Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 1218 The Last Truth

Chapter 1218 The Last Truth (4)
Mako's autopsy was very simple. It mainly determined the time and cause of death. In fact, these were all within Luo Jin's estimate. There was not much difference. The most important thing was to remove the warheads from the body and compare the bullet marks to find the model of the gun. , and then follow the bullet to find the murderer.

The warhead was injected from the junction of Mako's back and waist. It was shot from bottom to top at a 45-degree angle to the lower end of Mako's left lung. The warhead stopped in the lung, causing her to die of hemorrhagic shock.

It can be judged from this that when the murderer shot Mako, he stood behind Mako and fired. At that time, Mako happened to lean down to pick up something, so the gunshot wound would be at a 45-degree angle.

After Luo Jin took out the warhead, he put it into the evidence bag, then handed the rest of the work to Dong Dawei, and gave the warhead to Wu Jiang, asking him to compare the bullet marks as soon as possible.

After going to work the next day, Jiang Yiming convened another meeting. Luo Jin said: "The autopsy results have come out. The deceased's name was Zhenzi. He was shot to the east of Sansha Island from 2022 to 5 in the morning on May 9, 8. In the 9-mile sea area, there were no toxins, alcohol, hallucinogens, or drugs in the body. The stomach contents were only rice balls, apple juice, and tomato juice, and only 12% of them were digested. Mako was killed about an hour after eating breakfast."

"Rice balls? Rice balls are rarely sold in our city. They can only be bought in Japanese restaurants. This brings convenience to us and can narrow down the scope of the murderer." Lu Yingying was a little excited when she heard this.

"Not necessarily. Last time Jiayin and I went to Yonghui Supermarket, we saw Japanese rice balls. They were said to be authentic rice balls flown from Japan." Luo Jin remembered what he saw when he and Ye Jiayin visited the supermarket.

"The rice balls in the supermarket are no longer fresh. A wealthy lady like Zhenzi will not eat the rice balls in the supermarket. The rice balls in the supermarket are bought by Chinese people who like Japanese food." Wen Xiaorou said with certainty.

"Anyway, Japanese rice balls are a good clue...Old Wu, are there any clues from the bullet mark comparison?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"The warhead has no serial number. I only know that it was fired from an imitation Type 15000 pistol. This kind of pistol can be bought on the black market for about [-] yuan. It is not exclusive and is not a good clue... Yingying, can you find out? Is it the last base station where Zhenzi's mobile phone signal disappeared?" Wu Jiang asked.

"It can be checked, but the range is relatively wide. The mobile phone signal base station of our city's mobile company covers about 1 to 1.5 square kilometers. If it is a suburb, the coverage will be wider. This is also a clue, but not a good clue. I think Mako is very good. Maybe he went out to sea on a small yacht. You can check the surveillance video of Blue Water Bay Pier. Most of the luxury yachts in our city are parked there, and the surveillance cameras at that terminal are very dense."

"Yingying, you go check the base station where Zhenzi's mobile phone signal disappeared; Xiaorou led the visual investigation team to check the surveillance video of Bluewater Bay Pier; Zhou Ting and I went to visit the Japanese restaurant near Bluewater Bay Pier; Lao Wu and Xiao Ke Go check the source of the guns and use informants if necessary. Adjourn the meeting!" Jiang Yiming arranged the task.

Lu Yingying used the government's large database and the mobile company's mobile phone base station to discover Mako's whereabouts: At 5:7 on May 18, she took a Boeing 15 from Huangshan Tunxi International Airport back to Yangtze International Airport. After getting off the plane, she did not She went home and checked into Room 737 of the Garden Hotel. She has not checked out until now because her accommodation fee can be deducted from the account of Lixing Travel Agency.

And her mobile phone signal disappeared at base station No. 23232121 near the Garden Hotel.The Garden Hotel is located at No. 125 Jiefang Middle Road. It is a five-star hotel located in the most prosperous area of ​​the city, nearly 20 kilometers away from Blue Water Bay Pier.Why did Mako destroy the phone?Did she get a new phone because she knew she was being targeted by the police?If she changes to a new mobile phone card, it will be difficult to know her whereabouts. The only way is to check the surveillance video.

Because the Garden Hotel's surveillance system is connected to the city bureau, you don't need to go there to check it. You just need to find the desired surveillance video in the system.Lu Yingying directly entered the surveillance video in the corridor on the 18th floor and found the surveillance video facing the door of room 1808. In order to save time, she played it at twice the speed. As soon as she saw someone, she pressed the pause button and then rewind 30 seconds. , and then play at normal speed.

As a result, Mako was seen wearing a mask, sunglasses, and carrying a satchel, walking out of room 2022 at 5:9:06 on May 40, 10, and walking towards the elevator entrance.Lu Yingying called up the surveillance video of the elevator and lobby to check. She saw Zhenzi walking out of the lobby, then getting into a black BMW and driving toward the southwest.

It would be slower to track down the BMW in the traffic surveillance video because we don’t know where the BMW is going, so Lu Yingying thought it would be faster to find the owner of the BMW and ask about Mako’s whereabouts.Judging from the expressions of Mako and the driver, they should have an employment relationship, and it may be a private car that Mako booked online.

Lu Yingying opened the vehicle registration system, entered the password, and began to query the owner information of the BMW with the license plate number: Chang A6869B. The original owner's name was Pan Jiacong, who was 42 years old and was born at No. 178 Mudun Road, Jiangbei District.His BMW was bought for operation and registered on Didi Taxi.

Lu Yingying called Wu Jiang and asked if they were free?Wu Jiang said that he and Xiao Ke were visiting and investigating, and the matter was not urgent. If there was an emergency, they could put down their work temporarily.Lu Yingying explained the situation to him, sent him Pan Jiacong's address and mobile phone number, and asked them to go find him first. Wu Jiang said he would do it right away, and then hung up the phone.

Wu Jiang called Pan Jiacong and asked him where he was?He said he was on his way home from Beishi and would arrive home in about half an hour.Wu Jiang said that they were waiting for him at the Datang Community where he lived, and told him not to waste time on the way because he was needed to help handle the case.He readily agreed.

Xiaoke drove his car to the entrance of Datang Community and wanted to park at the door, but the security guard refused to let him park, saying that parking was prohibited at the entrance of the community.Xiao Ke had no choice but to take out his police officer ID card and show it to him, saying that the police had temporarily stopped the car on business and told him not to interfere with official duties.The security guard immediately said with a smile: The police will handle the case as an exception.

After a while, Pan Jiachong came back. He parked the car behind Xiao Ke's car. After getting out of the car, Xiao Ke walked up and asked, "Hello, are you Mr. Pan Jiachong?"

"Yes, I am Pan Jiachong. Are you a police officer from the City Bureau's Criminal Police Team?" He is tall, has fine features, and is wearing a light blue suit. He looks mature, stable and handsome. "We would like to ask you to help identify a person. This person is very important to us. You must tell the truth, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences." Xiao Ke took out his mobile phone, retrieved Mako's photo from the photo library, and then handed the phone to him and asked :"do you know her?"

"Oh, I know her. She is a rare beauty. She is elegant, polite and generous. She has taken my car twice and paid round fares. She left a deep impression on me."

"Yesterday morning at about 6:40, she got into your car at the entrance of the Garden Hotel. Where did she go?" Xiao Ke thought he was suspicious because he might be the last person to come into contact with Mako, so he spoke in a rather reserved tone. hard.

"She asked me to take her to Xunfeng Road near Blue Water Bay Pier. After getting off the car, she paid the money and left. Officer, you seem to regard me as a suspect?" he asked with a smile.

"How do you know she's dead?"

"I don't know, but your city bureau's criminal police are in charge of major cases and homicide cases, otherwise they wouldn't come to me. I'm just guessing."

"How did she ask you out?"

"She called me on my mobile phone from the Garden Hotel's public phone and asked me to pick her up at the Garden Hotel's gate at 6:40 yesterday. I arrived on time. I have a very strong sense of time."

"How does she pay you?"

"The fare is 100 yuan in cash. She used to pay with WeChat. Yesterday she paid with cash. I don't understand."

"Where did she go after getting off the bus? Did anyone come to pick her up? Where did she get off the bus?"

"After she got off the car, I turned around and drove away. I didn't see where she went, nor did I see anyone coming to pick her up. She got off at the east end of Xunfeng Road... Oh, it seemed to be No. 181 Xunfeng Road, next to There is a Xunfeng Tea House." He touched his head and said.

"What did she say to you? Is she in a good mood?"

"I saw that she was in a good mood, as if she was going on a date. We didn't chat on the way, just a few polite words."

"Okay, let's talk about it here. Thank you for your cooperation." Xiao Ke said and waved his hand to let him go.Then he called Lu Yingying to explain the situation and asked her to check the surveillance video at the east end of Xunfeng Road to see if Pan Jiacong was lying.

Lu Yingying opened the traffic monitoring system, entered the password, and entered monitor No. H2514 at the east end of Xunfeng Road. The radius that this monitor could capture was 100 meters. Lu Yingying quickly found where Mako went after getting off the car. She walked forward for about 50 meters away, she entered a Japanese restaurant called "Sakura House", but she was never seen coming out, which made her feel strange.

Lu Yingying knew that Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting were visiting near the Blue Water Bay Pier, so she called Jiang Yiming and explained the situation to him. After hearing this, Jiang Yiming said that he would immediately go to the "Sakura Lodge" to investigate.Lu Yingying believed that "Sakura Cabin" might have a back door. Mako left through the back door, or was shot dead, and then the body was taken away and thrown into the sea.

Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting walked into the "Sakura House", and a waitress in a kimono came up to greet them. She spoke in Mandarin and a very standard Beijing accent.Jiang Yiming took out his police officer ID card and showed it to her. After reading it, she asked, "Officer Jiang, what do you need me to do?" Her voice was thin and gentle, like a typical Japanese girl.

"See if you recognize this girl?" Jiang Yiming pulled out Mako's photo from the photo library on his phone and handed it to her.

(End of this chapter)

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