Chapter 1237
Desi Qi walked into Zhenxiang's bedroom, took out a small electric fan from the box, and blew it against the wall near the bathroom, simulating the blowing mode of the air conditioner at that time. The wall was covered with dark green mold spots, and it blew over 10 Minutes later, he took out the mold detector and placed it on the bedside to start testing.

After operating the detector for 10 minutes, he concluded: "The content of mold spores in the air is very small and not enough to cause Yang Mu to have an acute pneumonia attack, even if Yang Mu has a history of pneumonia."

"How many times more mold spores than at the scene must be inhaled to cause Yang Mu to become ill?" Luo Jin asked.

"It would take at least 10 times more mold spores to be inhaled than at the scene to cause Yang Mu to develop the disease." Diao Qi answered firmly.

"That's strange. What caused Yang Mu to become sick and die after inhaling a large number of mold spores?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"I don't know about this. This kind of case rarely happens, about one in a million." Diao Qi said with a frown. He had never encountered such a patient in reality, and only learned about it from textbooks. .

Jiang Yiming and Luo Jin sent Zhuo Qi back and then returned to the team. At this time, Luo Jin was driving. He asked doubtfully: "Captain Jiang, if this is a murder case, the murderer's IQ is as high as the ceiling."

"If Yang Mu committed suicide, how did the murderer make Yang Mu inhale a large amount of mold spores?"

"Could Yang Mu inhale a large amount of mold spores in another place, and then inhale a small amount of mold spores in the really fragrant bedroom, thus accumulating fatal mycotoxins?"

"Your idea makes sense. Let's go investigate Yang Mu's whereabouts. It's possible that Zhenxiang and another master cooperated with each other to murder Yang Mu."

After they returned to the team, Jiang Yiming had just walked into the office when Zhenxiang came to him. He immediately had a premonition that Zhenxiang had something suspicious to say to him. He asked Zhenxiang to sit down and boiled water for her to make tea.

"Miss Zhen, you look good today. Have you just been discharged from the hospital?" Jiang Yiming looked at her and said, with a touch of sadness and loss in her eyes.

"Yes, I walked through hell once and returned to the human world. I began to believe that money is not that important anymore. The most important thing for a person is to live healthily!" She smiled lightly, but she immediately put away her smile.Of course, this did not escape Jiang Yiming's eyes.

"You came to me today, you should have some clues to provide me, right?" Jiang Yiming was a little unhappy when he saw her smile, and kept claiming that Yang Mu was her husband's woman. His bones were still cold, but he could laugh.The reality is cruel: there are hundreds of thousands of men in this city who are willing to spend money to buy a woman's youth and beauty. At worst, she will find another man to pay for her.The real pity is Qiu Hui, who became a widow.

"I don't know if it counts as a clue. After I came home from the hospital, I checked to see if anything at home was missing. I checked for an hour and found that nothing else was missing. The only thing missing was the electronic aroma diffuser. I felt strange. So I want to ask you: Did you take it away as evidence?"

"No, we didn't take away your valuables. We only brought back some garbage from the trash can in your bedroom. Among them were toilet paper stained with blood and two condoms. Are these two condoms used by Yang Mu? ?”

"Yes, my husband only became ill after having sex with me for the second time."

"Did you turn on the electronic aroma diffuser at that time?" Jiang Yiming thought this matter was very suspicious, because the murderer most likely hid mycotoxins in the electronic aroma diffuser. When the electronic aroma diffuser started operating, the mycotoxins would The fragrance will be released in large quantities, causing Yang Mu to die of acute pneumonia.

"It was turned on. At that time, I smelled the smell of sweat on my husband's body, so I turned on the aromatherapy diffuser and adjusted it to the strongest setting, which continuously exhaled the rich orchid fragrance. In order to make the fragrance permeate the whole room, I also turned on the air conditioner. The machine turned on the hair dryer mode."

“Where are the electronic aroma diffusers placed?”

"It's pasted on the wall next to my bed."

"What brand of aroma diffuser is it? What shape is it?"

"It's a fragrance diffuser called Mingxiang. It's half-moon shaped, with the smooth side attached to the wall."

"Who do you think would steal your aroma diffuser after Yang Mu became ill?"

"I don't know. That aroma diffuser is only 158 yuan. It's worthless. Any piece of gold jewelry I locked in the bedside table costs several thousand yuan. The thief's purpose is definitely not to steal anything, but to come for the aroma diffuser. .It’s incredible.”

"Who has the key to your house?" Jiang Yiming thought of the suspicious shoe print extracted at the scene. He should be the thief who stole the aromatherapy device. "No one has a key to my home other than the landlord, and of course the previous tenant of my home may have."

"Were you intimate with those men?"

"No, apart from Yang Mu, I don't have a particularly close man." She looked at the coffee table and said.

Jiang Yiming thought she was lying, and it was impossible for her to throw dirty water on herself: "You go back first, we will get to the bottom of this matter, thank you for your cooperation! If you find any new doubts, please call me immediately Phone, and you’d better lock the door when you go to bed at night.”

"Thank you for reminding me. I'm going to move. It's a sad place. I don't want to live there anymore. Before I find a new home, I live in Room 806 of Fangcun Hotel. You can go find me there." She stood up from the sofa. , shook hands with Jiang Yiming and said goodbye.

Jiang Yiming called everyone to a meeting, explained the situation to everyone, and then asked: "What do you think about the theft of Zhenxiang's aroma diffuser?"

"The murderer must have entered the scene after the doctor who rescued Yang Mu left and stole the incense diffuser. The murderer was really trying to cover up, and now his tail is exposed." Wu Jiang said.

"Luo Jin, what do you think?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"I think the murderer most likely mixed a large amount of mycotoxins into the fragrance of the aromatherapy device. When Zhenxiang was making out with Yang Mu, he turned the aromatherapy device to the strongest setting, and the excessive amount of mycotoxins was released from the aromatherapy device. The fragrance sprayed out from the diffuser, causing Yang Mu to inhale an excessive amount of mycotoxins and die. Zhenxiang must have been unaware of it."

"Xiao Ke, did you find any aroma diffuser when you inspected the scene?" Jiang Yiming knew that these words were redundant. They would not let go of even 0.1 mm of physical evidence at the scene. How could they not find the aroma diffuser?

"Captain Jiang, I just saw the photo. There is no aromatherapy diffuser next to Zhenxiang's bedside. I can be sure that the aromatherapy diffuser was stolen by the suspect before we entered the scene." Zhou Ting answered for Xiaoke. He said to the scene 52 photos were taken with no blind spots.


"Xiaorou, please tell me about the distribution of monitors near the scene. Is it possible to find the suspect from the surveillance video?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"There are two monitors installed within 100 meters of the site. However, one of the monitors is broken. There is only one monitor about 50 meters in front of the site. You have to pass this monitor to enter No. 28 Minsheng Lane. However, There are many small gaps between the houses around the scene. If you don’t take the usual route, you don’t have to pass by this surveillance camera, so it is very difficult to find the suspect from the surveillance video.”

"Who will the suspect be?" Jiang Yiming asked everyone.

"I think it may be a doctor, and he is a doctor who is proficient in medical skills. He knows how to extract mold spores and even culture mold spores. He may have equipment for cultivating mold spores at home, such as incubators and petri dishes. Mold spores can grow at a temperature of 25 degrees to 30 degrees. The temperature and humidity are above 80% and the fastest reproduction occurs. Mold spores are 68 times more toxic than arsenic. As long as 20 milligrams are ingested, it can cause death. Inhalation of 5 milligrams by pneumonia patients can cause acute pneumonia and death," said Luo Jin. .

"This doctor must know that Yang Mu has pneumonia and has an intersection with Yang Mu. We can start the investigation from this clue. The suspect also has an intersection with Zhenxiang and has a close relationship. Only in this way can we get the key to Zhenxiang's house to copy. Used to enter the site, place mycotoxins, and then enter the site later to steal the aroma diffuser," Zhou Ting said.

"Zhou Ting is right, but technology is advancing very fast now. As long as the murderer takes a photo of the key to Zhenxiang's house using [-]D photography technology, he can take a three-dimensional picture of the details of the key, and then pay a high price for the key master to match him with the key. ." Lu Yingying said.

"Based on Professor Long's analysis and the autopsy results, this is a very clever murder case. We will start filing the case from now on. Yingying and Xiaorou are responsible for checking the surveillance videos near the scene, while Lao Wu and Xiaoke go to investigate Yang Mu's social background, Zhou Ting and I went to investigate Zhenxiang's social background. Our goal is so clear, I think it will not be difficult to find the murderer." Jiang Yiming is very confident every time.

Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting first went to the mobile company to investigate Zhenxiang's call records. They also checked the communication records between her and her friends through the WeChat backend and found that she had frequent calls with 11 men. One of them, Shen Liang, was from Jiangxi District. Doctors at maternal and child health hospitals.

He was originally a pediatrician and later transferred to the laboratory as director.The director of the laboratory is much more relaxed than the pediatrician. He can quietly make tea in the office and learn all kinds of new pathology knowledge online. This is due to the fact that he and the director Pei Fang are classmates and have a close relationship.

There is also money to be made in the laboratory. For example, if he wants to purchase chemicals or advanced instruments, he needs to apply for it, and then get approval from the dean. The sales representative of the medical machinery and equipment company is very flattering to him and will give him a lot of red envelopes. .

(End of this chapter)

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