Quick Travel: Card Destroyer

Chapter 211 Only loneliness is eternal

Modern day, at the beginning of the year 1101 of the Cang calendar, at : a.m., the Heart of Xilai Magic Academy.

In addition to preparing for exams, students during finals week also have one very important thing to do - move some things from their dormitories home.

The environment of the college dormitory is not bad. Although the conditions are definitely not as good as most people's homes, it will not make students unable to put their things.

If so, then buy a storage cabinet and find a place to put it.

Several people took advantage of the free time after just reviewing a round to sort out the things they wanted to take home. Since everyone has different living habits, the number of items they need to take home is also inconsistent.

Xia An's family is wealthy and her cabinets are full of items, but she has a space ring and can ask her family to drive her to and from her, so it doesn't matter how much she goes through.

She hummed softly and glanced at the complicated things in the cabinet. If she wanted to take away something, the space ring would emit a white light and suck it in.

Just as she was immersed in this simple happiness, Zhou Luoshui suddenly asked curiously.

"Hey, Mai Mai, what is this in your hand?"


The nature of human beings is gossip, even if Xia An is the daughter of a wealthy family, she cannot avoid gossip. She followed Zhou Luoshui's voice and looked over.

Ning Qiumai held a small black box in her hand, which looked like the kind used to store rings.

"There's nothing in it," Ning Qiumai said calmly, and waved his left hand towards his curious roommates, "The ring is on my hand and I can't take it off anymore."

Only then did the three of them notice that there was a ring-shaped object wrapped around the root of Ning Qiumai's left ring finger. Although it looked pitch black at first glance, it actually revealed some wonderful colors when placed in the sunlight.

It turns out that this is the so-called "colorful black"!

Seeing that her roommates were curious, even Miss Xia An seemed to have never seen this thing before, Ning Qiumai's right hand touched the surface of the ring and the bright black crystals spreading out from the black ring.

She said there was a little story about this ring.

In the 453rd year of the Cangli calendar, Xixters mobile headquarters.

Cheng Manqing moved her fingers with difficulty.

As the most powerful Grand Mage on the human side, her theoretical lifespan is more than five hundred years.

But today, lifespan, which is extremely long in the eyes of ordinary people, is also coming to an end.

For a magician of her level, the most terrible thing is probably not the aging of the organs, but the elementalization of the body.

To put it bluntly, it is transforming into a pile of elemental molecules every day.

Her body began to disintegrate more than ten years ago, and then quickly regenerated with the blessing of magic power.

And when the speed of rebirth cannot keep up with the collapse, she will also die.

"Click." The door to the room opened smoothly, making only a slight sound. Cheng Manqing looked over with some confusion, and the dark blue-haired immortal walked to her side holding a magazine.

Fu Cangzhao handed the magazine to Cheng Manqing: "Page 23."

The magic power carried the book and floated to Cheng Manqing. With a slight movement of his mind, he automatically turned to the page number Fu Cangzhao said.

“The source circulation system may become a training method for magicians in the new era.”

"I searched the original paper for this article, and it pointed out the hidden dangers of the current consumable source element." Fu Cangzhao pointed to the title of the article and said in a deep voice, "It can also give you a few more years to live."

Cheng Manqing asked in surprise: "Didn't you write it?"

"It's not me, she's a very thoughtful young man. I plan to recruit her as my assistant." Fu Cangzhao smiled, took Cheng Manqing's arm and massaged it skillfully, "Recently, there is a professional The magic supercomputer studio needs to pay attention, they are looking for a formula that can calculate the source-gamma."

"Interesting studio." Cheng Manqing lowered her eyes. If her body hadn't been getting stiffer day by day, she would have been nodding. "At that time, we still thought Yuan Su was such a mysterious thing, until that happened..." Fu Cangzhao was very familiar with what she was talking about: "The first source crisis."

In 1022 of the lunar calendar, Xixters had just entered the public eye with the help of micro-teleportation anchors. At the end of the year, a large number of magicians were reported to be unable to absorb source elements from the air.

After many investigations, it was discovered that there were a large number of source holes in the locations where the magicians were located, which meant that there was no source element for the magicians to absorb in these places.

For magicians, the inability to absorb the source elements they need to survive will cause irreversible damage to the body, which is called "source element depletion disease."

For the Xixters, this is not a good thing, because it means that there is likely to be one less way to destroy the enemy, and it is a relatively low-cost method for them.

As the number of source holes increased exponentially, some female netizens who were unable to practice magic due to resource blockade in the early years began to revel, saying that the age of magicians was passing and the age of humans was coming, and that male magicians' bodies were They are all weak. As long as they exercise more, they don't have to worry about men doing evil.

A few years ago, the few teenagers who first discovered that something was not going well have experienced verbal criticism from netizens and the rapid tightening of the Internet environment. They speak less and less online, and their childishness has faded from their brows, and they are transforming into mature young people.

The Yuansu crisis also implicated them, and the entire sect was once again exposed and ridiculed, making them even more enemies as they were already street rats.

Fortunately, Fu Cangzhao started paying attention to them very early - or rather, he started paying attention to such comments very early and used Xixters' connections to find information about these young people.

Just as she was about to send the invitation, a young man with particularly strong mobility and resources approached her first.

In 1023 of the Old Calendar, with the help of new blood, Xixters successfully found a substance that could replace the currently used Yuansu, called Yuansu-β.

According to calculations, Yuansu-β can theoretically be used by magicians around the world for more than four hundred years, which should be enough to find other substitutes for Yuansu, or fundamentally change the magician system.

"Do you remember what they said?" Fu Cangzhao finished massaging one of Man Qing's arms and kicked his legs on the ground. The office chair started to move and went around to the other side smoothly, "We can't stop at Yuan Su. -β, if β is gone, there is still γ, if γ is gone, you can continue to look for it. Although this is an integral part of the current magician’s training system, it is not an option to continue like this.”

After reading the article in the magazine, Cheng Manqing tilted her head back, just leaning on the neck pillow of the chair.

She closed her eyes and rested her mind, and said leisurely: "Let's make a bet."

Fu Cangzhao: "No beating."

Cheng Manqing seemed to want to curl her lips, but the stiff muscles on her face prevented her from making a too complicated expression: "It doesn't matter, anyway, the stability of Yuansu-γ must be worse than the β we found hundreds of years ago."

Fu Cangzhao's eyes darkened.

Hundreds of years ago, those ambitious young people said similar words when they first met her.

They had already realized at that time that magicians could not continue to simply consume the source elements, and would probably need to rebuild their training system.

It's a pity that the life span of pure humans without practicing magic is extremely short. Before they could get the results of their research, people left one after another.

Later, due to various reasons, the research on the new system was repeatedly shelved, and no one mentioned it again until today.

"Someone will always think of going together, right?" Cheng Manqing was so sleepy that she almost couldn't speak.

"Well, it's very strange, the tacit understanding that spans time and space..." Fu Cangzhao responded in a low voice.

There was silence in the room, except for Cheng Manqing's fairly regular breathing.

Sclerosis is related to the third elemental crisis. The memory part of this chapter talks about the first and second elemental crisis.


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