The white screen light shone on Xia Lingge's face. Xia Lingge dimmed the light and continued to read the constantly refreshing comments.

[It’s so scary, so scary. I was right now. There were so many people at the scene, some far away and some very close. I chose him impartially. The moment the dagger was stabbed, Demon and I were pierced into the doll. Exactly the same as when. 】

[Could it be that the person upstairs is a caretaker? Is it really that evil? And the man with the knife, why did he suddenly become insane? No warning at all? And the police, where are the police? The other party even provoked the person through video, but he was still able to kill the person he was protecting? Is this our police force now? 】

[L2 is so violent. Is it because he encountered some injustice in real life? Accidents happen all the time in the world. Who knows that someone suddenly becomes mentally ill? Moreover, there are so many people now, and the surveillance videos have been pulled out. The police are not idle, they are protecting the people all the time, what? The secretary's life is important, but other people's lives are not? 】

[I agree with L3, and that person is the same. He knows he is being targeted, but he still doesn’t stay at home. Why is he running around? 】

[The theory of victim guilt? Are there still people with such pig brains these days? (Smile)】

[I would like to interrupt. The secretary's 'victim' is debatable. Didn't Demon say that he was chosen because he used the doll to do harmful things, although this is quite outrageous. , but if dolls really can connect to human life, then it all makes sense. 】

[Damn, why is this matter so complicated? Does anyone know the secretary? What is he like as a person? Is there any awesome netizen who can explore his private life? 】

【Have! 】

[Ye**, 32 years old, born on *month**, 19**, currently works in Qin Sheng Group and is the secretary of Qin Sheng, the founder of Qin Sheng Group...]

A very long paragraph, including but not limited to the contacts and names of his relatives and friends. Xia Lingge watched quietly, turned off the homepage, sent a message to the person with the computer avatar, and then turned off the phone.


[Everyone, good evening. 】

On the night when the psychotic murder occurred in the department store, everyone, including the big screen in the dark night, once again turned into a man wearing a black robe and a devil mask at the same moment. However, this time, no one showed a playful attitude. Come face him.

Demon's hands wearing black rubber gloves were crossed together, and his voice was still a processed electronic voice. He faced the screen and whispered softly: [Three weeks have passed since the last meeting. Time flies really fast. Before I say Before the purpose of this appearance, please allow me to ask you in front of the screen to join me in observing three seconds of silence for the loss of life. 】

After saying that, Demon lowered his head slightly.

Time passed quietly for three seconds, and then suddenly the dull ancient bell sounded, like a wail that cut through the sky, like a shocking drumstick. Everyone listened to those three bells, and something suddenly surged in their hearts. desolate.

【I never meant to ignore life. 】

Demon continued: [His matter can be handed over to the police now. You don’t need to dig and explore him deeply, nor do you need to elevate someone to someone else or his parents - this is very unfair behavior. Follow the order of the Internet. Trust the police fully, this is what we should do. 】(End of this chapter)

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