Song Yi studied what kind of existence the flame life is, while Jihad studied the principle of its infinite combustion. The two research directions are different, and the Beijing Research Institute heard that they had encountered such a strange existence, and they immediately He directly used the photon transmission function to teleport over and joined the research.

Some of them joined Song Yi's side, some joined the Jihad side, and some started their own research directions. Because the noise was too loud, the leaders were immediately alarmed. When they heard about the existence of the flame tree, they immediately felt that it was of great importance, and then waved their hands. , a steady stream of people were transferred over, and then spaceships brought various materials, and a small base was built directly around it.

Ling Dai, Jiang Fengtao and the others looked at the base that was being quickly established with their mouths open. They didn't know how things developed to this point. Didn't they come out to practice? Why did it suddenly become like this?

Song Yi completely forgot about the original purpose and directly devoted himself to studying the flame tree with other researchers. Then they discovered that this was a form that was different from all life on the Blue Star.

It does not have the characteristics, reproduction and metabolism that life on the Blue Star should have, but it is indeed life because it has spiritual power. Yes, Song Yi discovered that it has spiritual power. They all want to overthrow it. When life existed, Song Yi noticed this.

"This is not life under the rules of Blue Star, but life under the rules of the universe." Song Yi finally said.

Under the rules of the universe, as long as there is spiritual power, it is life, just like a planet. Can you say that Blue Star is not life? He is also conscious and can grow and die, but his life cycle is longer than theirs.

As for how it keeps burning, Jihad has also studied it, "It is composed of a substance we have never seen before. This substance is very strange. It can be burned repeatedly, and the substances produced after burning It is still this kind, that is to say, it is a substance that does not change its physical form during combustion, but it also needs fuel, and the fuel is probably spiritual energy."

It is a pity that the properties of this substance do not change. They have done many experiments with it. No matter whether they add other ingredients to it or use it to decompose, they cannot change its properties.

Obviously, it is because of this characteristic that it maintains this infinite burning state. Song Yi and Ji Zhan have no interest in continuing the research, but other researchers are different. They feel that there is more research to be done on the characteristics of the flame tree. .

After Song Yi and Ji Zhan finished their research, they were ready to continue their journey. The other researchers had no objections to this and instead said:

"You should take a good stroll and try to find more useful materials."

"Yes, the honey you discovered before is very good. My mental strength has been restored due to my previous research."

"Me too."

Only then did Song Yi know that so many researchers had suffered mental injuries, and he was thankful that they had discovered this special honey last time.

"By the way, is the special effect of honey due to the type of bees or the pollen?" Song Yi was a little curious. She didn't have time to study this before, but she thought the research institute should have already studied it.

"It's due to pollen. Begonia Spring Sleep has the ability to repair mental damage. We found that its fragrance can make people who have suffered mental damage fall into a deep sleep and then slowly repair their mental power. If people with intact mental power are not It will fall into a deep sleep." A researcher named Shen Danfeng replied.

"Eh? Captain/Jiang Fengtao, have you been mentally damaged?" Everyone immediately looked at Jiang Fengtao.

"No." Jiang Fengtao looked confused. Why didn't he know that he had been hurt?

"In fact, everyone has some slight mental damage, and it is consumed in daily life, so most people don't know it." Shen Danfeng explained.

"Ah, can it still be like this?" Everyone looked confused. "Yes, damaged mental power does not refer to the parts that can be consumed, but the core part that represents the spiritual body. Just like a person's lifespan will slowly wear out, the same goes for mental power." Shen Danfeng is engaged in this Research on spiritual power, how to develop it before the end of the world, and its essence after the end of the world:

"According to my research, the existence of the spiritual body represents the upper limit of a person's lifespan. In other words, the lifespan can be increased through practice, but the spiritual body will not change in any way. When the spiritual body is exhausted, no matter how much you have in your body, If you live long, you will die."

"Then this honey can make up for this?" Everyone looked confused, and Tan Qiuyun immediately thought of what she said before.

"No, it can only repair some parts. Those that have been worn away by time cannot be repaired." Shen Danfeng shook his head. "The best this honey can do is slow down the process."

"Don't humans have souls? Do they disappear completely after one life?" Kuang Wenxin asked, thinking that after having superpowers, souls would also exist.

"That's not entirely true. According to my research, there is an existence similar to a cell nucleus in the spiritual body, which will not be erased." Shen Danfeng said.

"Is it the so-called spiritual core?" Tan Qiuyun guessed.

"Maybe it's the true spirit. Isn't there a saying that the true spirit is immortal?" She Fengying also said.

"In short, the mental body determines the upper limit of lifespan, and the body determines the limit of lifespan. From this point of view, begonia nectar is quite important." Song Yi concluded.

"Absolutely." Shen Danfeng nodded: "Currently, the Begonia Spring Sleeping Flower Forest has been listed as a national first-level protected area."

Because of the discovery of Begonia Nectar and this time the Flame Tree, the country has prepared to send teams to visit all areas of China. Originally, this was planned to be done slowly, while expanding the base and exploring at the same time. Now with these two , the country feels the need to explore it in advance.

After understanding this, Song Yi and the others set off again and continued southward. Ten days later, they encountered the biggest crisis.

A sudden strong wind blew away the people gathering fruits. At the critical moment, Ji Zhan teleported to Song Yi and only had time to catch her before the two of them were blown away.

The wind came so unexpectedly that Song Yi was blown away before he had time to react. He was knocked unconscious by branches that were blown away along the way. When he woke up, only Jihad was left around him.

"Hiss, it hurts." Song Yi covered her head and felt a little sticky. It looked like she was bleeding. There were still many places on her body that were in pain, as if she had been beaten violently.

She quickly took out a pill and swallowed it, then looked for Jihad. She soon saw him not far away and found that his face was pale. She quickly ran over to check on him and found that he had a fracture on his body and the back of his head was hit. What a lot of blood.

Ah, I was too lazy to code yesterday, so I left it until today.

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