Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 1197 Revenge

Chapter 1197 Revenge (6)
Therefore, it is unlikely to identify suspects from the sales channel.However, the price of this kind of sports shoes is about 200 yuan, and the suspect has worn them for nearly four years and has not thrown them away, which shows that the suspect is at the bottom of society. Judging from the wear and tear of the soles, the suspect has splayed feet and often wears them. Athletic, judging by the length of his stride, he is a man between 30 and 40 years old.Occupation may be farmer or worker.

But how can we find him?The best way is of course to check the surveillance video. However, we don’t know where the suspect came from, and there are at least a thousand surveillance cameras on Laishan Mountain. It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack.The second method is to visit people on the spot to see if anyone has seen the suspect.

Wu Jiang told Wen Xiaorou the characteristics of the suspect and asked her if she had found such a suspect when checking the surveillance video.Wen Xiaorou thought for a moment and said: She didn't pay attention. She only paid attention to the female suspect when watching the surveillance video.Wu Jiang asked her to check the surveillance video again.Although she understood that this was a very difficult task, she readily agreed.After all, there are 6 people in the visual inspection team, who can divide the work and cooperate.

"Luo Jin, where did the tetrodotoxin in Liu Dayu's body come from?" Wu Jiang walked into the forensic center and went to Luo Jin's office to ask him.

"Angkor, I'm not a god. How can I know where the tetrodotoxin comes from? If I knew, wouldn't the case be solved quickly?"

"Can you tell from the concentration of tetrodotoxin whether it was professionally extracted?"

"No, it's even harder to find clues about tetrodotoxin. There are some for sale online, as long as you are willing to pay. In November 2012, Xiao Yan from Yicheng, Hubei Province mixed tetrodotoxin into yogurt because of love. She let her boyfriend drink it, causing her boyfriend's death. She bought the tetrodotoxin from the Internet."

"Can it be refined in reality?"

"Of course, it is relatively simple to extract tetrodotoxin. After buying the pufferfish, mash its intestines and stomach, mix it with the extraction agent, and extract it through ultrasonic extraction, and you can get the tetrodotoxin... However, it is unlikely that the murderer will do such a troublesome thing. , directly spending money to buy online saves effort and time. If you buy it on the dark web or deep web, it will be difficult for us to detect it.”

"Then you think the murderer most likely bought tetrodotoxin online?"

"Yes, online shopping is so convenient now. You can buy it even on Mingwang."

Wu Jiang was a little disappointed after hearing this. He originally thought it was a good clue, but it was completely denied by Luo Jin.After he walked out of Luo Jin's office, he went to the office of the visual investigation team to find Lu Yingying and asked her if she had any information about the location of Liu Dayu's mobile phone?

Lu Yingying told him: "Brother Ang, I have been tracking the location of Liu Dayu's mobile phone 24 hours a day. Unfortunately, five days have passed and there is no news. I suspect that the mobile phone will never be found, because the murderer may have buried Liu Dayu's iPhone 13 If it goes underground or is thrown into water, of course, the battery may also be disassembled, making it impossible for us to locate it.”

"If the murderer was a man wearing size 40 sneakers, it would be impossible for him to throw away or bury a mobile phone worth tens of thousands of yuan, because the Hongxing Erke shoes he wore only cost 200 yuan, so I judge that he is a person with a relatively low income. It's more likely that the battery will be removed, so I think it's a good idea to keep tracking the phone's location."

"I have the same idea as you. I think one day, the murderer will install the mobile phone battery, but it may take a long time. This clue can only be regarded as one of them, and there is little hope." Lu Yingying said with a smile.

"It seems that the murderer is very knowledgeable. How could a middle-aged man from the bottom of society be related to Liu Dayu, a rich second generation?"

"Liu Dayu was a playboy with a romantic nature. He may have bullied the murderer's daughter or wife, so the murderer had a grudge and killed him."

"I mean how the murderer lured Liu Dayu to the crime scene."

"You don't need to lure Liu Dayu, you just need to keep tracking him and know that he likes to go to Wild Boar Valley, and you can achieve your goal. If a paranoid person wants to avenge his relatives, he won't care even if it takes a lot of time to complete the task. Isn’t there a saying that says: ‘It’s never too late for a gentleman to take revenge.’?”

"Well, you're right. Anyone who can succeed is more persistent and distracted. It's hard for people who are in the pursuit of Qin Muchu to achieve great things."

As she was talking, Lu Yingying's computer sounded an alarm. She opened the positioning software and smiled happily: "Brother Angkor, we have won the jackpot. Liu Dayu's mobile phone signal appeared. It is in Room 202, second floor, Guomao Mall, Jiangxi District. Haodian, this is the largest second-hand mobile phone market in Jiangxi District, please hurry up and find someone."

Wu Jiang gave her a thumbs up, walked out of the office area of ​​the visual investigation team quickly, and asked Xiao Ke to rush there.When they got there, the phone had already been bought by a customer.Xiao Ke called Lu Yingying to continue tracking the whereabouts of the phone. She softly scolded Xiao Ke for being a fool and told him to just ask the boss who sold him the phone.Since the mobile phone is bought by the customer, it will be used. As long as the customer uses it, the mobile phone can be located at any time.

Xiao Ke felt that what she said was very reasonable, so he said to the boss: "Boss, did a customer buy an iPhone 15 from you 13 minutes ago?" Xiao Ke said while showing his police officer ID to the boss , with a very hard tone.

"Yeah, buying and selling old mobile phones is not illegal, right?" He originally wanted to deny it, but after knowing that they were criminal policemen from the city bureau's criminal police team, he could only tell the truth. He didn't want to be called by them for interrogation, which would delay him for a day. He would have to at least Loss of 2000 yuan. "It's not illegal, but that phone is a key clue for us to solve the case, so we must find it. Of course, what we want to know most is who sold you the phone? How much did you spend to buy it?" Wu Jiang Think: The murderer's criminal IQ is not as high as they thought, otherwise, he would definitely not sell the phone.

"I don't know that person. I bought it for 4500 yuan. I was also worried that a thief sold the phone to me. In order to prevent the owner from calling the police and finding the phone, I put the phone in a signal-blocking box. I didn't expect you. You still found me." He was very frustrated. Now that the criminal police came to his door, it meant he was going to lose money.

"Is the person who sold you the mobile phone a short, middle-aged man wearing low-end clothes?"

"Yeah, since you know him, why do you come to me? Can't you just go to him? I know you have many ways to find the suspect."

"We have never seen him and don't know his name, so we are asking for your help. When did he come to sell mobile phones?" Wu Jiang asked softly.

“The man came around 3pm on March 30. I didn’t think he could afford an iPhone 1, so after I bought it, I removed the phone card, flashed the phone, and then put the phone back. Put it in a shielded signal box..."

"We need to check the surveillance video from that time." Xiao Ke interrupted him. He didn't want to hear the boss repeat himself.

"Okay." The boss opened the laptop on the bar, entered the surveillance video folder, opened it, pulled out the surveillance video at that time, and then handed the computer to Xiao Ke.He looked at Xiaoke uneasily, because purchasing a mobile phone without an invoice could be considered a crime of selling stolen goods. If his attitude was not good and the police would trouble him, that was a consequence he did not want to bear.

Xiao Ke clicked on the player and started to view the surveillance video. The video showed: A thin middle-aged man walked to the counter at 3:30:13 on March 11, said a few words to the boss, and then took out his mobile phone to show the boss. After the boss read it and quoted the price, he quickly nodded in agreement, looking very happy.

Since the camera is relatively close to the suspect, about 3 meters, the video is relatively clear.Xiao Ke took out a USB flash drive, inserted it into the computer port, and then copied the surveillance video to the USB flash drive. After completing it, he handed the computer to the boss.

"Do you know the customer who bought your mobile phone?" Wu Jiang asked the boss.

"I don't know. We have a lot of customers here, and I don't know most of the customers."

"Don't you have after-sales service?"

"We verbally promised a one-year warranty, but there was no written agreement. We only recorded the serial number of the phone to identify whether it was a phone sold in our store."

After Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke returned to the team, Xiao Ke went to the office area of ​​the visual investigation team to find Lu Yingying, explained the situation to her, and then handed her the surveillance video and asked her to find a way to take screenshots of the suspect and process the avatar clearly and conveniently. Look for.After finishing speaking, he went to Jiang Yiming's office to report the situation.

After Jiang Yiming heard this, he picked up the landline and called Lu Yingying. After a while, Lu Yingying walked into Jiang Yiming's office and asked with a smile: "Captain Jiang, what are your instructions?"

"Take screenshots of the suspects in the surveillance video copied by Xiao Ke, and then publish them on the police official account and WeChat official account, so that the police and citizens in the city can help find the suspects, and reward citizens who provide valuable clues with bonuses. Within twenty to thirty thousand.”

"Okay, I'll do it right away. Do you want to recover Liu Dayu's mobile phone?"

"I definitely want it. You go and announce the reward, and I'll ask Xiaorou to locate the phone."

"There's no need to ask Xiaorou to do it. I'll track the phone 24 hours a day and I'll just send the location to your phone." After she finished speaking, she left.

After a while, Jiang Yiming received the location of Liu Dayu's mobile phone from Lu Yingying, and he asked Zhou Ting to collect the mobile phone.The mobile phone was bought by the security captain of Fenghua Community. After hearing Jiang Yiming say that the mobile phone was the evidence of the murder, he immediately handed the mobile phone to Jiang Yiming. Before handing it over, he deleted all the downloaded apps. He only blamed himself for losing 6500 yuan. Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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