Quick Travel: Card Destroyer

Chapter 258 Rebellion like me

Chapter 258 Rebellion like me ()

No matter how the world line changes, one thing remains unchanged.

Chen Yingqi, like "He Yingqi", loves two-dimensional animation.

She was born with poor eyesight, and under Su Xueying's strict control, her reading could barely be maintained at 300 or 400 degrees. Perhaps it has something to do with her unstable vision. "Vision" means a lot to her.

Only if it is visually eye-catching, will she like the whole picture.

These eyes love to see the tension of human muscles, the expressiveness of pictures, and the impact of various elements.

Many times, only two-dimensional animation can meet her needs in this regard.

Therefore, Bing Haoqi has repeatedly ridiculed that she is a "visual animal" and admitted that she sometimes prefers pictures that look better but are not so affectionate towards women.

But now Chen Yingqi's most intuitive feeling for Fu Cangzhao is that she has become less lazy and her mobility is obviously much stronger.

As her efficiency improves, she can do more things. Now she not only writes articles, but also picks up a tablet and draws some pictures.

She lived her ideal life.

What’s interesting is that because she can draw by herself, she can draw the muscular devil heroine in her mind exactly according to her imagination, without having to ask for a draft and then repeatedly tell herself to look for other drawings when she has money. Hand-drawn muscles are more obvious.

But she was a human being after all, and people would inevitably get tired after sitting in one place for a long time. So she closed the computer, leaned on Fu Cangzhao's shoulders and began to relax, and quietly wrapped her arms around Fu Cangzhao's waist under the table.

Soft but tough.

A fleshy white cat with different eyes jumped onto Chen Yingqi's lap, then lay down obediently and slept peacefully.

"I've been here many times, and it probably recognizes me." Chen Yingqi explained.

The white cat's body, which was full of soft flesh, rose and fell regularly, and Fu Cangzhao couldn't help scratching its cheeks because of its well-behaved look. The cat really started to purr, making a sound like a motorcycle.

As for whether Sancai would be jealous because Chen Yingqi touched other cats, the two of them knew this tacitly.

Sancai is not an ordinary kitten, and many cat habits do not work on it.

Fu Cangzhao thought for a while, took out his new mobile phone and took a photo.

One is a close-up of a sleeping cat, and the other is a selfie.

After the filming, when there was no one in the cat cafe at this time, Fu Cangzhao secretly took Chen Yingqi's lips into his mouth.

This time, the person who had been kissed secretly did not resist, but actively responded to Fu Cangzhao's expectations and gave him a warm and soft kiss.

This is also reasonable. Chen Chao and Su Xueying have been living together, so it is natural for her daughter to come out early under her influence.

"If something goes wrong here, my mother and Aunt Su will take me back to the company's headquarters," Chen Yingqi told Fu Cangzhao through mind sharing, "I got my green card very early, and their energy also It’s strong enough. As long as I want to run, not many people can stop me.”

Currently, the company is still in the wait-and-see and research and development stage. Fu Cangzhao has the "Qingdao Woman" in his hand, but the data still needs to be adjusted to make it fully fit the physiques of humans in different worlds.

The worst case scenario is that the "Scavenger Woman" is adjusted to have no effect on the other gender.

If He Yingqi in the original world line had doubts about the entire plan because he had never seen the actual operation, then now Chen Yingqi is too familiar with how her mother's company operates and does not dare to let too many people know about it, unless the other side Really showing his fangs.

Otherwise, depending on the "awakening" of these people in the country, the entire company would be stripped naked in a few days, and she would have no choice but to pack up and run to the headquarters with the two mothers overnight and exit as quickly as possible. Internet. When proposing to form a group or engage in offline alliances, they always say "protect personal information to prevent backstabbing", and when hinting at how to implement it in practice, they also ask others to fully explain the results that have been achieved.

Chen Yingqi would never dare to trust a group with such double standards.

It is now the year 2X22, which is still a long time away from the year 2X23 when Bing Haoqi first traveled. In order to prevent the world line from being too chaotic, Fu Cangzhao decided to stay here during this period.

Although the company's progress is slow, scientific research cannot be completed overnight, and the other side has not been at odds yet, so they are not in a hurry.

Fu Cangzhao decided that when Chen Yingqi needed to pack up and escape at the speed of light, he would provide the core data of the "Qingdao Woman".

Somehow, she remembered Chen Yingqi's underground laboratory.

This person seems to often post videos of making crystals online.

I have to admit that some chemical substances look really good after crystallization. They are crystal clear and regular in shape. In terms of visual effect alone, they are not inferior to the diamond rings sold in jewelry stores. They are also made by oneself, and the feelings are deeper.

When she lived abroad, she often bought some DIY perfume bags and made some perfume herself. It is true that I have not received systematic training, but my mother's company has gathered various strange people, and one of them is good at perfume mixing.

After the aunt's guidance, she could at least make a perfume that she wouldn't feel dizzy after smelling it.

For example, now, the clever combination of oxygen, citrus and mint scents can bring back some of the coolness of autumn in the fiercely hot days.

Underneath is the equally fresh blue wind chime. After the sharpest mint in front has completely disappeared, it is its turn to take the lead.

The soup base is Chen Yingqi's favorite musk, ambergris and agarwood, which gives the avant-garde woman lightly outlined in the front and middle notes an unfathomable background.

She knew that Fu Cangzhao had a very good nose and could definitely smell the spices added to the perfume.

Obviously, the perfume this time is also in line with the other party's appetite.

The white cat was still napping on Chen Yingqi's lap, which made her couldn't help but stroke the cat hard along its back.

The moment your palm leaves the cat's body, you can seem to see a few snow-white cat hairs flying in the air.

Fu Cangzhao has a cat-like personality. He has a peculiar calico cat at home, and now there is a cat lying on his lap.

Chen Yingqi was overwhelmed by cats!

Capturing the fleeting thoughts through thought sharing, Fu Cangzhao couldn't hold back for a moment and burst into laughter.

"What are you thinking?" Chen Yingqi tried to make the other party "submit" through her fierce eyes.

Fu Cangzhao didn't seem to be affected at all. There was an unknown smile on his face that had always been paralyzed, and he calmly replied: "I thought of something happy."

"Are you so happy?" Chen Yingqi touched the white cat on her lap twice more.

At this time, the cat woke up, turned around, jumped down lightly, and disappeared from sight in a few seconds.

Without the cat in the way, Fu Cangzhao became even more presumptuous. He directly hugged Chen Yingqi onto his lap, leaned into her ear and said in a breathy voice: "Of course it's because of you that I'm happy."

Chen Yingqi was so shocked that she got goosebumps all over her body.

When did her rebellious will turn into a sultry persona? !

 Some sticky daily(.)



(End of this chapter)

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