Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 1275: Car Crash

Chapter 1275: Car Crash (4)
Jiang Yiming wanted to tell Lu Mingli that Nan Nan might have died of murder, but on second thought he felt it was inappropriate. After all, it was just his own speculation and there was no evidence to prove that Nan Nan died of murder.Jiang Yiming promised Lu Mingli to send someone to investigate the identity of the Mercedes-Benz driver and told her to go home and wait patiently.And told her to rest assured that they would definitely find out the truth.

Lu Mingli felt a little more relaxed now. When a person is in grief, it is the most vulnerable time. She was greatly comforted by the promise of the criminal police captain of the city bureau.She also believed in Jiang Yiming's character and would never take things lightly.

Jiang Yiming called Luo Jin to the office and explained Nan Nan's situation to him.Ask him if there is any way to find out the identity of the deceased?
Luo Jin said: "There should be no problem, it's just the length of time. Many clues can be found through autopsy, such as what diseases the deceased had, what he ate, what nutrients he had, whether there were any fractures, and even dental implants, etc. It can analyze the deceased's age, occupation, and the area where he grew up. If the DNA can be compared in the database, that would be the fastest thing."

"The deceased did not have anything that could not be burned, such as a watch, a mobile phone, a ring, and a belt. What kind of profession do you think he was?"

"If the deceased didn't deliberately want us to know his identity and hid all the metal objects, then he must be a person at the bottom of society. Such as unemployed people, vagrants, etc." Luo Jin thought for a moment and said.

"If the deceased deliberately hid these metal objects, then this is very likely to be a murder case. I will go with you to find Captain Hu Xin of the Jiangbei District Traffic Police Brigade to find out the situation. We will also go to the funeral home to have a look. Get rid of the body."

"Okay, I'm going to change my clothes." Because Luo Jin was wearing a white coat, he had to change into his police uniform.

Jiang Yiming and Luo went in to find Hu Xin.Hu Xin explained the situation to them in detail and gave Jiang Yiming the on-site investigation record. After Jiang Yiming read it, Hu Xin played the surveillance video of the accident to him. This surveillance video was obtained by Hu Xin from the traffic surveillance system. Copied from the system and saved in the computer.

After watching the surveillance video, Jiang Yiming asked: "The driver of the Mercedes-Benz can't see clearly. Can the surveillance video be made clearer?"

"Captain Jiang, this is a surveillance video that has been processed by our technicians. It can't be any clearer. It's just that the fog was too heavy that day and the Mercedes-Benz was too fast. It was impossible to see the driver's movements clearly, let alone his movements. The appearance.”

"It seems that the Mercedes-Benz went straight to the BMW. Why do you think this is the case?"

"The driver of the Mercedes-Benz was probably drunk and took the wrong road, so he drove in the wrong direction. This kind of thing happens often. Almost once every half month."

"Take us to see the body of the Mercedes-Benz driver." Jiang Yiming said.

"Okay." Hu Xin stood up, put on a white police hat and walked out of the office. He went to the Jiangbei District Funeral Home with Jiang Yiming and Luo Jin. The employee who was looking after the body opened the freezer, pulled the body out, then unzipped the body bag and let They watch.

Luo Jin put on gloves and pressed the chest of the corpse with his hands. After a closer look, he found that the corpse was not like a burned corpse: there were red muscles in the cracks. He felt strange, so he asked the employee to get a handful of duckbills. The instrument comes.

Luo Jin inserted the duckbill into the deceased's mouth, opened the upper and lower jaws, then took out his mobile phone, turned on the flashlight on it to illuminate the mouth, and found that the deceased's throat was relatively clean, with almost no smoke and dust. Luo Jin was very surprised: This means that the deceased's throat was relatively clean, with almost no smoke and dust. He died before the Mercedes burned.

Luo Jin also watched the surveillance video of the incident just now. The two cars burst into flames in less than 1 second after they collided.According to common sense: it is impossible for a person to die immediately at the moment of a car crash. He is only temporarily comatose. However, after being comatose, he will still be breathing, and if he breathes, he will inhale smoke and dust.

The process from coma to complete death takes 4 to 10 minutes.Therefore, the absence of smoke in the deceased's throat indicates that he was dead before the collision.But how can a dead person drive?Luo Jin was puzzled.

"Captain Jiang, the driver of the Mercedes-Benz may have died before the collision. If we want to determine the time and cause of his death, an autopsy is necessary. Nan Nan's death is most likely a murder." Luo Jin frowned and said to Jiang Yiming .

"Forensic doctor Luo, you said that the driver of the Mercedes-Benz may have died and collided with Nan Nan? How is this possible? I have been a traffic policeman for 20 years and I have never seen such a thing." Hu Xin was very shocked.

"I have been a forensic doctor for 15 years and have rich experience. I think there is a high probability that the deceased died before the car crash." Luo Jin said to Hu Xin with a smile. Then he reached out to press the deceased's parietal bone, and he actually heard the parietal bone. It made a small sound and was dented, indicating that the deceased's parietal bone was fractured. "Captain Hu, where was the driver of the Mercedes-Benz when he died? Did he fly out of the car?"

"No, he was sandwiched between the steering wheel and the driver's seat. The steering wheel was deformed. Later, the firefighters straightened the steering wheel and then pulled his body out and put it on the roadside."

"If that's the case, I can further confirm that the deceased was killed by hitting his parietal bone with a blunt instrument before the car accident. When he and Nan Nan collided, they were caught by the steering wheel clamp and air bag, even though the Mercedes-Benz rolled over several times. , His parietal bone cannot be fractured, Team Jiang must bring the body back to the team for autopsy."

"It seems that my premonition has come true. This is indeed a murder case... Captain Hu, please give us all the on-site investigation records. Also, this matter must be kept secret. You only need to know about it." Jiang Yiming said to Hu Xin.

"Okay, I'll send the file to your office. If you need our help, please call us anytime. I promise not to reveal this secret to the second person." Hu Xin said seriously.He couldn't understand: Why did the corpse drive?Of course, he doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, he only believes in forensic medicine.

Luo Jin asked the body collector to come to Jiangbei District Funeral Home to take back the body of the Mercedes-Benz driver and prepare for the autopsy.Jiang Yiming asked Hu Xin to take good care of the Mercedes-Benz and BMW. They might need to conduct a thorough inspection of the two vehicles.Of course Hu Xin said there was no problem and promised not to let anyone touch the two cars.

Luo Jin's autopsy report came out the next day. After Jiang Yiming read the autopsy report, he called everyone for a meeting.

Jiang Yiming said: "I called everyone here today. There is a case for everyone to analyze. Of course, because before the autopsy results came out, we were not sure it was a murder, so now we can confirm it is a murder. I simply Let’s talk about the case. A traffic accident occurred on Xinshi South Road at 9:1:01 on September 20. A retrograde Mercedes-Benz and a BMW collided head-on, and the two cars caught fire within 20 seconds.

"The BMW owner's name is Nan Nan. He is the president of the Rural Bank branch in Jiangbei District. He was driving from south to north, wanting to visit his mother who had a fever in Xinmin Town. As a result, he had a car accident on the road next to the Rainbow Garment Factory. Nan Nan My wife Lu Mingli confirmed that the deceased was Nan Nan, but the driver of the Mercedes-Benz could not be identified, so we had to conduct an autopsy on the body. Luo Jin, please tell us about the autopsy."

"I conducted an autopsy on the body and found that the driver of the Mercedes-Benz died between 8 and 31 a.m. on August 1. The cause of death was a parietal bone fracture..."

"Wait a minute, Luo Jin, didn't Captain Jiang say that the driver of the Mercedes-Benz collided with Nan Nan's BMW? How can a dead man drive? Did you get the date wrong?" Xiao Ke asked impatiently.

"I'm not mistaken. The driver of the Mercedes-Benz died about 24 hours before the collision. He was hit with a blunt instrument and died of fractures. He was then tied to the driver's seat of the Mercedes-Benz at 9 a.m. on September 1. , because he was wearing a mask and lowered his visor, coupled with the thick fog and rain, the surveillance video could not clearly see his face and movements. However, when Captain Jiang and I went to the funeral home to see the body, we discovered his There was no smoke inhalation in the throat, so an autopsy was performed.”

"The murderer must have invaded the Mercedes-Benz, then tied the body to the driver's seat, controlled the car and crashed into Nan Nan's car, causing Nan Nan's car to be destroyed and killed everyone. He wanted to confuse the traffic police into thinking it was a traffic accident because of the two corpses They were all burnt to black charcoal, and the traffic police couldn't find out, and they wouldn't investigate. What a cunning murderer, who killed two people in a row." Lu Yingying said.

"Yingying, are you able to find the murderer who invaded the Mercedes-Benz?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"Technically speaking, a hacker will leave electronic fingerprints, but if his IP address is encrypted or logged in in a waveform, or if he uses a public LAN, it will be difficult to detect the murderer. Of course, this is a good rule. Clues, Xiaorou and I can use all means to find the hacker."

"Luo Jin, can you find out the identity of the driver of the Mercedes-Benz?"

"When I was dissecting the corpse, I shaved the corpse's hair and found that there was a thick layer of dirt on the scalp of the deceased. I estimated that he had not bathed for at least 20 days, and he had stayed in a place that was often contaminated by dust for a long time. Such thick dirt will be formed, and the deceased was severely malnourished, extremely lacking in vitamins b12, b2, calcium, iron, fatty acids and other elements, indicating that the deceased rarely ate meat, so I think the deceased was a homeless man. Only homeless people don’t have belts, but most men wear belts,” Luo Jin said with a heavy heart.

"Has there been any pathological analysis on the driver of the Mercedes-Benz? This homeless man may be a mental patient."

(End of this chapter)

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