Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 1287 Never Compromise

Chapter 1287 Never Compromise (7)
"Well, it would be ideal if the suspect could be found from the surveillance video." Wu Jiang said while motioning for Xiao Ke to go with him.They went to Ouyang Xiong's Luyin Community to check the surveillance video, while Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting went to Shi Fang's Huasheng Community to investigate.

After Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting arrived at Huasheng Community, they found the manager of the property management company and asked him to take them to check the surveillance video.The manager took the two to the control room and introduced them to the security captain Che Shucheng.Jiang Yiming asked Che Shucheng if he knew Shi Fang?He said that he would know Shi Fang, but there was no intersection.

Jiang Yiming asked him to bring up the surveillance video of the lobby of Building 14 where Shi Fang lived and let them check it. He told him that no one else could know about this, otherwise he would be held legally responsible.Che Shucheng nodded repeatedly, indicating that he would remain tight-lipped.

They soon discovered Shi Fang on the surveillance video in the lobby. He walked from the lobby to the elevator, got on the elevator, got off the elevator, and walked toward home.This surveillance video was only 8 minutes long. Zhou Ting copied the surveillance video to his mobile phone and sent it to Wu Jiang using WeChat to ask him to see if Shi Fang was a suspect.

Five minutes later, Wu Jiang sent a message to Zhou Ting's WeChat: Shi Fang's gait was 5% similar to that of a sniper. It could be confirmed that Shi Fang was the murderer. He and Xiao Ke would come immediately.

Jiang Yiming sent Shi Fang's mobile phone number obtained from the property manager to Lu Yingying and asked her to locate Shi Fang's mobile phone immediately.After a while, Lu Yingying sent the location to Jiang Yiming's mobile phone. The mobile phone was at Shi Fang's home, which meant that Shi Fang was at home.

At this time, Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke had arrived at Huasheng Community, and everyone discussed how to arrest Shi Fang.Xiao Ke thought it was best to ask the property manager to call Shi Fang, trick him into opening the door and come out, then swarm him, knock him down, put him in handcuffs, and escort him back to the criminal police team.Jiang Yiming agreed to Xiaoke's plan.

So Jiang Yiming called the property manager again and explained how he deceived Shi Fang.The property manager agreed to do as Jiang Yiming said.He also said that Shi Fang was familiar with him and would occasionally go to his office for tea, so he would definitely trust him.

The property manager called Shi Fang in his office and asked him to come to his office for tea. A friend who was in the mahogany business was in his office and he wanted to introduce his friend to Shi Fang.Not knowing what was going on, Shi Fang quickly opened the door. When he walked out of the house and turned around to close the door, Xiao Ke and Zhou Ting rushed to his back and pushed him to the ground. They each twisted one of his arms. Jiang Yiming handcuffed Shi Fang's hand.

The whole process only took five seconds. Shi Fang did not resist. When he was pulled up from the ground by Zhou Ting and Xiao Ke, he said calmly: "I know there will be such a day. My only regret is that I didn't kill him." Yan Tai is a bitch!"

They escorted Shi Fang to the interrogation room of the criminal police team and fixed him on the interrogation chair.He was as calm and even leisurely as if he were sitting on the sofa at home. He didn't take murder seriously at all. This kind of murderer has a very strong psychology, but he would definitely confess his crime.

Luo Jin extracted Shi Fang's saliva and used it to make DNA. If it matches the DNA of Wu Jiang's sweat on the rock at the sniper point, it can be determined that the murderer is Shi Fang.Jiang Yiming took Wu Jiang, Xiao Ke and Zhou Ting to search Shi Fang's home.

After Shi Fang's father, Fang Hongtu, saw the search warrant in Jiang Yiming's hand, he could only let them in.Xiao Ke quickly found the accessories of the sniper rifle in the secret compartment of Shi Fang's wardrobe. The sniper rifle was disassembled into a stock, a gun body, a barrel, a scope, and a magazine.Nine rounds of bullets were also found from the secret compartment.

Wu Jiang brought all three pairs of sneakers worn by Shi Fang back to the team and carefully observed the wear and tear on the soles. One pair of gray Nike sneakers were exactly the same as the footprints extracted from the sniper spot, which proved that Shi Fang wore this pair to snipe. Click to ambush Yu Shiliu's tire.

Xiao Ke installed all the parts of the sniper rifle and took it to the shooting range inside the city bureau to shoot. Then he picked up the bullet, took it back, and observed it with a microscope. It turned out that the bullet marks and the marks on Yu Shiliu's tires were found. The bullet marks are exactly the same.

It took Luo Jin two hours to make Shi Fang's DNA and compare it with the sweat DNA extracted from the sniper spot. The result was as high as 99.99% similar. The sniper rifle, bullet marks, DNA, footprints, and gait were all... A chain of evidence has been formed, and even if Shi makes zero confession, he can definitely be sentenced.

Jiang Yiming, Wu Jiang and Lu Yingying interrogated Shi Fang. Jiang Yiming put the evidence on the table one by one for him to review. Shi Fang took one look at it and said, "Captain Jiang, although I thought you would find me one day, there is absolutely no way I didn't expect you to be so quick. I want to know where my flaw is? Or, how did you identify me as the murderer?"

"I found you quickly. Even I didn't expect that it was our technician Wen Xiaorou who screened you out among the 410 people who were assigned red codes. Among these 410 people, only you have the ability to hire murderers. The other one is named Ouyang Xiong's people are also our suspects. However, through the surveillance video, we analyzed your gait, so we identified you as the murderer because your footprints were left in the sniper point in Huqiu Mountain. However, there is one thing I don't understand. , you have never been a soldier, how can you use a sniper rifle?" Jiang Yiming asked. "I was in the mahogany business in Vietnam and Myanmar, and learned sniper skills from a Burmese sniper for three years, because I really yearned for military life. However, when I was young, I couldn't join the army because I had hepatitis. It was a lifelong regret for me. So, I spent 50 yuan to hire a sniper to teach me sniping skills."

"It turns out that your sniping skills are not yet mature, so you have to snipe Yu Shiliu's tires from a distance as short as 120 meters. Tell me why you want to kill Yu Shiliu?"

"It's a long story, but I like to keep it short. I'm doing business in Myanmar and I need 1000 million yuan to buy a batch of high-quality mahogany. However, my deposit was frozen. It was said that there was a technical problem and I needed to I had to go back to my country and go through the procedures before I could unfreeze it. So, I contacted the account manager of Cuncheng Bank and returned from Myanmar. Unexpectedly, when I arrived at the airport in Kunming, my health code turned into a red code.

"This shocked me. I took the nucleic acid test in Myanmar 10 hours ago and it was fine. I didn't come into contact with anyone during this period. How could the health code turn red? Therefore, I was stranded in the airport hotel and could not come back. I'm as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

"Originally, this matter should not be so urgent. The most fatal thing is: my mother has advanced liver cancer. She is only 55 years old this year. In order to allow me to do business in Myanmar with peace of mind, my mother concealed the illness from me. However, when I was about to return to China, Two days ago, my sister called me and told me that my mother might not be alive for a few days, and asked me to go back to China to see my mother for the last time. In my heart, my mother is more important than my life. Because I grew up in a single-parent family. of.

"So, I quickly bought a flight ticket to return to China. Unexpectedly, when I was quarantined in the Kunming Airport Hotel, my mother passed away at 8 pm on August 11. Even seeing her for the last time became a luxury, and it became an eternal pain in my heart. Because I My 8 yuan deposit could not be transferred, my business failed, and the supply of goods was taken away by others, resulting in a loss of at least 1000 million yuan.

"After I got home, I found out that my red code was deliberately done by You Shiliu and Yan Tai. Of course, I don't know why they did this to me? And after the Dong Chuang incident, these two dog officials were just arrested by the municipal party committee It was just a verbal warning. I was aggrieved and vowed to kill them. Unfortunately, I only killed You Shiliu, while Yan Tai was still at large." He said lightly, as if telling someone else's story.

"Where did your Type 85 imitation sniper rifle come from?"

"That was the sniper rifle I used during training in Myanmar. I bought it from a sniper at a high price. I disassembled the sniper rifle into six parts and asked villagers on the border of Yunnan and Myanmar to bring them back to the country in six parts. Then it was sent to this city by express, because it was mixed with other metal products, so no one noticed anything strange."

"Aren't you looking down on human life?" Jiang Yiming didn't expect that Shi Fang would kill someone because of this.

"You Shiliu deserves to die! I am not only venting my anger for myself, but also for the 410 citizens who were given red codes for no reason. Can officials do whatever they want without being punished? What power do they have to deprive 410 citizens of their freedom?' Life is precious, but love is even more expensive. If you want freedom, you can throw away both. 'There must be someone who stands up for justice, right? I would rather be such a person!"

They ended the interrogation of Shi Fang. This case is thought-provoking: the municipal party committee’s treatment of You Shiliu and Yan Tai was indeed too light.How can it be possible for those in power like You Shiliu and Yan Tai who have committed such a huge mistake to continue to be the commander-in-chief of epidemic prevention?Jiang Yiming suddenly remembered Chairman Mao's famous saying: "Where there is oppression, there is resistance."

"Captain Jiang, congratulations on arresting the sniper so quickly." Wen Xiaorou quietly appeared in Jiang Yiming's office at some unknown time and looked at him with a smile on her face.

"The rapid detection of this case is mainly due to you. Without your super analytical ability, we don't know when we would be able to solve the case." Jiang Yiming gave her a thumbs up.

"Do you still remember the promise you made?" She blinked playfully. She didn't regard Jiang Yiming as a leader at all, and she also forgot that she was a policeman. She was more like Jiang Yiming's girl next door.

(End of this chapter)

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