Quick Travel: Card Destroyer

Chapter 276 Tempering the World

For bounty hunters who want the "tyrant"'s head, the queue can go around Tianhai City three times.

Guan Rong is no exception.

There are many people with a higher level than "Tyrant" on the gold bounty list, but "Tyrant" will definitely be the first choice for most bounty hunters to get rid of quickly.

There is no other reason than that the "tyrant" is a woman.

Still a lone ranger.

Talking about the gold list, "Young Master" Chen Yingqi and "Doctor" Fu Cangzhao occupy the first and second positions respectively, but few people dare to provoke these two.

They rely on Feixue Group, and after the apocalypse begins, they rely on "genetic modification agents" to almost hold the sky with one hand. If they want to target them, they must consider how to deal with the entire group. Of course, it's not that no one took action, but they all failed without exception, and no one survived the group's sweeping campaign against them.

The remaining women on the list basically have forces they can rely on, such as the leaders of the Female Eagle Base "Hyena" and "Orca".

Only the "tyrant" is always alone.

Hearing that the tyrant appeared in Pingqiu Base, Guan Rong was like a wolf smelling the smell of flesh and blood. He rushed to the eastern half of Tianhai City. When he finally found the place after all the hardships, he saw an oval face and thick glasses. The woman effortlessly killed many sneak attackers instantly.

"It's still too late!"

He retracted the telescope angrily and cursed at a volume that only he could hear.

The companion behind him who was helping to lookout heard him collecting his equipment and couldn't help but wonder: "Old manager, why didn't I hear you fire the gun?"

"What a fucking gun!" Guan Rong scolded, "I'll give you the telescope. Take a look at the notice board at Pingqiu Base!"

In fact, there is no need to use a telescope at all. Just looking at it from a distance can tell that a lot has changed in recent days.

A person's superpower is powerful enough to turn things around on his own, so no fewer than a hundred people who have tried to assassinate the "Tyrant" so far may have been able to hurt her, but no one has succeeded in killing her.

So no one would have the slightest doubt that An Cuo could take down an entire base single-handedly.

The only function of the telescope is to remind them that the "doctor" is coming.

For large bases, "young kings" or "tyrants" are the ones who must not be offended; but for scattered individual hunters like Guan Rong, "doctors" are the most terrifying existence.

The "doctor" never gives any reason for killing, and his actions are even more traceless. He only follows one principle: he only kills men, not women.

If the "doctor" is regarded as a regular doctor, then she is indeed despised by her peers, but in the end of the world, most people with medical skills have blood on their hands, so there is nothing we can do about it.

"Brother, pack your things and prepare to run away!" Guan Rong skillfully put away the traps and equipment arranged around him and shouted to his companions habitually.

However, there was no movement in that direction at some point.

Guan Rong only saw a corpse sitting limply against the wall, with its mouth half-opened, its eyes hollow, and green smoke still coming out...

Before the brain could react, the body took action first, ignoring the equipment that had not yet been recovered, and jumped to the right with all its strength!

With a crisp shattering sound, Guan Rong successfully broke open the glass and jumped out of the window, falling to the floor of the corridor in embarrassment.

Several glass shards were crushed into various parts of his body due to the fall, but Guan Rong had no time to pay attention to the new injuries on his body. He started running before he could stand firm!

The survival instinct developed during the last three years saved his life.

But as the saying goes: "The King of Hell wants you to die at the third watch, who dares to keep you until the fifth watch!"

Guan Rong was the chosen one who was invited by the King of Hell.

The curling white smoke quietly touched the scarred body of the bounty hunter, getting into his mouth and nose, and seeping into his ear canals and eyes when he was not prepared.

The hunter gasped and struggled to move his bloody limbs, trying to escape from his death.

He never thought that he would be hunted as prey today after hunting all day long. Who's on the other side? Driven by whom? How much gold is your head worth now? None of this matters anymore.

Because he couldn't escape at all.

My lungs began to leak air, my vision gradually blurred, and I felt dizzy...


There was a heavy thud on the lower stairs, and Gululu rolled several times before he came to a stop. The sound resounded throughout the entire corridor.

After an unknown amount of time, a figure in a white coat walked down the stairs and passed by Guan Rong.

She squatted down and checked repeatedly to confirm that his breath was gone, then she took away all the usable equipment on his body, threw a pure white flame, and let the flames devour the flesh and blood.

If someone comes here in the future, they may only see a dilapidated skeleton lying alone in the stairwell.

"Doctor, why did you change the map?"

An Cuo was lying on the long table in the conference room, looking listless, and even the standing hair on his head was hanging down.

She watched with her own eyes as the dark blue-haired doctor dotted and drew pictures on the screen. It didn't take long for the picture indicating the distribution of power in Tianhai City to change.

The original red area turned purple, with scattered green areas.

There is also a dark green spot, which the doctor specially marked with the word "female eagle".

"I found new dirt." A slightly pale hand helped An Cuo smooth his short, messy hair like weeds.

They had just washed their hair two days ago, and their hair was dry and soft. There is not much water, but it is enough for people in the last days.

An Cuo found that the scale of the map seemed to have shrunk a bit, not only showing the map of Tianhai City, but also adding a sea area next to it, and the red color went to the blue area that should indicate the depth.

"Why do I remember that there should be a trench here?" She put her left hand on the table and held up half of her cheek, pointing to the deep red spot on the picture and asked.

The doctor nodded: "It's the place you guessed."

During the Eternal Winter Period, several of the world's oceans began to freeze, and even now during the Eternal Night Period, the ice has not melted. During this period, the boundaries between countries have been infinitely dissolved.

No one knows when the sea ice will melt. Anyway, cars will not sink when driving on it. Simply build mobile bases on the ice first. Each base is composed of several RVs or large trucks. When the ice melts, you can just drive. run.

The ocean is vast, and mobile bases are popular for their flexibility, and their sizes vary from conventional land bases.

And just at the location of the world's deepest trench that had been marked in textbooks before the end of the world, a strange red color appeared.

What a coincidence, the world's largest mobile base is located there.

Naturally, someone observed the anomaly and sent a report, and the situation did attract attention. However, for some unknown reason, all investigations into the anomaly came to nothing in the end, and no further news was heard.

But for An Cuo, that weird red is still a bit far away, and the purple area that needs to be solved most right now is still there.

We should have taken action two days ago, but it was delayed due to various reasons. The news that "the tyrant occupied Pingqiu Base" spread for a while, and a "driving effect" formed in the surrounding area, and the purple area began to move elsewhere.

Most of the directions are traceable, either to the mixed area or to another all-male base.

It can be said that Pingqiu Base is racing with death.

Before the red reaches the land, prevent the migrating purple area from merging with other bases.

A cat with a better temper than Zhao Mei appears (?)

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