Quick Travel: Card Destroyer

Chapter 139 New Era Sister

"In our line of work, to put it bluntly, you can do whatever is not prohibited by law, and you have to learn how to take advantage of the loopholes. For example, don't be stingy about using military-standard cards. If someone reports you without the foresight, you can use 'emergency avoidance' ' to defend myself.

"There is an unwritten rule on the road, and all the hunting teams are unanimous, that is to say, no matter how many conflicts we have with other hunting teams, or even to the point of life and death, as long as we face the fighting card masters outside, priority will still be given Cooperate with your own people. In addition, 'black and white' is also allowed."

"In other words, we can rob the things from the battle card masters outside and sell them ourselves?" Bing Haoqi immediately heard the voice of the words, and Song Ximing nodded approvingly.

There are indeed a few "beast hunting teams" in the city. They never hunt the alien beasts themselves in the beast tide, but look for suitable combat card masters to start with, and take advantage of the opponent's weakness after killing the alien beasts to complete the killing and looting in one fell swoop. .

However, the Yunshan Society has never bothered to do this. Firstly, they have no grievances with the combat card masters, and it is better to do less than to do more. Secondly, they also have enough strength to complete the hunt alone.

At this moment, Fu Cangzhao suddenly turned back and asked Bing Haoqi: "Do you use cards?"

Bing Haoqi was stunned for a moment, shook her head and said, "No need, magic is more practical when you rub it with your hands."

Song Ximing nodded: "Making good use of natural abilities can bring the creator's combat power to a higher level. But are you sure you don't need cards at all?"

Bing Haoqi thought for a moment, then reached out to Fu Cangzhao: "Give me a copy of 'Changhong Guanri'."

The power of "Changhong Guanri" has also reached the limit of civilian cards. However, due to its simple design, many people do not pay attention to this card, which was also created by Ji Liangqi.

The reason why she is particularly fond of this card is that it has the characteristics of instant casting and low consumption.

Once encountering a situation that requires a high degree of energy concentration, "Changhong Guanri" is obviously safer than controlling the power by oneself.

After the final confirmation step, Song Ximing stopped talking nonsense. With a push of his arm, the wrench turned with a "squeak" sound, and the thick alloy door opened at an extremely slow speed.

Soon after that, Song Ximing, who was still trying to open the door, heard a "ding" in his ear - the sound was very clear, like the sound of metal chopsticks tapping on a glass - and then there was a sound at his feet. The sound of flesh falling to the ground.

A hook was launched from an extremely tricky angle, grabbing something and dragging it in. When the full picture of the thing was revealed in front of everyone, No. [-] couldn't help but take a breath: "Broad-winged bluebird! How did you let this thing happen?" Come to be a striker? Impossible!"

No. [-] retracted his hook and said in a voice as cold as well water: "Broad-winged bluebirds usually appear in the middle of the beast tide. What they are good at is not charging as most people think, but group guerrilla warfare. How long have we been walking?"

Song Ximing looked at his watch: "5 minutes."

"The beast tide probably hasn't arrived yet." No. [-] squatted down and studied the body of the broad-winged blue bird carefully. She remembered that just now her eyes were dazzled, as if a small silver light flew out from Fu Cangzhao's hand, and then No. [-] captured the strange beast, "Why did you send the broad-winged blue bird out so early? The QY system didn't notify the beast tide to contact the city wall?"

Moreover, Fu Cangzhao's method of killing the broad-winged bluebird was very special. The star he shot out immediately blinded its eyes and disrupted its entire nervous system almost at the same time.Number [-], who was well versed in this, could tell at a glance that Fu Cangzhao wanted to prevent anyone from using this broad-winged blue bird to obtain the exit location of the passage.

Not only did she immediately cut off the possible detection connection, but she also used this to set up a backlash. If someone really tried to use the eyes of a strange beast to find out where the exit of the Card City underground passage was, they would be shocked at this time. The force dissipated on the spot.

Even if the person is not dead, he will lose his memory and even become a disabled person.

Everyone looked at each other.

There is only one possibility left now——

Someone is secretly controlling these strange beasts!

"Come on, let's get out quickly, this passage will be disabled immediately!"

Song Ximing made a prompt decision and opened the alloy door to the maximum, letting the rest of the hunting team go out first, while he stayed behind and shouted into the passage: "Emergency code 999!"

No. [-]'s steps faltered.

Emergency code 999 means "Destroy this passage immediately and smelt the entrance and exit gates."After shouting the emergency code, Song Ximing quickly left the passage, used all his strength to quickly close the door, and caught up with the team members running in front.

When returning to the team, Fu Cangzhao gave her a meaningful look.

The next second, his consciousness connected with "the stars and the moon", and his whole person looked much lighter.

Fortunately, she reduced the impact on the sky during optimization, otherwise it would turn into darkness as soon as she activated the card, and it would be unacceptable to tell others that she had used her ultimate move.

The position they chose was very clever. It was very close to the flank of the beast tide predicted by the system. The impact was much less than the middle, but they would not be able to hit only some small minions because of the distance.

"No. [-] and No. [-] change hooks. I will follow behind with the space storage card." Seeing the beast tide getting closer, Song Ximing ordered as if he had forgotten about the destruction of the passage just now.

The two men in black suddenly had several hooks on their hands. Number [-] also explained to the two newcomers very considerately: "The first confrontation between the city and the beast tide is often completed by the QY system. Did you see the gaps on the city wall? ?Yes, it was just opened, and inside it is the city defense cannon, which is responsible for the first round of attack and elimination. Basically, this is how the forwards of the beast tide were shot down."

No. [-] silently added: "In the past few beast waves, the firepower of the city defense artillery was excessive, and there was no need for the city defense army. But this time, most of the pressure is on our heads. It is probably a bit overwhelming to rely solely on the city defense artillery."

"So you are in this posture?" Bing Haoqi looked at the equipment in their hands curiously, and could only think of one thing.

——Collect the corpse.

After reading the whimsical thoughts that popped up in her mind, Fu Cangzhao seemed to have remembered something. He grabbed Bing Haoqi's hand and said, "Let's go pick things up together, and I'll save them for you."

Bing Haoqi was stunned for a moment, then cheered: "Okay--!"

Seeing a large number of strange beasts approaching quickly, Bing Haoqi's heart seemed to vibrate along with the earth. At this moment, an emotionless electronic sound filled the audience, pulling her mind back to her body.

[QY system reminds you that the first round of fire coverage is about to begin, with a countdown of three——]

Song Ximing reminded: "Protect your eyes and ears!"

The three old members quickly took out earmuffs and goggles from their pockets and put them on.

However, neither Bing Haoqi nor Fu Cangzhao carried these things.

Perhaps Song Ximing did not issue these equipment to them just to test their defense capabilities.


How to do?
Not difficult.

The young man, who is shorter than the residents of Card City, raised his hand and planned to release a light mask according to his own impression. This light mask can not only withstand the shock wave that may affect this place, but also isolate part of the light and sound.

The second before the power surged out of her body, Fu Cangzhao stepped in front of her, quickly unzipped his long coat, buried Bing Haoqi's head in his arms, and protected it with the hem of his clothes.

The strongest defensive skill that comes with "Wearing Stars and Wearing Moon" - Full Moon, is activated to the maximum!

The moment before the bombing started, Fu Cangzhao's voice echoed in Bing Haoqi's mind: "No matter what the road ahead is, I am with you."

Second more.

The tide of beasts begins.

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