Quick Travel: Card Destroyer

Chapter 162 Variable Control

Robin didn't reply immediately.

She quickly jumped up a big tree, and after confirming once again that there were no ambushes or pursuers around her, she jumped down and said to the people behind her: "Don't rush to decide where to go. How many of you really want to follow me?" of?"

Several people took the initiative to step out of the team and come to Robin's side.

Among the remaining people, some seemed to be still waiting and watching, while others stayed firmly in place, obviously not wanting to follow her.

Robin expressed his understanding of these people's choices.

She is too young to convince the public, and women are rarely seen in the real power circles, which makes most people even more distrustful of her strength.

Even if they have "Saint Mary" in hand, they can't stop them from leaving.

"Now that you have made your choice..." After waiting for a while, Robin saw that the team had not changed, so he announced his decision, "Then I will not force you to stay. Let's go, don't be like the dean and the college. Like everyone else here, controlled by that broken alliance."

After hearing this, those who did not choose to follow Robin quickly dispersed as they were granted amnesty.

In the end, only a few elemental representatives from this class, a few female classmates who were familiar with each other, and Robin himself were the only ones left.

"Although you were the only ones willing to stay with me in the end, ten people walking on the street are still very conspicuous," Robin looked around and made a judgment, "We may have to split up into groups and try to go to the wild instead of the city. Any objection?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Robin looked at them seriously, his eyes scanning the nine teenagers standing in front of them one by one.

She asked: "What is the reason why you insist on following me?"

The representative of the fire element responded with a smile: "Because the thing is on you, I'm still waiting to fight back to save the dean!"

Fight back... Robin couldn't help but smile and continued to wait for an answer.

"Because the dean chose to trust you." The answers given by the three non-representative students were basically the same.

Except for the current representative of the space element who has never expressed his position, the other representatives of the elements said something to each other, but to Robin's ears, they all meant the same thing.

——The current status of the family cannot be confirmed. Although following Robin is very risky, there is still a glimmer of hope because the position is clear enough.

"What about you?" Robin looked at the current space element representative.

The young man has smooth silver shoulder-length hair, with bangs covering his forehead, making him look very quiet.

But a pair of red eyes told Robin that she wanted something else.

"Have you ever had a birthday party?" the silver-haired boy asked Robin. "You were surrounded by a group of people. There was a large piece of cake on the table. You blew out the candles and everyone asked you to make a wish."

Robin seemed to have some realization: "Don't say the wish you make in front of a candle. It will be useless if you say it."

Just like birthday wishes, some things have no effect once they are spoken.

The other party didn't say it clearly, but Robin vaguely guessed something.

Finally comes the former representative of the space element.

She was stunned for a long time, as if she didn't understand why everyone was staring at her, and then shrugged, looking nonchalant: "I have no choice. What else can I do but follow you? Go home? Go back to that barren slum. ? Or go back to the academy? The academy has let that man take control, I definitely can’t stay here.”

"Very good," Robin nodded and pointed at the silver-haired boy, "You follow her, and I'll join you. The others can group freely."

On the other side, polluted space.

"Don't move." Bing Haoqi stopped Rosemary.

The latter stopped moving forward and looked back. Bing Haoqi still maintained that weird dull expression, but there was always a weak voice deep in her heart telling her to listen to that person and stop moving forward.

Bing Haoqi strode forward, raising her head to face the pen suspended in the air.

Greta's body has very good eyesight, and she can see the pen clearly even from a long distance.

  The crooked lettering on the pen barrel was very easy to read, but it made Bing Haoqi temporarily confused.

"How do I remember that you should have been taken away?" she asked. Hearing her question, Zero Inkless Pen trembled for a moment, and then slowly landed in front of her.

Bing Haoqi opened her palms and lay down obediently without ink pen.

"It's very simple. I put a thousand and one clones in a thousand and one worlds. She was lucky enough to take away my body, but all my clones are still there."

A joking male voice echoed in the space.

"Really?" Bing Haoqi said softly into the air.

In her field of vision, the faces of the variegated figures were still blurry, but as the distance grew closer, their outlines gradually began to appear.

The scarf is fluttering, and occasionally at an angle where the variegated colors are not fully covered, dark red can be discerned.

"Come on, give it to me." It was the familiar low-pitched young voice again.

Bing Haoqi raised her palms and stretched them forward.

"Just throw away dirty things like this." The figure took the Zero Inkless Pen from Bing Haoqi's hand, broke it off with a slight force, opened a space crack and threw it in. "This is a clone. It is easy to destroy. You can try it next time."

Bing Haoqi stared blankly at the phantom in front of her and nodded gently.

The variegated phantom hugged her and then disappeared like smoke.

The pure white flame that almost occupied the entire field of vision also disappeared.

The space returned to calm, and the small box left by Professor Ge Yanmin still stayed there quietly.

The tension that oppressed the two of them all the time also disappeared.

The pollution value card on Bing Haoqi's waist dropped rapidly from one hundred, the numbers flashed crazily, and finally fixed at: 30.

"[嗞——] Hello? Hello? Is he still there? Is he still there? If he is, can he say something back?"

After a burst of noise due to interference, the system Ayao finally reconnected with Bing Haoqi. After getting a positive answer, he was so excited that he almost jumped three feet high - if it had an entity.

"Hey, the pollution value is finally normal, because it's not a normal space. There is still a basic value of [-], but this is just a waste for normal people. Hey, are you okay?"

"I saw Fu Cangzhao, is this an illusion?" Bing Haoqi asked in her heart.

A Yao was silent for a while, and then gave an answer: "Actually... I have guessed the situation when host your pollution value reaches its peak. I have calculated it several times and got a similar answer. I am not going crazy, but entering a very... Wonderful condition.

"Because you are insane and you are very strong, you seem to tear apart the space around you at this time. People on the other side feel that you are in danger, so of course they come to save you!"

Bing Haoqi was silent.

She no longer paid attention to A Yao, but squatted down and began to check the equipment on the ground.

I touched it casually with my hand, and the dark shell opened, revealing the six-membered ring snowflake stored in a transparent container inside.

He glanced at the pollution value card on his waist. Sure enough, when Xue Hua was revealed in front of the two of them, the pollution value suddenly jumped from thirty to over fifty.

really!Bing Haoqi's heart sank suddenly, and she quickly closed the shell, and the pollution value returned to normal.

As it opened and closed, a note fell out from the gap.

"I'm still exploring." The first line.

"Do not open this box completely. At most, observe through the container, otherwise the order will collapse." The second line reads.

Signature: Ge Yanmin.

The two looked at each other.

"We must bring it back to the college..." Rosemary had just spoken, but realized that what she said was inappropriate, and quickly changed her words, "No matter what, we must bring it with us first. This is the message Professor Ge Yanmin left for us. , absolutely cannot give up.”

I have a cold again and am tired.

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