuan to anyone who provided valuable clues. As soon as the reward notice was announced, the whole city went crazy.

What happened at 7 pm on July 14 was 4 hours before the incident.

Jiang Yiming suspected that Ruan Zhifeng was still hiding in Niujiao Mountain because there was no road on the mountain. It would take him at least 2 hours to go down the mountain through the thorns, and 1 hour to leave the city no matter what tool he used. It would take a total of 3 hours. However, in the second half of the incident, At 200:[-] pm, all intersections in Niujiao Mountain were blocked by the police. Every [-] meters there were two armed policemen waiting on the road. It was almost impossible for Ruan Zhifeng to get down from the mountain and enter the road.The police acted so quickly with a plan.

Of course, it is very important for Jia Yiren to be in command. He is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and can mobilize armed police, special police, and riot police, because he is a life-and-death comrade of Yang Long and Liu Qingyun.

Jia Yiren accepted Jiang Yiming's suggestion and ordered a total of 1200 policemen from various police types to quickly surround Niujiao Mountain and begin searching the mountain.

Niujiao Mountain is neither big nor small, but 1200 people are insufficient to carry out a blanket search. After negotiation, Jia Yiren transferred another 1000 people from the garrison to cooperate with the police search.Just in case, Jia Yiren deployed 200 armed policemen to wait at the foot of Niujiao Mountain to form two encirclements, one dynamic and one static. In this way, Ruan Zhifeng was unable to fly.

Jia Yiren mobilized two helicopters from the Armed Police Force to cooperate with the police search. Niujiao Mountain was illuminated by searchlights and strong flashlights like daylight.Jia Yiren rushed to Niujiao Mountain to supervise the battle. They started searching from the foot of the mountain to the top. The two police dogs stopped at the Liren Reservoir. Could it be that Ruan Zhifeng escaped by diving?Impossible. The Liren Reservoir is only [-] square meters. There is no other way out except a steel pipe under the dam. It is impossible for people to flow out along the steel pipe because the process is nearly two kilometers. Even if a mouse is caught in it, They can also die from lack of oxygen.

Wujiang called Jiang Yiming and said: In the 60s, when Chairman Mao advocated "digging holes deeply and accumulating grain widely," citizens dug a deep hole in Niujiao Mountain. In the late 80s, the government built the Liren Reservoir for power generation. , therefore, the entrance of the cave was flooded. The entrance of the cave was under the big pine tree ten meters above the right side of the dam. You had to dive three or four meters into the water to find the entrance. The exit was in the southeast direction of Niujiao Mountain and was blocked by stones. It's hard to get out.

Jiang Yiming was a Sanda master and knew Ruan Zhifeng. He volunteered to challenge Jia Yiren. Jia Yiren agreed, but he had to be accompanied by someone.Jiang Yiming said there shouldn't be too many people because the probability of being attacked increases with more people, so he chose Qian Zhong, an armed police soldier, to go into the water with him.

Jia Yiren told Jiang Yiming: Once Ruan Zhifeng is found, he must be killed immediately and he must not be allowed a chance to escape.Jiang Yiming nodded, and Qian Zhong put on diving flashlights and pistols, and jumped into the water to find the entrance.After a while, Jiang Yiming found the entrance to the cave.The cave was damp and slippery, making it difficult to walk. Jiang Yiming saw Ruan Zhifeng's footprints on the ground. He became excited and cautiously walked towards the cave to find them.

Although Qian Zhong was a young man, he walked very slowly and occasionally fell to the ground, whether due to fear or other reasons. Jiang Yiming left him far behind. In fact, Jiang Yiming had other plans in mind.

Jiang Yiming walked around a corner and suddenly heard a voice: "Don't move, or I'll beat you to death!" Then a gun barrel was pressed against his temple...

Jiang Yiming was very calm: "Surrender, Xia Zhiqing, even if you beat me to death, you won't be able to escape."

The opponent was stunned, his hands trembling slightly. Jiang Yiming wanted to bet whether he could hide faster or Ruan Zhifeng's gun. People with advanced training would be able to dodge the opponent's gun [-]% of the time, because the shooter is passive and the person dodging the gun is active. .Jiang Yiming tilted his head and shot off Ruan Zhifeng's pistol like lightning. The pistol fell to the ground. The flashlight on his head fell and was smashed. Nothing could be seen in the hole. Jiang Yiming judged it from the sound of the pistol falling. direction, he touched the pistol, and sure enough he touched the pistol.

He picked up the pistol and prepared to shoot forward. He wanted to use the sparks from the bullet to see where Ruan Zhifeng was, but there was no bullet in the gun chamber. Jiang Yiming turned on the flashlight on his mobile phone and shined it in front of him. Ruan Zhifeng was no longer there, lying neatly on the ground. Five bullets...

Jiang Yiming woke up from a dream and was very moved. If he hadn't gone after Ruan Zhifeng, everyone would have died at the hands of Ruan Zhifeng. It turned out that Ruan Zhifeng unloaded the bullet when he saw it was Jiang Yiming... Oh my god, what kind of murderer is this? ?Jiang Yiming already understood Ruan Zhifeng's intention.

At this time Qian Zhong caught up, Jiang Yiming briefly explained the process, and they continued to pursue. After a while, they saw Ruan Zhifeng crawling out from the entrance of the cave. They quickly caught up with him, but Ruan Zhifeng had already left the entrance of the cave. .

As soon as Ruan Zhifeng came out of the cave, he was covered by dozens of bright flashlights. Jiang Yiming knew that Ruan Zhifeng was extremely dangerous. He ran and crawled out of the cave, waving his hands and shouted to everyone: "Don't shoot, don't shoot." He doesn't have a gun..." Before Jiang Yiming could say anything, he only heard a few gunshots, and Ruan Zhifeng fell instantly, blood sputtering out...

It's over, all the shady stories will be submerged with Ruan Zhifeng's death... Jiang Yiming knew who gave the order to shoot, and was very angry, but there was nothing he could do...

9. Puppet Mayor

Jiang Yiming was awarded the title of Level [-] Heroic Model because he seized Ruan Zhifeng's pistol with unyielding sacrifice during the hunt for Ruan Zhifeng, allowing the special police to kill the vicious gangster.He accepted Jia Yiren's award with a wry smile. He felt deeply ashamed, because this title of hero was given to him by the murderer, otherwise he would have been on Jiuquan Road long ago.But I dare not tell anyone about the title of pseudo-hero now. I can only clarify it to the citizens when the truth comes out.

What makes Jiang Yiming even more uneasy is that five of his comrades are still lying in hospital beds with an uncertain future, but he is standing on the podium enjoying his fame and accepting praise from the public...

(End of this chapter)

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