Chapter 1235
"I live on the second floor of No. 28 Fangcun Sheng Lane. My boyfriend rented the house for me. Although it is a bit simple, I am very satisfied."

"Do you only have one boyfriend?" Jiang Yiming has seen too many girls like this and knows very well how she lives.People jokingly call her a fallen angel.

"Captain Jiang, what do you mean? Do you think I look like a promiscuous person? I am loyal to love." She frowned, but she didn't dare to get angry. She just looked aggrieved, but she was actually pretending.

"If Yang Mu was murdered and the murderer was not you, then everyone you associate with will be suspected. Therefore, we want to know who you associate with. This will help solve the case. Only by solving the case as soon as possible can Yang Mu smile. Jiuquan. Of course, if you don’t want to tell the truth, we also have many ways to find out who you frequently interact with.”

"I have been working here for almost five years. I have made a lot of friends, but I don't have any friends that I will never forget, except Yang Mu, of course."

Jiang Yiming knew that she didn't want to vilify herself, so he stopped asking. Seeing that Zhenxiang was very weak, he asked her to lie down and rest. He and Luo Jin walked out of the ward and came to the nurse's station to learn about Yang Mu's situation from Wu Yi, the nurse on duty.

Wu Yi said she didn't know much and would have to wait until Chen Xin, director of the emergency department, came to work.Jiang Yiming checked his watch. It was already 7 o'clock in the morning. The doctor would come to work in another hour. So, he asked Luo Jin to return to the team first and conduct an autopsy on Yang Mu as soon as possible.

After Luo Jin left, Jiang Yiming called Wen Xiaorou and Xiaoke and asked them to come to Jiangnan District People's Hospital after breakfast and bring him a breakfast.Wen Xiaorou happily agreed.

Jiang Yiming sat on a chair in the corridor, closing his eyes and wanting to take a nap, but his mind was very active: How could Yang Mu, who was healthy and strong, suddenly vomit blood and die?Could it be that Zhenxiang poisoned him?Why did she lie?
After a while, someone gently patted Jiang Yiming's shoulder. He opened his eyes and saw that Wen Xiaorou was standing in front of him with a bright smile and a pancake in his hand. He looked at his watch and said, "I'll call you." It’s only been half an hour, why are you here so soon?”

"Aren't I worried that you are hungry? So, as soon as I received your call, I drank a bottle of milk to satisfy my hunger, and then went to the snack bar downstairs to buy you the pancakes you like to eat."

"Little girl, you flatter me so well. I'm really hungry."

"I don't treat you as a leader to flatter you." She replied with a pair of talking eyes.

"Then what do you take me for?"

"The male god, the only male god, my second male god is Jin Dong."

"Go, I don't want to be the idol of so many people."

"Does anyone else regard you as a male god?"

"Of course, she is Song Wanqing."

"Hmph, you're trying to trick me into finding a boyfriend again, you bastard!" She looked away pretending to be angry.Jiang Yiming moved Song Wanqing out mainly to defeat Wen Xiaorou and make her stop treating him as a male god.That's why she turned away pretending to be angry.

Soon it was time to go to work, and Xiao Ke arrived on time.Jiang Yiming asked Wen Xiaorou to check the surveillance video of the doctor rescuing Yang Mu.In order to alleviate disputes between doctors and patients, the hospital videotapes the entire process of rescuing patients. As soon as the door to the rescue room is opened, the high-definition video recorder automatically starts working, leaving the patient's family members speechless.

He and Xiao Ke came to Chen Xin's office. Chen Xin knew Jiang Yiming and Xiao Ke, so there was no need to be polite.Jiang Yiming asked straight to the point: "Director Chen, we want to know about your rescue of Yang Mu last night. How did he die?"

"Captain Jiang, please sit down and say, you two are so tall, I feel pressured." Chen Xin is only 165 centimeters tall, so he teases himself so much and praises them subtly, which shows that he has a high emotional intelligence.

Jiang Yiming sat on the stainless steel sofa. Chen Xin said: "Although I have been practicing medicine for 22 years, I have rarely seen Yang Mu's case. He probably died of an acute pneumonia attack, or he may have inhaled some kind of bacteria. , causing him to have an acute pneumonia attack. In short, it is difficult for me to determine for the moment. The specific cause of death will only be known through autopsy and pathological sections."

"Does Yang Mu have pneumonia?"

"It should be true. If a person without pneumonia inhales certain germs, it is unlikely to cause vomiting blood, let alone a large amount of blood. At most, it will cause lung discomfort or difficulty breathing, but it will not be fatal unless the immune system is low. A baby or an old man." "Where did he die?"

"After the ambulance from our hospital brought him, I was the first to check his heartbeat and pulse. As a result, his vital signs were very weak and he fell into a severe coma. We rescued him for two hours, but he eventually failed due to respiratory failure. He died from a complete loss of lung function, and we really have no way to save him." Chen Xin shook his head regretfully and said.

"But Yang Mu's wife Qiu Hui said he had no medical history."

"It may be invisible pneumonia, or the pneumonia was ignored by Yang Mu. Some people are willing to risk their lives for their careers, such as Steve Jobs, who is a typical example. However, there is a doubt: If Yang Mu inhaled a large number of mold spores, then it would Where did it come from?”

"You mean it could be man-made?"

"Not necessarily. There have been cases of death from acute pneumonia caused by inhalation of mold spores. On May 2019, 5, Owen, a 20-year-old girl from Greater Manchester, England, accidentally inhaled a large amount of mold spores while cleaning a stable, causing her to have an acute pneumonia attack. , and developed symptoms of damage to her throat and blood vessels. After an autopsy, it was discovered that she had inhaled a large number of mold spores, which caused her to suddenly cough up a large amount of blood, and she died on the spot in just 14 minutes."

"Have such cases occurred in our country?"

"Yes, but it's extremely rare. Not long after Ms. Yu, a resident of Huangdao District, Qingdao, moved into her new home, she found a large mold spot growing on the wall, and then a family of five people began to feel sick one after another. The reason could not be found. This year In June, 5-year-old Liangliang was found suffocated and unconscious by her family while sleeping. After going to the hospital for examination, it was discovered that Liangliang had a severe respiratory infection caused by inhaling mold spores, which also caused bilateral lung infections. The other four members of the family also all There are varying degrees of bronchial infections, and the culprit is wall mold.”

"If there are mold spores on the walls of Zhenxiang's house, will Yang Mu have an acute pneumonia attack if he inhales a large amount of them?"

"It's possible, especially in patients with pneumonia."

"Okay, thank you!" Jiang Yiming ended the inquiry and went to ask Zhenxiang to get the key. They wanted to inspect Zhenxiang's home to see if there was mold on the wall. If there was no mold, Yang Mu's death might have been caused by an accident. A high-level murder.

Jiang Yiming called Zhou Ting, Luo Jin, Xiao Ke and Wen Xiaorou to the building at No. 28 Fangcun Sheng Lane. He used the key Zhenxiang gave him to open the door on the first floor. They climbed up the stairs and came to the second floor where Zhenxiang lived. In front of the building door, use the key to open the door to the living room.

There is only one apartment on the second floor, with two bedrooms, one living room, one bathroom and one kitchen. The living room is about 30 square meters, and the master bedroom is 20 square meters. The window faces Minsheng Lane. On the left is a small room with only a small bed and the living room. Connected are the kitchen and toilet.

The footprints in the living room and bedroom were messy and numerous. They should have been left by rescue doctors and nurses. Xiao Ke used a multi-band light source to illuminate the bedroom floor and found that there were at least seven kinds of shoe prints on it. He took photos of the shoe prints.

Luo Jin walked into the bedroom and found that the four walls were all wallpapered. There were mold spots on the walls, especially on the wall near the bed. The mold spots were denser and looked like a large area of ​​darkness. The bed The wall above is connected to the toilet. It may be that the water from the bathroom penetrated the wall and wetted the wall, causing a large amount of mold to grow on the wall.

Luo Jin thought it was possible that these molds killed Yang Mu.He took out a scraper and a test tube from the survey box, scraped off the mold one by one, let it fall into the test tube, then covered it with a lid, labeled it, wrote the number, and extracted it on the other three walls. mold, collect them together and put them into evidence bags.

Later, Luo Jin took out the garbage from the trash can next to the bed and found two condoms inside, with about 100 ml of blood accumulated, mixed with other vomit.He used a swab to extract blood and two condoms.If the semen in the two condoms did not belong to Yang Mu, then it might be the suspect's.This is very important evidence.

Luo Jin also extracted many hairs, skin flakes, semen spots, and blood stains from the mattress and under the bed.After finishing these tasks, he went to the toilet and found that the toilet and bathroom were separated by glass. There was only a thin brick wall between the bathroom and the bedroom. The wall was covered with ceramic tiles all the way to the ceiling, but , due to the rough masonry technology, there are large gaps between the tiles, and the gaps are covered with mold. It can be seen that the entire wall is covered with mold.

Xiao Ke extracted 7 kinds of shoe prints. Judging from the shape, 6 kinds of shoe prints belong to men, and only one shoe print belongs to women, which should be really fragrant.He also extracted 11 types of fingerprints on various pieces of furniture, 9 of which belonged to men and only two to women.

Xiao Ke thought: Zhenxiang's life is so messy that he can actually extract such a man's fingerprints from his bedroom. And his bedroom only has his fingerprints. There is absolutely no way there will be a second man's fingerprints, even if his father comes to his house as a guest. , and would not walk into his and Lu Yingying's bedroom. This is the minimum self-cultivation of an elder.

(End of this chapter)

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