Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 170 Accidental Death

Chapter 170 Accidental Death (10)
Jiang Yiming was startled and subconsciously hid behind him: "Be serious, this is the criminal police team!"

Seeing that Jiang Yiming was angry, Qian Guanghua blew him a kiss and walked away. As he walked, he said, "Why are there cats in this world who don't steal fish?"

Luo Jin conducted an autopsy on Luo Zhong's body and found that his stomach contents did not contain any poisons or hallucinogens, but the amount of alcohol in 100 ml of blood was greater than 120 mg, which was considered severe drunkenness. Luo Zhong had reached the point where he could not see clearly. In a shaky state, it is normal to accidentally fall into the water by the river, and the possibility of being murdered is very small.

Luo Jin put the autopsy report on Jiang Yiming's desk. After reading it, Jiang Yiming felt that there was no problem and there was no possibility of homicide.Of course, unless Lao Wu pushed him into the river, but Lao Wu was Luo Zhong's right-hand man and a lame disabled person. Without Luo Zhong's care, it would be difficult for him to live a life.

Zhou Ting turned out to be a police officer in Caihong Community. Jiang Yiming asked him to find out Luo Zhong's background. Jiang Yiming put down the autopsy report in his hand and called to ask where Zhou Ting was.When are you coming back?Jiang Yiming wanted to ask Zhou Ting to return to the team as soon as possible without wasting his efforts, because the autopsy report had already explained everything.

After Zhou Ting returned to the team, he went directly to Jiang Yiming's office and reported the situation to him.It turned out that Luo Zhong had been living on loan sharks for many years. He lent money to gamblers at a monthly interest rate of 5% to 10% and made profits from it. He also opened an underground casino in partnership with others and extracted profits from it. Because he had strong funds, he followed Adhering to the principle of not putting all eggs in one basket, I can earn about 300 million every year.

Lao Wu is responsible for guarding the door and keeping cash for Luo Zhong. Once the police come to arrest gamblers, he can quickly notify the gamblers outside the casino to escape. He also drives away himself. Because Lao Wu is smart and calm in his work, he has never been caught by the police. Because of this, he won Luo Zhong's trust.Of course, Luo Zhong did not treat him badly. In addition to his monthly salary of 5000 yuan, he also often gave him tips. His annual income was more than [-] yuan.

Jiang Yiming felt a little relieved after listening to Zhou Ting's report.

3. Search for evidence

On the fourth day, someone knocked on the door of Jiang Yiming's office, and a woman in her late forties came in. She wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on her snow-white face and looked polite. After she came in, she took the initiative to shake hands with Jiang Yiming: "Hello, Captain Jiang, my name is Liang Yanli, my name sounds vulgar, right? But my parents gave me the name, and there’s nothing I can do about it.”

Jiang Yiming had a premonition that Liang Yanli was also here to cause trouble for him, but he still greeted him with a smile: "Ms. Liang, please sit down... What do you want to see me for?"

Liang Yanli sat down opposite Jiang Yiming and was not in a hurry to speak. She seemed to be brewing her emotions. After a while, her eyes turned red, but she tried her best to suppress her sadness. Jiang Yiming heard her throat swallowing saliva and then raised his head. Said: "I came back to Luo Zhong for my husband. My husband's death is questionable."

"Oh, Qian Guanghua also came to my office a few days ago and told me the same thing..."

"That little goblin is simply an idiot. Apart from learning how to be charming and please men, she knows nothing else. She must have suspected that I murdered my husband. Why didn't she think about it: I was just living a good life, but why? Do you want to stay in prison for the rest of your life?" Liang Yanli was very disdainful.

"Ms. Liang, your suspicions are baseless. After an autopsy, it was found that there were no poisons, hallucinogens, or illnesses in Luo Zhong's body. There was only an excessive amount of alcohol. We determined that he accidentally fell into the river while drunk."

"I know this, but I suspect that Lao Wu pushed my husband into the river. My husband once told me after he was drunk: Lao Wu is a hidden snake that may rush out to bite him at any time, because every time Lao Wu When Wu was drunk, he looked at my husband very strangely." Liang Yanli is the director of the kindergarten and has her own world. She has never participated in Luo Zhong's business, so she doesn't understand Lao Wu's personality and background.

"In that case, why did Luo Zhong use him? And let Lao Wu send him home? This shows that Luo Zhong trusts Lao Wu very much. Your suspicion is just a shadow of a doubt." "Because he has been with my husband for the longest time, and my husband is loyal. He believes that as long as he is good to Lao Wu, Lao Wu will change his heart... I solemnly apply to the crime squad to investigate my husband's case."

"Ms. Liang, let's do this. Because you don't have the conditions to file a case, it's difficult for us to file a case without reason. But you can hire a private detective to look for evidence. If you have any doubts, please contact me at any time. We will handle it as appropriate. Remember: once found If there is a danger signal, call us for help immediately and we will arrive as soon as possible." Jiang Yiming handed the business card to Liang Yanli, and Liang Yanli took it, with a look of sadness and disappointment on her face, and walked away with heavy steps.

Liang Yanli hired Wang Qi to investigate the case of Luo Zhong falling into the water. Wang Qi has a great reputation. He is modest and low-key, but he is serious and meticulous in his work and has careful logical reasoning. He has solved many strange cases and has a good relationship with the police. He knew that Liang Yanli had negotiated with Jiang Yiming. Wang Qi knew Jiang Yiming, but did not have a close relationship. They were like two mountains looking up to each other and rarely crossed paths. After Wang Qi formally accepted Liang Yanli's employment, he called Jiang Yiming and asked him Explained his actions.Jiang Yiming politely congratulated Wang Qineng on his achievements.

Wang Qi came to the place where Luo Zhong fell into the water and used a ruler to measure the height of the river bank and the width of the river. Luo Zhong fell from the two-meter-wide embankment. The embankment was flat. Although it rained heavily that evening, , after entering late at night, the rainwater on the river embankment should have been blown dry by the wind. It is impossible to slip into the river if you are awake.

20 meters above and to the right of the falling water is the Rainbow Bridge. The bridge is only five meters wide. It is not the street in front of the community gate, but the sidewalk at the side door. There are very few people coming and going late at night, and the possibility of being witnessed is very small.Assuming that it was Lao Wu who pushed Luo Zhong into the water, then Lao Wu would definitely check to see if there was anyone around him before pushing him. If there was someone, he would never take action. He would have plenty of opportunities.

There was a large banyan tree surrounded by four people on the left rear of the place where it fell into the water. The shade was as thick as a canopy and the trunk was as thick as a bucket. Wang Qi observed the branches of the tree, hoping to find the monitor, but he was disappointed.Except for the big banyan tree, it is surrounded by a green grassland with various flowers and trees planted around it. There are no buildings within a hundred meters, only two rows of lampposts standing along the street. There are no monitors on the lampposts. There is also no monitor. If there is a monitor a hundred meters away, even if the picture is taken, it will be extremely blurry and have no reference value.

Wang Qixiang: This is really an excellent environment for killing!If a drunk man is pushed into the river here, even the gods will not be able to find evidence.If it was Lao Wu who did it, he was too smart. No wonder the famous No. 1 Crime Team also believed that Luo Zhong fell into the water accidentally.

How can we find the evidence?The only possibility is that there were witnesses or someone secretly photographed it.Of course, these two possibilities are extremely low. Wang Qi is not a police officer. There is only a male assistant and a female clerk in the office. There is no police force to invest in visiting the people, and they do not have the power.

Wang Qi felt that he should first investigate Lao Wu's social background and find out his motive for killing.Five days later, Wang Qi investigated Lao Wu's background through his underworld friends.

Lao Wu is 26 years old. He has been begging on the street for a living since he was a child. He doesn’t know who his parents are?Where is your hometown?At that time, Luo Zhong was a personal trafficker, searching for young children from all over the country, and then taking them to the provincial capital or surrounding rural areas for sale.This happened in the early 90s. Each boy was sold for 3000 yuan and each girl was sold for 2000 yuan. Luo Zhong knew that human trafficking was like walking a tightrope. He didn't know when he would fall into the abyss and be shattered to pieces. After accumulating a certain amount of funds, he washed his hands and changed his career. If you are caught doing loan sharking, the money will die at most, but the person will not die.

No one was willing to buy Lao Wu because he had been lame since he was a child. Luo Zhong ordered him to beg on the streets. All the money he got from begging belonged to Luo Zhong. Luo Zhong was only responsible for his food and accommodation, because Lao Wu had been begging on the streets for many years and worked with all kinds of people. After dealing with more people, his mind became flexible. After he was 13 years old, Luo Zhong asked him to be the begging captain and manage a group of disabled children begging. Luo Zhong admired Lao Wu's management ability and in addition to giving him a monthly salary , and also bought him a watch and clothes, which Lao Wu was naturally grateful for.

When Lao Wu was 16 years old, Luo Zhong took him to various underground casinos and developed his skills. He knew how to observe colors and knew which gambler was rational, smart, and which gambler was impulsive and stupid. Before Luo Zhongjie lends money to gamblers, he usually asks Lao Wu for his opinion. Lao Wu analyzes the character of each gambler in detail and lends money to smart gamblers. This method has been tried and tested, so it is very popular. Luo Chong's love.

However, Lao Wu is very likely to be dissatisfied with Luo Chong, because Luo Zhong made him lose his parents, and he was often beaten severely by Luo Chong when he was a child. Although on the surface Lao Wu is very respectful to Luo Chong, the shadow left by his childhood is extremely Hard to erase.Based on this, Lao Wu has the motive to kill!
Wang Qi knows that it is difficult to find evidence of Lao Wu's murder. Unless he cooperates with the No. 1 Crime Team, it is almost impossible with his ability. However, he is worried that the motive of Lao Wu's murder is not enough at present. He must find If more doubts arise, then we can only follow Lao Wu secretly, and there may be unexpected gains.

Wang Qi is a veteran who served as an armed policeman in the army. He has developed good martial arts and is also good at tracking. His photochromic glasses are particularly wide and have a miniature telescope installed on the frame. He asked a friend to buy them from Germany.

(End of this chapter)

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