Chapter 330 Doomsday Hunter 7
Hua Xian stayed inside for less than half an hour before he came out with a frown on his face.

It was filled with the cries of children and the painful howls of the disabled. From time to time, corpses covered with rags were carried out, followed by grief-stricken relatives and friends. Blood and tears reflected all the despair in this human world. Infinite zoom.

Separation by life and death has become the norm, and separation of flesh and blood is commonplace.

"How long have you lived here?" Hua Xian asked.

"It's been more than three months since my wife died."

Hua Xian was startled: "The original owner of your body is married?"

Xiao An wanted to smoke, but he hadn't seen tobacco or alcohol for a long time, so he could only hold a small branch in his mouth and said:
"It's over, do you see the sign over there?"

Hua Xian looked where his chin was pointing and saw three huge words on a sign not far away:

survival tax

These three words gave Hua Xian a huge shock.

What the hell is this world?

As long as the people at the bottom are alive, they must pay a high survival tax regardless of whether they work or not.

Doesn't this push people to death?

Xiao An said: "The child's mother hanged there three months ago."

Hua Xian opened his mouth but said nothing.

To resist the survival tax policy in this way is to force people to have no way out.

"A month ago, my son had a high fever. I carried him to all the hospitals. No hospital was open normally, and all pharmacies were closed. After three days of fever, he died."

"Then you joined the Self-Reliance Army?" Fancy asked in a seductive voice.

Xiao An spat out the twigs and crushed them on the ground with his feet, as if to vent his anger.

Character memory affects the quester.

Xiao An at this moment is a poor man who lost his wife and son.

Xiao An nodded: "Absolutely, otherwise what else can I do? Before the catastrophe, I was an ordinary office worker who barely had enough food and clothing. When the catastrophe came, my job was gone, my family was gone, and I was alone and wanted to survive. , you can only join. In this building."

He raised his eyes and looked at the shelter: "It's people like me who rise up in rebellion when they can't survive anymore."

Fancy has no position to accept this.

All in all, Dong’s father and Dong’s mother are also among those who support this series of policies.

If she comforted him aloud, her back would not hurt even if she stood and spoke.

"Are you soft-hearted? If you are soft-hearted, just stay and fight against the power with us. You don't necessarily have to wait to die if you stay." Xiao An said.

Hua Xian suddenly reacted:

"You asked me to come to the shelter just to get me to join you?"

Xiao An said "Yeah" generously.

Hua Xian frowned: "I can't make the decision on this matter alone."

Xiao An said:
"I know that your parents can't pass the test. And, to be honest, with the current situation, you are seeking death by joining our Turkish army."

You don’t want to have parents with high social status and a high-quality life, but you come here to rebel, and your head hangs on your belt all day long?
Only people with stupid brains would do this.

"Then you still ask me?"

Xiao An said: "I mean what if you can't leave in the future? What if the current regime collapses? I'm going to find a way out for you."

Fancy said angrily:
"I hope there will never be this escape route."

What are these unlucky words?

As expected, their positions were different, and they thought it was the other party's misfortune.

Xiao An shrugged: "I knew it, okay, I'll go wherever you go." In the next few days, Hua Xian didn't go out again.

Because as the departure time of the spacecraft gets closer and closer, the commotion outside becomes more and more fierce, and there are even constant exchanges of fire.

Sometimes Hua Xian would be awakened by the sound of gunfire in the middle of the night. When she looked out the window, the sky was filled with fire.

Also, every night she could hear the rustling sound of big insects crawling by, but she couldn't catch them alive or dead.

She wanted to tell her parents, but they hadn't been home for three days in a row and were so busy that they had no time to care about her.

What makes Hua Xian even more uneasy is that she can sometimes see big insects crawling over and leaving a smoky red substance in the air.
The amount was very small and it dissipated after a while.

I don’t know if it’s poisonous or not, so I don’t dare to become a human being and try it myself.

Anyway, this red smoke has no effect on vampires.

After several arrests but no one alive, Hua Xian got better and went to the attic every day to guard him.

Finally, on the night of the fifth day, she caught one!
The big bug struggled wildly in her hands, with dense tentacles on both sides of its body kicking wildly. There were two long whiskers on its head, which were eyes or other sense organs.

It seems to have no mouth and cannot bite.

But it's really disgusting.

Fancy took a photo with her phone, close-up.

Then he stuffed it under the bucket, turned it upside down on the ground, put a pile of books on it, and sent a message to the group of a family of three:

Appeared in our attic.

When Dong's parents saw the news and photos, they were so frightened that they ran home.

They asked my daughter to video chat with them along the way, for fear that she would die suddenly after hanging up the phone.

Especially when I heard the banging sound coming from the bucket in the video and the terrifying hissing sound made by the big insect,
and the crumbling books on top
Dong Ma was about to burst into tears and wished she could fly home right away.

Hua Xian saw that the big insect hit so hard that he was afraid that it would overturn the bucket.
So I simply squatted on the bucket and held up the video on my mobile phone to prove that I was still alive.

Unexpectedly, the insect was sending a signal or something, and after calling for a while, it actually attracted dozens of companions, surrounding Fancy.

Hua Xian cursed in her heart, patted the "bug matter" in the bucket, and threatened:
"If you dare to come here, I'll kill it!"

The big insects didn't know whether they understood or not, so they hissed louder.

At the same time, a large amount of red mist-like substance is released.

Fancy quickly switches the rear camera and quickly activates the vampire bloodline.

Red seemed to be a dangerous color. If she was really poisoned and died, she would have to go back to the bookstore world.

Too embarrassing.

When Dong’s father and Dong’s mother saw the video, their daughter’s face suddenly changed from a small face to a world full of big bugs, and they shouted out at the same time:

"Qinqin! Qinqin!"

Hua Xian caught the insect that was attacking her alive with one hand, and held her cell phone in the other hand and said:
"I'm fine. Wear a mask when you come!"

After saying that, she hung up the phone and stepped on the big insect in her hand, trying to crush it to death.

But the insect's shell is so hard that it can't be stepped on, as if it were stepped on a stone.

Moreover, this move seemed to have aroused public outrage. More and more insects were attacking her around, and the red substance was becoming more and more intense.

Hua Xian gritted his teeth, jumped down from the bucket, rushed into the kitchen, turned on the liquefying stove, and a yellow-blue fire came out.

Fire attack!

Creatures like bugs are generally afraid of fire and can kill a large area.

The big bug soon followed her into the kitchen.

 This insect is the first prototype creature in the spirit cage - the spinegu. You can search for pictures to see what it looks like. It's very ugly.
(End of this chapter)

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