Chapter 1244 (3)
"There is a large three-door refrigerator in the living room of Building 202. There is a variety of food in it, such as beer, red wine, mineral water, bread, etc. Who is going to replenish the food that has been used up?"

"Ji'an, an employee of our purchasing department, went to replenish it. Is there any problem?" You Feng asked respectfully. Although he has left the police force, he admires the criminal police of the city bureau, especially the elites of the 1st Major Crime Team. It's a pity that life can't be repeated, otherwise, he would never hurt someone while drunk.

"Call him here. We have something to ask him." Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting were sitting on the sofa in You Feng's spacious office. There was a tall banyan tree outside the window. There were countless cicadas chirping on the tree, and the leaves covered the Half of the windows and doors were closed, and the air conditioner was turned on, making the room even cooler.

"Okay, I'll call him right away." You Feng stood up and took out his cell phone to make a call. Five seconds later, he hung up the phone and said, "Ji'an will be here. You guys can talk. I'll stay out of the way first." After speaking, he waved to them and walked out of the office.

Five minutes later, a medium-to-thin young man walked in. He was wearing work clothes. He walked to the sofa a little uneasily, looked at them and said, "Are the two police officers looking for me?"

"Yes, we want to know the situation from you. Don't worry, just tell the truth. Please sit down and talk." Jiang Yiming looked at him and said. His face was slightly darker, but his features were straight and his eyes were bright and energetic.

"Okay." He sat down carefully.

"I heard from You Feng that you are responsible for replenishing the food in all the refrigerators at Changfeng Resort. Please tell me, do you have any wine in the refrigerators?"

"Yes, under normal circumstances I will put two bottles of red wine in each refrigerator. If the red wine is consumed by customers, I will add more." His voice is clear and magnetic.

“What brand of red wine do you usually put in?”

"We sell Argentinian Malbec red wine. The purchase price of this wine is 198 yuan, and we sell it for 298 yuan. Of course, there are customers who do not drink this brand of red wine. We will provide customers with several brands of red wine, both domestic and imported. of."

“Is there any Bordeaux-produced Clamiron Double Doll dry red in the refrigerator in House 202?”

"I have never let go of this kind of wine. The purchase price of this red wine is more than 900 yuan, and it costs at least 1500 yuan here. Very few customers will drink such high-end red wine."

"But we found two empty bottles of Clamiron Double Doll Dry Red at the crime scene. What do you think is the reason?" Jiang Yiming felt strange. If Ji'an didn't put it, who would have put it?Although only two fingerprints of Li Ziya and the suspect were extracted from the wine bottle, Ji'an could wear gloves and put the red wine in the refrigerator. Therefore, he is the most suspicious because only he, the cleaning staff and the waiter have the room. Card, it is also called an electronic key.

"I'm not sure about this... I think Li Ziya brought it in herself."

"This is unlikely." Jiang Yiming thought: If it was Li Ziya who brought it in, there is no way sleeping pills were mixed into the red wine. Xiao Ke had already checked the cork of the wine bottle and found that there were very fine needle holes. The liquid sleeping pills were injected with a syringe. Into the wine. "I need to take your DNA sample and fingerprints."

"Whatever." He replied calmly.

Zhou Ting stood up, took out the fingerprint collector from his bag, and asked him to put all ten fingers on the sensing area. His fingerprints were quickly extracted, and then he took out a cotton swab to extract his saliva.

Jiang Yiming asked: "Where were you in the early morning of July 7th? What were you doing?"

"I must be sleeping. My sleeping time is very regular. It doesn't go to bed later than 11 o'clock every night. I have to get up at 7 o'clock in the morning."

"Anyone prove it?"

"Yes, our resort has staff dormitories. Each dormitory accommodates four people. We live in room 504 on the top floor of the reception center. You can go and investigate."

"Okay, let's talk about this today. You can go back to work." Jiang Yiming saw that Ji'an's height was about 173 centimeters, which did not fit the characteristics of a criminal suspect.

Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting walked out of You Feng's office. Zhou Ting said: "I drank Clamiron Double Doll Dry Red. It was individually packaged in a carton. In order to prevent the bottle from breaking during transportation, it was also wrapped with a layer of outer packaging. Thin anti-shock foam, but we did not extract these two things at the scene. I think it is unlikely that Li Ziya or the suspect brought his own red wine to drink."

"Oh, that's what you think? Is it possible that the murderer took away the packaging box and shock-proof foam after killing Li Ziya?"

"It is possible. It is a pity that the murderer did not enter Building 202 with Li Ziya, otherwise, the registrar and lobby manager would have been able to see the murderer."

"I think the murderer waited for Li Ziya to enter the room, then knocked on the door of House 202 before entering. The murderer must be Li Ziya's friend or boyfriend. Otherwise, it was late at night, and it would be impossible for Li Ziya to let a stranger into the house. Yes, because there is an anti-theft chain in the door.”

"There is another regret. Although the door lock of House 202 is an electronic lock, it is not smart and cannot record the time and number of opening and closing. We have to rely on interviewing witnesses to know the identity of the murderer." "It's okay. This is what we eat. Let's first ask the security guards and waiters on duty that day." Jiang Yiming said as he walked towards the security room on the first floor.

There were two security guards on duty on the night of July 7, one named Yi Li and the other named Shi Shi. However, Yi Li was lying in the duty room sleeping that day. He had a slight fever, felt tired and sleepy, so he passed by. Shi Shi agreed and fell asleep on the sofa.

Shi Shi is a man in his fifties. He is short, but strong and responsible. He regards the resort as his home because he is Li Du's distant cousin. Unfortunately, he is uneducated. Otherwise, He can run the entire resort.

"Brother Shi, can you tell me about the situation on duty at that time?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"Well, I don't know what to say?" He smiled awkwardly, the wrinkles on his face were as deep as pine bark, he looked weathered, and his voice was rough.

"Okay, let me ask you...when did you start working that day, and when did you get off work?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"Yi Li and I were on duty from 1 p.m. to 12 p.m., a total of 12 hours. Our main job was to patrol the entire resort to see if there was anything suspicious, such as whether the street lights were broken and whether the fish in the fish pond were dead. … Anyway, I do whatever I see, but most of the time I sit at the door.”

"Did you find anyone suspicious or anything that night?" Jiang Yiming knew that the murderer would definitely avoid the security guards and enter Li Ziya's room, but questioning was still necessary.

"Nothing was found, everything is normal. Because all the buildings are open, I can't take care of the head while patrolling by myself," he said apologetically.

Jiang Yiming thought about it and felt that there was nothing to ask, so he ended the inquiry and went to the front desk to ask the accommodation registrar Gu Yiran.

She said that Li Ziya checked in at 7:19 on the evening of July 21 and booked 30 rooms for a total of 202 yuan a night.Li Ziya has stayed at Changfeng Resort before, so she knows Li Ziya, but she is not very familiar with it.

"When Li Ziya came to check in, did she bring anything? For example, a box or a bag."

"I saw that she was only carrying a small Louis Vuitton satchel, and she didn't carry anything with her hands. Moreover, she said she was only staying for one night, so she didn't need to bring too many things."

"Has she told you or hinted to you that she lives with more than one person? Usually a house with three bedrooms and one living room for a girl is too spacious."

"No, after she checked in, she turned around and left. We will not ask if anyone else lives with her."

"Did she look worried or happy?"

“Neither but calm and calm.”

Jiang Yiming ended the inquiry and then went to ask Ji'an's roommates. They all said that Ji'an was sleeping in the dormitory at the time of the incident. One of them, Gu Qu, said that he and his girlfriend in Beishi chatted on WeChat until the early morning. He didn't fall asleep until two o'clock, but Ji'an had been sleeping quietly in bed.

After lunch, Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting continued to visit the employees of Changfeng Resort and asked 32 people, especially those working the night shift. They all said that no suspicious people were found.They didn't drive back to the team until it was almost dark.

At work the next day, Luo Jin came to Jiang Yiming's office to report the situation to him. He said: "Team Jiang, the saliva DNA extracted from the wine glass at the crime scene was made. I got the DNA database to compare, and there was no match. "

"This shows that the suspect has no criminal record." Jiang Yiming said with a slight frown.

"But there is a surprise. I used Y-STR detection technology to detect that a man named Mingli was the suspect's cousin. Mingli once slightly injured the other party in a fight and was detained by the Hongqi Police Station in Jiangbei District. After 15 days, his DNA data remains in the database." Luo Jin said with a smile.

Y-DNA chromosome testing is also called Y-STR testing technology, which is a type of DNA testing.

The male chromosome is XY, and the Y chromosome is passed down unidirectionally between male father and son and the paternal line.All male individuals from the same paternal line, including brothers, fathers and sons, uncles and nephews, cousins ​​and grandparents, all have homologous Y chromosomes.Therefore, as long as the surname does not change, unless there are changes brought about by marriage or other non-marital circumstances, the Y chromosomes of all men in the family will not change.Families can be directly located in the Y-STR DNA database.The police relied on this method to arrest Gao Chengyong, the devil who raped and murdered 11 women and children.

"Great, have you found Mingli's address?" Jiang Yiming was a little excited.

(End of this chapter)

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