Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 1227 The Poison of Love

Chapter 1227 The Poison of Love (4)
"This is absolutely impossible! First of all, because Li Dacheng was given an excessive amount of alprazolam, it is absolutely impossible to wake up; secondly, Li Dacheng has been poisoned to death by this time. Would a dead person get up and throw away the garbage? Please tell me the person who came to your home, otherwise, we will ask you in another place." Jiang Yiming said sternly.

Liang Nuanyu trembled all over, and instantly burst into tears and sobbed: "I really don't know what's going on? I can live a high-quality life only with the support of my husband, otherwise I, a little Civil servants can only live a low-class life. I have no reason to kill my husband, so please don’t accuse me unjustly!!!" She screamed at the last word at the top of her lungs.

At this time, Yao Chen ran over, sat next to Liang Nuanyu, put his arms around her and asked, "Yu'er, what's wrong with you?"

"They...suspected me of murdering my husband..." After saying that, he started crying again.

"Captain Jiang, you are so inhumane. My son-in-law just died three days ago and he hasn't even been buried yet, so you come to trouble my daughter. It's totally unreasonable! Next time you come, please get a search warrant and a summons. If you have proof, I will never open the door to let you in. Also, if you have proof, come and arrest my daughter. Otherwise, there will be no need to discuss anything. I will ask my company's lawyers to be stationed at my home 24 hours a day. You should give up the threats and inducements as soon as possible. Thoughts!" Yao Chen was so angry that his face turned blue.

"Ms. Yao, don't be angry. We definitely did not coerce Liang Nuanyu. We just made routine inquiries and told the truth to try to solve the case as soon as possible. This is also the greatest comfort to the deceased and an explanation to the people of the city. Please don't misunderstand. You don’t want to let the murderer go free, right?” Jiang Yiming replied politely.

"Of course, we hope you can arrest the murderer as soon as possible and make my son-in-law smile." Seeing Jiang Yiming's pleasant expression, she lost half of her anger, as if she realized that she had been too impulsive just now.

"Okay, that's all we are talking about today. We may come again. We will not stop questioning Ms. Liang Nuanyu until the case is solved. I also want to tell you that we do not need to bring a search warrant when visiting or questioning relevant persons. If you have a subpoena, as long as you show your police officer ID, it will be legal for two police officers to ask you together. I believe your lawyer will tell you this." Jiang Yiming stood up and said goodbye to them.

After leaving Yao Chen's house, Zhou Ting drove to the Huanan community. They were going to visit Liang Nuanyu's neighbors to find out whether Liang Nuanyu's relationship was harmonious. Zhou Ting said: "Captain Jiang, Liang Nuanyu is obviously lying. She has If there is a serious suspicion of murder or conspiracy to commit murder, why not summon her to the criminal police team for questioning."

"I think so too, but I think we should wait two days to say that she may not be the mastermind. Otherwise, there would be no need to buy a small needle and Taipan snake toxin to kill Li Dacheng. For example, just put the toxin in yogurt. In short, there is no need to summon her prematurely without conclusive evidence, otherwise it will be self-defeating.”

"She was neither the mastermind nor an accomplice. Otherwise, how could she have opened the door and let the murderer in?"

"What if Liang Nuanyu was framed? The case is more complicated than we imagined." Jiang Yiming lowered his head and stretched out his hands to rub his temples.

25 minutes later, they arrived at the 28th building of Huanan Community, parked the police car in the open space, then walked into the lobby, took the elevator to the 19th floor, walked to door 1903, rang the doorbell, and a man in his 50s opened the door. year old women.

Zhou Ting explained the situation to her, so she asked them to go in and talk.After the two parties sat down, Jiang Yiming asked her if she knew Liang Nuanyu and Li Dacheng in Room 1902?
She said she knew him and became good friends with Liang Nuanyu.It turns out that the relationship between Liang Nuanyu and Li Dacheng was not good, because Li Dacheng would hit Liang Nuanyu when he came home drunk, and Li Dacheng never hit Liang Nuanyu's face, hands and feet, but chose to hit shameful places like the chest and buttocks. For the sake of her son and a comfortable life, Liang Nuanyu had to endure Li Dacheng's beatings and scoldings. However, Li Dacheng would not have beaten her if he had not been drunk.

"Old Wu, what did you find when you investigated Li Dacheng's social background?" Jiang Yiming asked Wu Jiang while sitting on the sofa in the office.

"Li Dacheng's social background is very complicated. There are 1820 names in the address book on his mobile phone. We interviewed his partners, friends, subordinates, and customers, and found that he is a two-faced person, very smooth, and does his utmost to bank leaders and capitalists. They are flattering and fawning, but they are ruthless to low-quality customers who borrow money from their company, offending many people."

"Can you be more specific? Have you found out who has a motive for the murder?"

"Li Dacheng is the largest shareholder of Pingli Finance Company, holding 70% of the shares. The power is in his hands. He maintains twelve debt collection assistants, no, it is more appropriate to call them thugs. One of the leaders is named Guo Lizhuang , was a thug recruited by Li Dacheng from the Shaolin Temple. He always led people to collect debts. I heard that they had beaten dozens of customers, but the customers dared not speak out in anger.

"Of course, they don't beat the clients seriously, but more often insult them. They put those who can't repay their debts into pig cages and eat and sleep with the pigs. If it's a female client, they take nude photos of her. Insulting them like the gangsters in the Yu Huan case. There was a female boss named Zhu Xiaoxi who couldn't bear the humiliation and committed suicide by jumping off a building. Unfortunately, she didn't leave a suicide note, so the police couldn't handle it."

"When did Zhu Xiaoxi commit suicide? Does she have a husband and children?"

"She jumped from the rooftop of the Electronics Building and died on October 2021, 10. She was only 10 years old when she died. Her husband fell into the cliff and died because of a drunk driver. She had a 42-year-old son who was a freshman at the Provincial Computer College, named Ji Yiliang. He was sleeping in the school dormitory at the time of the crime, as evidenced by three roommates and surveillance video in the dormitory corridor." "Tell me next...are there any other suspects?"

"Due to time constraints, we are only doing a preliminary investigation. Li Dacheng has offended too many people, and violent debt collection is their basic method. Among them is a person named Lan Shui who borrowed 2018 yuan from Pingli Finance Company in October 10. , used the house as a mortgage, and the interest compounded. Two years later, the amount reached 20 million. Lan Shui was unable to repay the loan, so he had to sell the house. This was not enough. I heard that Lan Shui's daughter was forced to sleep with Li Dacheng, which was offset by His daughter was only 210 years old at the time... Sigh... It was simply lawless!" Wu Jiang let out a long sigh.

"Have you ever asked Lan Shui? Why didn't he call the police? This is a vampire of the people and must be severely punished according to the law!"

"I found Lan Shui. He has become in a trance and has become a scavenger. People who know him say that he is mentally abnormal, good and bad. His daughter married away in the countryside of Sichuan on March 3 this year. We gave him She called and denied sleeping with Li Dacheng. At that time, he had a son who was in his third year of high school. After Blue Water went bankrupt, he went to Malaysia to work with his friends and could not be contacted."

"Li Dacheng has a lot of blood debts. It's a shame for us that things like Lan Shui and Zhu Xiaoxi still happen in this era!" Jiang Yiming sighed.

"The beating incident in Tangshan in the early morning of the 10th of this month was much more rampant than that of Li Dacheng. He openly beat several girls in a barbecue restaurant... Alas, although society is progressing, the law is improving, and the police are more dedicated, there are always areas where the sun cannot shine I think as long as there are humans, there will be people committing crimes. Unless humans evolve to advanced civilizations and stop worrying about resources, there will be no crime." Wu Jiang continued to sigh.

"The gangsters who beat people in Tangshan have been arrested and brought to justice. A tragic end awaits them. You and Xiao Ke continue to investigate Li Dacheng's social background to see who has the motive for killing? I think this murderer must be very capable. It's not something ordinary people can do, at least the murderer is relatively wealthy..." As Jiang Yiming was talking, he saw Lu Yingying walking in, so he stopped.

"Captain Jiang, what are you talking about secretly?" Lu Yingying smiled lightly, looked at Jiang Yiming, and then at Wu Jiang.

"Your choice of words is extremely inappropriate. What do you mean by being sneaky? We are obviously discussing the case openly... Is there any good news?" Jiang Yiming asked teasingly.

"It's not good news. We found a suspect in the elevator of Building 28. No, it should be more accurate to say suspicious person. Take a look..." She sat down next to Jiang Yiming, opened her laptop, and clicked on the screen player on the screen, a surveillance video appeared in front of them:

A young man without a mask scanned his palmprint, opened the lobby door and walked in. Behind him was a middle-aged man. The young man looked back at him and seemed to say something to him. The middle-aged man, wearing a large mask, replied He said a word to the young man, so the young man walked into the elevator with him.

The boy got off the elevator on the 16th floor, and the middle-aged man got off the elevator on the 26th floor. The 26th floor is the top floor. There are four houses on one floor. The middle-aged man entered the lobby at 4:6 late at night on June 14, 23 minutes After getting off the elevator, I couldn't see clearly what he looked like because the mask covered most of his face.

"Yingying, do you think they are suspicious?" Wu Jiang asked.

"I think the young man is not suspect because he does not need to wear a mask, so he should be a resident on the 16th floor, but the middle-aged man is suspect because he is wearing a mask." She answered Wu Jiang.

"In these days when the new coronavirus is prevalent, most people are wearing masks. Isn't it strange?" Jiang Yiming said.

"No, his mask is very big, covering most of his face. Ordinary masks can only cover one-third of his face. It means that the middle-aged man deliberately wore a big mask to get inside... Keep watching." Lu Yingying pushed the progress bar forward, then stopped and started playing.

A middle-aged man appeared in the surveillance video. He walked into the elevator from the 6th floor at 15:3 a.m. on June 20, took the elevator down to the first floor, walked out of the lobby, and disappeared into the night...

(End of this chapter)

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