Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 136 The mystery of falling from a building

Chapter 136 The mystery of falling from a building (19)
After everyone sat down on the sofa, Fang Caifa made tea for them, then sat down, holding his hands together tightly and rubbing them constantly, as if it hurt. That was a sign of uneasiness. Why was he so uneasy?Could he be the murderer?No, this is a highly intelligent murderer, and it is absolutely impossible for him to act like this.

"Uncle Fang, don't be nervous. We are here to ask you something about your adopted son Fang Zhengyi. You must tell us the truth. If you deliberately conceal the facts, we will hold you accountable." Wu Jiang said.

Fang Caifa nodded, a hint of gloom drifting through his slightly dull eyes, then he avoided Wu Jiang's gaze, lowered his head, and stared blankly somewhere on the ground.

"Is Fang Zhengyi at home?"

" He has lived on Jitou Mountain for many years and raised chickens."

"Will you go home tonight?"

"He usually doesn't go home because he's afraid that the chickens will be stolen or that lynxes will come and steal the chickens."

"Can you please tell me about Fang Zhengyi's situation?"

Fang Caifa nodded again, thought for a while and said, "Well, since my adopted son's parents left, I sympathized with him. Although his father and I are not brothers, I raised him as my biological son. After I picked him up, I gave him He went to the middle school in the town to study. His academic performance was very good. But after entering junior high school, he didn't focus on his studies. I don't blame him. His parents died at such a young age. Not everyone can bear it. , after graduating from the third grade of junior high school, he stopped studying and went home to help me work. After working for two years, he matured and said he wanted to see the outside world. I felt that I could not let him deal with the dirt all his life. Let him I went to Guangzhou to work in a garment factory. I sent money home every year, but I didn’t dare to spend it. I saved the money for him to use when he married his wife. Later, for some reason, he quit and said he wanted to travel around the country. , he was working part-time while running around in various cities. When he was 25 years old, he said he wanted to go home and raise chickens, saying that nowhere was as good as his hometown. I took out the money he saved and gave it to him as capital for raising chickens. Because he knew the techniques of raising chickens, chickens almost never died of illness. He never fed the chickens. He always ate home-grown rice and raised them in the mountains. They were authentic native chickens and were deeply loved by people in the city. The annual income is 10,000+, and I have only raised chickens for more than three years before I built a new house. Look, this house was built by my adopted son. Without him, I would still be living in a mud house. My adopted son treats me more lovingly than my biological father... ..." Fang Caifa's eyes were wet.

"Did Fang Zhengyi tell you that he wanted to avenge his parents?"

Fang Caifa trembled all over, raised his head in shock, and said loudly: "No...he never said that after so many years, he no longer holds grudges..."

Wu Jiang could tell that he was lying. His expression was very subtle, as if he was afraid of losing Fang Zhengyi. The old man in the country was careless and simple. No matter how he concealed it, he couldn't be as invisible as the city people. color.Fang Zhengyi must have said something about avenging his parents in front of him.

Wu Jiang did not want to torture Fang Caifa, so he had to confront Fang Zhengyi head-on to know whether he was suspected.

"Uncle Fang, would you please take me to meet Fang Zhengyi?"

"Why do you want to see him? He is in the deep mountains and forests. He has to walk for an hour..."

"Even if we walk ten hours, we still have to see him! If you don't take us there, the Palace Party Secretary will take us there."

Fang Caifa could only nod helplessly.Wu Jiang was afraid that Fang Caifa would regret it, so he invited him to the village committee canteen to have lunch together, and then went up the mountain together.

There is only a two-meter-wide dirt road leading to Jitou Mountain. In order to reduce time, Gong Party Secretary borrowed three motorcycles and the five of them drove up the mountain together.

Half an hour later, they came to a valley. On the roadside entering the valley, there was a wooden house built with wooden planks. A young man was sitting at the door eating. The palace party secretary said that he was Fang Zhengyi.

Fang Zhengyi was a little surprised when he saw them, but he was very calm and calm. Wu Jiang saw that Fang Zhengyi had a weathered look on his face, with shallow wrinkles on his forehead. His temperament was stoic, restrained, and calm, unlike a 28-year-old man.

Wu Jiang thought: To deal with this kind of people, we must use surprise to win. Using the trick of knocking the mountain to shake the tiger may be effective. Wu Jiang asked: "Fang Zhengyi, do you know whether Tian Jing is alive or dead?"

"I am an outsider, so how can I know the common things in the world?" He seemed like an eminent monk.

"Where were you around 6pm on June 21st?"

"Let me think about it... Oh, I seem to have gone to Xiyan City that day, right?" "I heard that you rarely leave the chicken farm. Why did you go to the city that day?" Wu Jiang was slightly excited.

"Fuqi Restaurant buys thousands of chickens from me every year, and I collect the money. We have agreed to settle the accounts in the first quarter."

"Where will you stay that night?"

"Staying at the Hilltop Hotel."

"Tell me about your activities that night."

"I went to the market in the afternoon and after collecting the debt from the restaurant, I checked into the Peak Hotel at six o'clock in the evening. Then I had dinner in the restaurant on the first floor of the hotel. After the meal, I went back to the room to watch TV. I went to bed around ten o'clock and slept until I woke up the next morning. After breakfast, I checked out of the room, took the shuttle bus back to Lishan, and then changed buses back to Yuanyuan Village." Fang Zhengyi said calmly.

"We will confirm what you said. Before it is confirmed, you cannot leave Source Village so that you can cooperate with our investigation."

"Okay, I will definitely cooperate with your work."

Back in the city, the crime team came to the Peak Hotel and found out that Fang Zhengyi stayed in room 1808 that night. From the video, it was seen that after Fang Zhengyi entered the room at 19 o'clock, he never came out again until he checked out the next morning. house.The Peak Hotel is a four-star hotel with a total of 26 floors. It is impossible for Fang Zhengyi to escape from the surveillance video on the 18th floor. It is also impossible to fall to the ground from the window of 18th floor with the help of a rope, because the window of room 1808 is under the It's the parking lot. Each shift has four security guards on duty 24 hours a day. No one was seen sliding down the wall from the parking lot monitor.

Fang Zhengyi's suspicion was eliminated.

Who is the murderer?Tian Jingsheng has offended too many people, and trying to find the real culprit is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

6. A sudden inspiration

The crime team worked in Xiyan City for nearly two months. It was divided into three teams and invested nearly 156 police personnel to investigate 512 suspects who had conflicts with Tian Jingsheng. A total of [-] transcripts were made, with nearly one million words. , stacked nearly half a meter high, but Tian Jingsheng’s murder case has not yet seen any light...

That night, Jiang Yiming was watching the news, saying that French wingsuit pilot Jack successfully passed through Tianmen Cave in Zhangjiajie.Jiang Yiming had a flash of idea. Will this killer fly into Tian Jingsheng's office in a wing suit, knock Tian Jingsheng out while Tian Jingsheng is still in shock, and then throw him out of the window, causing Tian Jingsheng's death?

Jiang Yiming turned off the TV, turned on the computer, and searched for information about wingsuit flight on the Internet. The data showed that the wingsuit flight suit developed based on the principle of bat flight and gliding is made of nylon fabric with extremely strong toughness and tension, especially Large, strong, freely retractable, bat-like wings are sewn between the legs, arms and torso of the flying sportswear.

When a flying athlete is gliding in the air, he spreads the flying wings between his arms and legs to form an airflow stress surface.During flight, the updraft in the air holds up the pair of "wings" of the flying athlete. The flying athlete can control the body to glide slowly in the air by adjusting the arms and legs, and at the same time adjust the course.Under ideal conditions, the flying athlete will eventually reach a forward speed of about 160 km/h and a falling speed of 50 km/h, that is, for every meter dropped, he will advance three meters...

If Fang Zhengyi was a wingsuit pilot, then it was entirely possible for him to fly down in a wingsuit from the window of Room 1808 of the Peak Hotel, break into Tian Jingsheng's office, and commit murder!The Summit Hotel is located on the top of Pingshan Mountain, so it is called the Summit Hotel. The financial building where Tian Jingsheng is located is located on the bank of the Nanjiang River. It is located very low, with a gap of at least 300 meters from the Summit Hotel. The natural conditions are sufficient for wingsuit flying...

Jiang Yiming was slightly moved by this idea, but this is just a guess and has not been confirmed. Tianmen Cave is very wide and very dangerous to fly over. The window of Tian Jingsheng's office is at least 50 times smaller than Tianmen Cave, even if Fang Zhengyi flies in a wing suit. Athlete, is it possible for him to fly into Tian Jingsheng's office with such accuracy?
In order to verify, Jiang Yiming and Xiao Ke returned to the provincial capital and found the director of the Provincial Sports Management Center to learn about issues related to wingsuit flying.After hearing Jiang Yiming's situation, the director said: Logically speaking, it is impossible for wingsuit flying athletes to fly so accurately. Of course, I don't know the specifics of wingsuit flying. There are only two athletes in the province who learn to fly wingsuits. This is It is an extremely dangerous mobilization with a mortality rate as high as 30%. People without courage and courage will not engage in this sport.

The director called one of the athletes and asked if he was at home and asked him to come to the sports management center. The flying athlete named Ye Qiang agreed to come to the management center immediately.

After a while, Ye Qiang came. After understanding what Jiang Yiming said, he kept shaking his head and said that as far as he knew, no wingsuit athlete could fly into the window of the building so accurately, let alone in dim lights. night.Not even Jeb Corliss could do that, unless of course it was an accidental collision.

Jiang Yiming and Xiao Ke were a little discouraged. Just when they saw a glimmer of light on the horizon, it was instantly covered by dark clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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