Horror Game: Crazy criticizes a beauty who has no martial ethics

Chapter 275 Black Boy Chapter Snow White Chapter

"Who knows."

After Xia Lingge finished eating the strawberries, she suddenly put the porcelain plate on the table, making a crisp sound of "click", but the person looking at the crystal coffin remained motionless as if they were deaf.

When will this damn stalemate end?

The little sika deer gnawed away the lumpy snow pear, raised its front hooves and struck the ground a few times, then turned its head and ran out of the palace.

"It's dangerous like this!"

Xia Lingge and Sicheng were startled. The guards and maids waiting outside had already become frightened by the sudden appearance of the little sika deer. As soon as they took a step, the door of the crystal stone building was suddenly pushed open.

Si Cheng couldn't dodge, so Xia Lingge quickly grabbed his collar and hid behind the column.

"His Royal Highness Prince!"

The guard knelt down on one knee.

"What happened?" The prince reluctantly looked back at Snow White and turned to look at the guard who reported to him.

The guard continued: "There is a sika deer causing trouble in the castle. Please make your decision!"

"Sika deer?"

The prince's eyes suddenly lit up: "Great, I want to catch it and give it to my future princess."

The guard glanced at the crystal coffin beside him and wanted to say something but finally swallowed it.

The prince took off the hanging crossbow and put it on his shoulder. He walked a few steps forward and then thought of something and said to the guard: "Call a few people to carry the crystal coffin and go out with me to catch sika deer."

Guard: "...Yes."

The opportunity is here.

Xia Lingge and Sicheng watched as several guards walked in and lifted the crystal coffin. Xia Lingge summoned the skill dagger. When the guards carrying the coffin stepped down the steps, she suddenly threw the dagger away. The handle hit the knee of one of the guards, and there was a sound of "Ouch——". The guard stumbled involuntarily, and one side of the crystal coffin hit the ground with a "thud——" sound.

There was a great commotion, and the prince followed closely and then returned.

"what happened?!"

He saw the cracked crystal coffin: "Oh, my God! What have you done to Bai Xue?!"

Zuo Chen shook the poisonous apple chunks out of his throat, and felt that his groggy head was somewhat awake. He opened his eyes drowsily, and happened to look at each other with the anxious prince.

They were both stunned.

what happened……?

Zuo Chen rolled his eyes and looked around to find that he was lying in a crystal coffin. He wanted to reach out and slap the coffin to ask someone to let him out.

But the crystal coffin was sealed with no air flow, and Snow White had been in a state of suspended animation for three days without eating or drinking. It was an insurmountable problem for Zuo Chen, both mentally and physically. He looked at the prince directly opposite with some pleading, hoping that he could save him!

But the prince just looked at 'her' with a complicated expression.

One of them had no strength to move, and the other did not take the initiative to move, which made Xia Lingge and Sicheng a little confused as to whether Princess Snow White was awake...

The air in the crystal coffin became thinner and thinner, and Zuo Chen's expression became more and more painful: "Help, help..."

He couldn't even speak a complete sentence.

The prince still looked at 'her' fixedly, until the person in the coffin could not bear the pain caused by the thin air and closed his eyes again, and the faded love once again swept across his eyes: "My white snow..." He used his sword Split the crystal coffin, stretched out his fingertips to touch her cold skin, "Oh my God!" He felt himself trembling with excitement: "You love me, you really do love me! Bai Xue, I don't want it anymore I’m separated from you, and I don’t want to be separated from you again in this life!”

The prince picked up the cold Snow White and strode out of the palace.

[Player Zuo Chen dies]

[Remaining players please continue to collect fairy tale endings]

Xia Lingge and Si Cheng were even more confused. Weren't they fine before? Why did he die suddenly? Could it be that the poisonous apple was not shaken out and really stuck Snow White to death?

After the people in the palace retreated in twos and threes, they stuck their heads out and came to the crystal coffin. Xia Lingge lowered his head and looked at the apple pieces next to the crystal pillow:

"He spit it out."

Si Cheng was shocked: "In other words, Zuo Chen was not poisoned to death, but suffocated to death due to lack of air in the coffin! But, didn't the prince like him very much? How could he..."

Xia Lingge: "Maybe the prince has necrophilia..."

She could think of no other explanation.

Sicheng was a little confused: "If Snow White doesn't wake up, she can't marry the prince and live a happy life. So is this fairy tale unsolvable?"

Xia Lingge also had a headache: "It is impossible for Princess Snow White to wake up again, but the happy life of marrying the prince... should still be able to struggle a little longer."

Sicheng was shocked: "Huh?..."

Xia Lingge sighed: "Let's go find the little sika deer first."


The prince spent a long time to properly arrange for Princess Snow White, and this time was just for Xia Lingge and Sicheng to make some preparations.

The prince found a new coffin for Snow White, but unlike the crystal coffin, this one was made of flowers and diamonds. Without a coffin lid, he could touch her cold skin at any time.

He was very satisfied and led a small team towards the woods. He wanted to hunt the little sika deer and give it to Bai Xue, and he would do what he said.

They followed the sika deer's footprints all the way, and when they reached the depths of the jungle, they found the sika deer drinking water by a stream, and two dwarfs were sitting not far away.

The prince put down the crossbow in his hand: "Is it you?"

He never remembered useless people, but the scene of carrying the crystal coffin was truly unforgettable for him. Even the seven dwarves had some impressions. Coincidentally, among them was the dwarf with the orange hat who impressed him the most.

Xia Lingge and Sicheng came to the prince.

The prince jumped off the horse and asked, "What are you doing here?" He glanced at the garlands woven in the hands of Xia Lingge and Sicheng.

Xia Lingge and Sicheng looked at each other, then raised the wreaths in their hands above their heads: "This is the wedding gift we are preparing to present to the prince and princess."

"Hey...what, princess?"

The prince was confused by the sudden string of words.

Xia Lingge was also 'very confused': "Isn't it? I heard before that the prince is going to marry the princess, so we two brothers came here to weave garlands for the prince and princess." She suddenly lowered her head in embarrassment, " Although we only met the prince once, he was willing to help us bury Bai Xue and gave us a bag of gold to live our lives. It can be seen that His Highness the prince is a kind person. The two of us brothers have nothing to offer except weaving garlands. Well done, Bai Xue... even praised us before he was alive."

The prince became interested when he heard it: "Where is the garland? Bring it to me to have a look."

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