Horror Game: Crazy criticizes a beauty who has no martial ethics

Chapter 263 Black Boy Chapter Cinderella Chapter

Chapter 263 Black Fairy Tale: Cinderella (5)

Three days passed by in a blink of an eye.

Exquisite and beautiful dresses were delivered to the manor.

Xia Lingge Shiran stood in front of the vertical mirror. Her elegant and mysterious purple fishtail dress floated lightly on the ground. The diamonds made of special materials were crystal clear and decorated in an orderly manner. The dress was decorated with black silk stockings. Goose velvet gloves, a small and plump pearl necklace, a jeweled hair ornament that half pulled up and half scattered her long black hair, and finally an agate brooch as scarlet as blood to set off her beauty.

Even though the serving maid knew that the 'Miss Rias' in front of her was known to be vicious, she still had to be impressed by her appearance at this moment.

Xia Lingge pulled back her broken hair that fell to her ears. When she walked out of the bedroom, she happened to bump into Sicheng who was walking across from him. His clothes were relatively simple, a black dress with some silver and white lines. There were no extra decorations. He tied his slightly longer flaxen brown hair with a simple black ribbon. He did not put on makeup and just deepened his eyebrows. If he just stood there and didn't speak, he would look a bit like a boy.

Si Cheng was also looking at her: "Senior, you are very beautiful."

Xia Lingge blinked: "Senior?"

Si Cheng heard her hidden meaning and his cheeks turned red visibly. He avoided her eyes and opened his mouth for a long time before mumbling: "Sister, sister..."

"So nice."

Xia Lingge raised her hand and rubbed his face.

Mrs. Voss had already been waiting for them outside the manor. When she saw Rias and Verena walking over so beautifully and gracefully, her slanted eyes showed a trace of satisfaction and pride, "My daughters, you are really beautiful today." It’s so dazzling, I believe the prince will stop for you.”

"Thank you, mother."

Xia Lingge and Sicheng replied.

They were about to turn around and get on the carriage, when the petite Cinderella suddenly appeared in front of them and blocked them. She clutched the hem of her skirt and looked straight at them: "Mother, mother, please allow me to go with my sisters."

"just you?"

Mrs. Voss opened the gilded black feather fan in her hand with a "swish" sound, and looked at her with an elegant and somewhat disdainful expression: "Cinderella, I think I have made it very clear, you are just leaning against the stove. The maids who make a living are completely different from my precious daughters. The words "mother" and "sister" are already for the sake of your late father, otherwise you think you would still stay in the stable manor. Bread and pure water?"

Cinderella tightened her grip on her skirt: "But you also said that I am my father's daughter, and the prince's announcement said that all girls in the city can participate, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, high or low, so whether I am a lady or a maid, I can participate. The right to dance.”

"Please mother, let me go, I really want to see such a grand... ah!"

The silver fan handle slapped her face hard. Seeing this, Xia Lingge and Si Cheng hurriedly grabbed Mrs. Fusi's arms from left to right.

"Mother, there is no need for you to be angry with a maid."

"Yes, mother. Let's... let's get in the carriage. It won't be good if we waste time."

They helped Mrs. Voss to comfort her, fearing that she would take action against Cinderella if she became displeased.

"My daughters are really so kind." Mrs. Voss felt happy and pleased with their persuasion. She did not avoid their hands, but turned her eyes coldly towards Cinderella and said again, "I said you are stupid, it is simply It’s an insult to this word. The prince ordered that all girls in the city can participate, so can all the girls in the city participate if they want?”

"Without gorgeous gowns, without exquisite jewelry, without proud looks, all that is left is dust. And even if such a person participates in the ball, what else will he get besides adding to the laughing stock of the nobles? Oh... a A ruined reputation.”

Mrs. Voss turned back and smiled gently at Xia Lingge and Si Cheng: "Let's go, my children, there is no need to delay the rest of your lives for such a trivial matter."

They helped Mrs. Voss into the carriage.

Xia Lingge patted Si Cheng on the shoulder and walked back to Cinderella. Cinderella lowered her head. Her bright golden hair obscured both sides of her face, making it difficult for people to see her expression. The light cast by the manor lengthened the shadows of her and Xia Lingge. Cinderella slowly raised her head and looked. She felt aggrieved and called out with some deep meaning: "Sister..."

"There's no need to call me that."

Xia Lingge looked at her: "I think you know your mother's attitude better than anyone else, so there is no need to make you feel uncomfortable. Instead of hoping for the smallest possibility, you might as well...ask yourself."

Cinderella still looked timid.

Xia Lingge didn't know if she heard what was being hinted at, but Mrs. Fusi who was sitting in the carriage was already a little impatient, so she had no choice but to step on the carriage and drive into the royal court.

The crystal hanging lamp is bright and shines on the floor, reflecting people's reflections. Exquisite snacks, delicious wine, gorgeous and elegant aristocratic girls shuttle lightly like beautiful butterflies, and chat.

The dance has not yet begun, and the prince has not yet arrived.

Everyone is looking forward to it and waiting eagerly.

Xia Lingge and Sicheng deliberately found a remote location.

"Is Cinderella here?" she asked slowly, holding the porcelain plate of blueberry cake.

Si Cheng shook his head: "I just went out and looked around, but I didn't see Cinderella's shadow. It's possible that she hid when she saw me. However, according to the story, Cinderella entered the venue after the dance started. Just wait patiently."

"His Royal Highness has arrived——!"

The waiter's shouting voice interrupted all the conversations. The ladies stopped what they were doing and looked up at the figure strolling down the spiral staircase.

Exquisite crown, bright red cloak.

The handsome prince walked down slowly with a gentle smile.

"His Royal Highness Prince--!"

"His Royal Highness Prince--!"

The ladies held feather fans to cover their blushing faces. A few bold girls stepped forward to chat, but were blocked by the prince's gentle but unfamiliar smile.

None of the girls got any benefits, so few dared to come forward.

"Your Highness."

The waiter who followed him whispered: "According to the rules, you should invite a girl to dance to start the dance."

The prince shook his head firmly: "I will only invite my future princess to my first dance."

The waiter still wanted to persuade but was blocked by His Highness the Prince's determined eyes. Alas... it turned out that he had inherited the unique stubborn temper of the royal family.

The prince's gaze shuttled among the noble ladies, and suddenly his eyes fell on a girl wearing a purple fishtail skirt in the corner. The cold, elegant and noble girl was like the mysterious moon, attracting people to approach but making her One cannot bear blasphemy.

He had a slight liking for Xia Lingge, but was put off by the dress she was wearing because...he didn't like purple very much.

(End of this chapter)

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