Xia Qing squatted by the hole, carefully observed these two strange, colorless, odorless and transparent weeds, and decided to move them fifteen centimeters to the outside to make them further away from the spring.

Because these two Xiongwu grassland plants originally grew in the depths of the evolutionary forest north of the Baiqi base. It is dry and cold there, while Huisan Base is relatively humid and warm.

If after transplanting to her territory, the weed grass remains at the original distance from the spring, it is likely that it will not be able to withstand moisture, turn into water, and rot.

Although she didn't buy it with money, she wouldn't have to pay for it if it died, but if one plant died, she would lose one million, which meant she would lose an area larger than Mount No. 49. Xia Qing felt heartbroken when she thought about it.

Even if it is not for selling money, who can guarantee that he will not be plotted to synthesize poison in the future, or become out of control and go crazy due to the increase of poisonous elements in his body? Killing weeds can save lives at critical moments.

Therefore, she must serve these two weeds as her ancestors.

Xia Qing pinched the native soil brought back by Yang Jin from the stone pit and found that the soil was more humid than when it was poured out of his pocket yesterday.

This is not possible. Too much moisture can easily cause root rot. You must increase the soil's air permeability.

Fortunately, the problem of drainage and ventilation was taken into consideration when planting. The stone pit Xia Qing chose has two cracks at the bottom. Otherwise, she might have to remove the whole weed grass and drill a few holes in the stone pit.

If there are leaking stone cracks and the soil moisture has increased, it means that the drainage and air permeability of the soil are insufficient. Granular gravel needs to be mixed into the soil to increase the drainage and air permeability of the soil.

What kind of gravel particles should be used?

After carefully observing the gravel particles in the soil, Xia Qing made a decision: use the gravel left over from making the Yishi protective shell and sifted from the soil near the Yishi.

Because this kind of gravel gives Xia Qing a feeling that is very similar to the gravel particles in the grass.

Just do it.

Xia Qing immediately went home to get gravel, carefully removed the two little ancestor plants first, then mixed the gravel into the soil, then moved the growth position of the two little ancestor plants fifteen centimeters outward, and then blocked the hole. .

In order to allow ventilation for the weeping grass, Xia Qing did not seal the hole tightly, leaving a crack. The spring water will attract small animals. In order to prevent the small animals from breaking through the insect-proof net and getting in to drink water and destroying the weeds, Xia Qing sprayed insecticide and fungicide near the cave again.

She did everything she could. Whether these two little ancestors live or die depends on their own destiny.

After breaking off the toon leaves for the sheep boss, Xia Qing went home to make breakfast to fill her stomach and went straight to the corn shed.

Xia Qing planted the two kilograms of corn seeds given by Luo Pei in late June. A total of 1900 corn sprouts grew out, with a germination rate of 1415%. After losses due to rain and other losses, there are now plants left, and the loss rate after germination is as high as a quarter.

Comprehensive calculations show that only 47% of the 32 corn seeds sown early can survive to the harvest period. The corn seeds next to them were exchanged from the safety zone. Because the seeds were not of high quality, only % of the seeds germinated and successfully grew to the harvest stage.

This is the current situation of crop cultivation in Blue Star after the great evolution of biology.

Because of the availability of unpolluted spring water and the use of Zhang San's soil pesticides in advance, Xia Qing's corn harvest rate is the highest in the territory.

Of course, as Xia Qing’s planting experience improves, as long as there is no devastating natural disaster, next year’s corn will definitely grow better than this year. She has no doubt about this.

This corn plant was planted in late June. The bottom leaves and the husks surrounding the corn have turned yellow and withered, indicating that the corn is mature and should be harvested.

In order to facilitate the plowing of the land, Xia Qing decided to dig out the corn roots and corn plants together. The agricultural tool needed to do this kind of work is a kind of hoe. The width of the hoe is only 10 cm, but the length is 20 cm. Its blade is thick and the blade is very sharp. The hoe is the same as the half-meter-long wood The handle is at right angles and it is a small agricultural tool.

Qi Fu calls this kind of hoe a small pickaxe. When using a small pickaxe to dig corn, you need to bend down and use strength, but the work efficiency is much higher than using a shovel.

Xia Qing, the power evolver, lacks the most strength. She picked up a small pickaxe and moved forward at a harvesting speed of one plant per second. She knocked down more than a thousand corn plants in 40 minutes.

Looking back at the neatly laid down two rows of corn stalks, Xia Qing wiped the sweat off her face, waved her pickaxe and shouted, "Boss, Second Brother, look, this is the country I have built for you!" "

The old sheep that was gnawing on the tender grass in the cornfield didn't even raise its head. The sick wolf that was playing with grasshoppers outside the shed was very proud and stuck out its tongue at Xia Qing, hahaha.

On a stone beside the shed, a red squirrel was wagging its big fluffy tail, waiting for a free meal.

Xia Qing drank a few mouthfuls of sweet spring water, wiped the sweat off her face, and began to peel the forty corn plants she singled out and threw on the ridges of the field.

It is a pity that among the more than two thousand corn plants sown early and late, not a single green light plant appeared, so Xia Qing only picked out the yellow light corn plants with lower phosphoelement content, large corn cobs and full seeds. Save seeds for the next crop of corn next year.

Xia Qing tore open the skin of the corn cob, peeled off the corn, and put it in his pocket. The corn stalks are green and the corn husks are withered yellow, but the peeled corn is white.

The corn sown early has white corn kernels, and the corn sown late has yellow corn kernels. Xia Qing doesn’t know the difference between the two corn kernels yet, so she plans to save some seeds from both, and they will be the same next year. All planted.

The farm work of peeling corn aroused the interest of the sheep boss and the sick wolf. The long corn cobs that were peeled off made the red squirrel almost shake its tail and jump up and down outside the shed, hoping that Xia Qing would give it a cob quickly.

One is impossible, a few pills are fine. But the corn that has been shucked has not yet dropped its kernels, so the freeloaders will have to perform for a while longer.

The sheep boss came over and smelled the corn that Xia Qing peeled. He lost interest and went to eat the corn leaves again. The sick wolf imitated Xia Qing's movements, used both teeth and claws, and finally peeled out a corn, and then expressed its joy by "oooo" and "oooo" at Xia Qing.

"The second one is so smart, so awesome." Xia Qing broke off the corn peeled by the sick wolf, put it in his pocket, and scratched its chin.

The sick wolf was happy. He flicked his tail and picked another corn, peeling it with his teeth and claws.

The sheep boss held the leaves in his mouth, walked to the nearest corn cob, and imitated the movements of the sick wolf and stepped on it with his hoof. The result...

The corn was trampled into the soil.

The sheep boss stole a glance at Xia Qing, dug out the corn with his hoof, held it down, held the corn husk in his mouth and pulled it away, and then the corn was actually cut into two pieces.

The sheep boss looked at the half-cut corn that had fallen. He became more and more unhappy. He raised his head and called his companions, "Hey!"

"Boss, what's wrong?" Xia Qing heard the call, stood up and walked to the sheep boss. He looked at the half of the corn cobs he peeled out and was speechless.

What's weird, there are only two corn kernels growing on a corn cob that is more than 20 centimeters long, and they are still lying down. They look like warts on the human body, and I want to pick them out immediately!

I have worked so hard for more than a hundred days, and you have grown two corn kernels. Who can you deserve?
"Boss, it's not your fault, it's just that this corn plant is ignorant." Xia Qing peeled off half of the corn plant that was still growing and took a look.

What's more, this half is even more extreme, with only one corn kernel growing.

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