Quick Travel: Card Destroyer

Chapter 202 The Poison Doctor is Unparalleled

The expected melee did not occur, and the howling of the wolves only lasted for a short time, then gradually weakened until it disappeared.

However, the fishy smell always lingered around the two of them and could not dissipate.

"Go on!" Fu Cangzhao threw something towards Fu Qingliang.

The young man hurriedly caught it, but his body was staggered and he almost lost his balance.

When she managed to steady herself and carefully looked at the item in her hand, she was surprised to find that it was a long sword.

This sword is completely different from ordinary long swords. Strictly speaking, its shape is not like a sword, but more like a lengthened and widened version of a three-edged thorn.

Several blood grooves with extremely dark colors seem to tell its glorious history. Many martial arts masters have suffered under this sword.

There were several strange characters engraved on the sword. Although Fu Qingliang couldn't understand it, when she scanned the characters, four words came to her mind: "Prosperity in the world."

She looked at Fu Cangzhao in surprise, who was holding another ancient long sword in his hand.

This sword looked more normal, but Fu Qingliang, with his extraordinary eyesight, could also see that the weight of this sword was beyond his ability to control.

Fu Cangzhao suddenly said: "Qingliang, stand down!"

She took two steps forward and blocked Fu Qingliang behind her.

At this moment, the fishy smell that had been lingering around suddenly broke through.

However, what slowly emerged from the clouds was not the savior, but panic itself.

"Oh?" Fu Cangzhao said with an upward pitch in his voice and his eyes were as bright as fire, "Is there a white tiger with aura hidden in such a remote place?"

After saying this, she moved swiftly and her figure was like electricity, instantly closing the distance to the white tiger, her figure flickering in front of it.

At the same time, Fu Qingliang found a big tree where several people were hugging each other, and hid behind it. His keen ears caught several sounds of sharp weapons entering flesh.

She quietly probed her head and found to her surprise that even though her eyesight was excellent, she could only see Fu Cangzhao's blurry figure.

And on the white tiger, multiple joints were bleeding!

Especially at the neck, the blood column was particularly thick, and his life was in danger!

After confirming that the white tiger was in dire straits, Fu Qingliang walked out from behind the big tree.

At this moment, Fu Cangzhao caught a glimpse of the young man leaving the hiding place, his eyes tightened for a moment, and he shouted to the back: "Don't be careless!"

Sure enough, when the white tiger's life was about to come to an end, it suddenly opened its bloody mouth and let out its last wail!

As the howl sounded, several invisible wind blades quickly condensed into shape and rushed straight towards him!


Her conscience tightened, but her body started to act spontaneously. Just when the wind blade was about to cut off her body, she managed to resolve it in one dangerous step after another.

The strange-shaped long sword in his hand is like a poisonous snake spitting a message. When the prey approaches, it will reveal its fangs without hesitation!

...it was a near miss after all.

From then on, when people went up the mountain again, although they would still be frightened for several days, they would soon find that the ferocious beast no longer appeared.

After confirming that the white tiger's breath was gone, Fu Cangzhao said: "Let's go."


Time flies, winter turns to spring in a blink of an eye.

As the Spring Festival approaches, firecrackers sound one after another and gunpowder smoke fills the air, but no one complains. Instead, smiles are on their faces and laughter fills the streets.

This imperial city is filled with a strong sense of joy.

In the streets and alleys, every household has pasted brand-new couplets and the character "福", which are booming, symbolizing good luck and prosperity in the new year.

The children were dressed in new clothes, with innocent smiling faces. They ran happily amidst the sound of firecrackers, injecting vitality into this ancient city.

The bustling market is filled with all kinds of New Year’s goods. The shouts of vendors and the bargaining sounds of customers come and go, making it a lively scene. Colorful lanterns, sweet and delicious rice cakes, and all kinds of fireworks all express people’s good expectations for the New Year.

The inner courtyard of the palace was decorated with lanterns and colors and was full of joy. The emperor and the queen, dressed in gorgeous dragon robes and phoenix robes, presided over solemn ancestor worship ceremonies, praying for the prosperity of the country and the peace and contentment of the people.

The palace lanterns twinkled, silk and bamboo played melodiously, and lion and dragon dances tumbled and jumped in the palace square, injecting new vitality into this ancient palace of the prosperous dynasty.

As night falls, colorful fireworks illuminate the entire imperial city. People sang and laughed amidst the sound of firecrackers, praying for all the best and happiness for their families in the new year.

In this joyful festival, everyone is surrounded by joy and happiness.

The same is true for the medical clinic on the outskirts of the imperial city.

The old man was combing his gray beard with a smile. Hearing the commotion outside, he couldn't help but think of a poem: "The sound of firecrackers eliminates one year old, and the spring breeze brings warmth to Tusu."

Suddenly, several stout men broke into the door, and the two of them worked together to hold up a dizzy big man. The old doctor saw that this man looked pale and seemed not very clear-headed.

One person said: "Doctor, Xie Laosi has been like this since he returned to the village two days ago. He coughs every day, is low in energy, and his forehead is still hot when he touches it..."

Looking at the clothes of these people, the old man knew that they were all bandits on a hilltop in the suburbs.

What they usually do for a living is robbing the rich and giving to the poor. Since all of them have martial arts skills, the imperial city is reluctant to deal with them.

But men always have various hobbies.

It is said that men go to the hall to read the Four Books and Five Classics, and there are also four gardens and five restaurants in the restaurants.

The bandits in the nearby stockades like to go to Fulong Pavilion and Qiuhong Garden near the imperial city to enjoy the spring night...

Infectious diseases are also inevitable.

Although the old doctor didn't like these bandits, he still had to treat people well due to his benevolence as a doctor.

Looking carefully at Xie Laosi's face, he found that the other person's face was pale and slightly vain. Looking at the tongue coating again, the coating is white and slippery, which is a typical symptom of wind and cold invasion. He nodded slightly and kept the results of the examination in mind.

Listening to his breathing, Xie Laosi was short of breath and had a slight cough.

"Doctor...I haven't been to any restaurants these days..." The rather large bandit's voice was weak and weak at the moment.

In order to diagnose the condition, the old doctor asked a few more questions, and several tall and powerful bandits answered them one by one.

Over the years, the old doctor has tried his best to treat their illnesses and saved the lives of many brothers. Therefore, no matter how violent the bandits in the village are, they must be respectful when meeting him.

With each other's words, several people pieced together the story of Xie Laosi's illness.

Recently, Xie Laosi has been inexplicably lacking in interest. As the new year approaches, he wants to have fun.

Several new women were captured in the village, but Xie Laosi was not interested in women. He preferred to go to Fulong Pavilion to have fun with two male entertainers.

Unexpectedly, within two days after returning to the village, he started to have headaches, fever, sensitivity to cold, loss of appetite, and general weakness.

The old man was suspicious, but he still did not dare to make a conclusion and carefully felt his pulse.

He found that Xie Laosi's pulse was loose and tight, typical symptoms of cold and cold. Combined with the previous three diagnoses, I had a clear diagnosis in my mind.

However, what surprised him was that the wind chill came a bit strangely, but judging from various signs, it seemed to be just an ordinary wind chill...

The old man thought for a moment, wrote down the prescription, and ordered several bandits to go to the pharmacy next door to get the medicine.

"...Go to the pharmacy next door?" Unexpectedly, several big men looked hesitant.

"What's wrong?" The old doctor wondered. Is there something wrong with the pharmacy next door?

I can’t stop my full attendance this month (Sadness.jpg)

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