The sky was so dark that the lights in the distance flickered, reflecting in Huang Yuntai's eyes, burning like fire and ice. He closed his eyes and stood motionless for a long time. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were filled with emotion. Shining light.

"Xiao Wang, let me tell you a tragic story."

There was a man named Huang He who had been a Taoist since he was a child and worshiped under the disciple of Master Yuanyang in Tiandu Mountain.

He is determined to practice Taoism and has no concern for worldly affairs. He knows a little bit about Qigong and has practiced a few swordsmanship from Tiandu Mountain. He usually only fights with his fellow apprentices, so he doesn't know how good a swordsman he is.

One spring day, Taoist Master Qingyang, the junior disciple of Zhenren Yuanyang, went to Tiandu Mountain, selected six junior brothers, and taught them the Supreme Sword Formation of Tiandu Sect - the Seven-Star True Immortal Formation, and formed the Seven-Star Formation with Taoist Master Qingyang himself. True Immortal, even Master Yuanyang couldn't withstand this sword formation for a quarter of an hour.

Because the emperor was innocent and favored traitors, Taoist priest Qingyang took six brothers, Huang He, down the mountain to assist King Qingjun of Yuzhang.

On the day Huang He and the others arrived at Yuzhang City, King Yuzhang raised his troops to offer sacrifices to heaven. Seven-star immortals descended from the sky with majesty. King Yuzhang immediately named Taoist Priest Qingyang as the national preceptor.

Brother Huang He lived in King Yuzhang's guest house and got to know the painter and his son. When he heard that King Yuzhang was going to donate nine beauties to the emperor, Huang He felt uneasy.

A few days later, Huang He listened to the gossip from the maid in Yingbin Garden, saying that King Yuzhang had sent his army eastward. The navy army conquered Anqing with great momentum, and went straight to Nanjing. He established a reign in Anqing, and appointed the left and right prime ministers. Once Nanjing is defeated, he will ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor.

No matter how ignorant Huang He was, he knew that King Yuzhang was planning to rebel. He immediately went to find his senior brother, but when it was almost dark, he could not find his senior brother.He returned to the guest house and packed his luggage into a bundle. It was already dark and it was past the time to leave the city. He could only wait until tomorrow.

This night, with meteors and beacon fire, was a night of slaughter.

In the middle of the night, the Yuzhang Palace started to catch fire, and then the imperial general Shenwu's men surrounded the Guest House to capture the rebels.

Huang He made a mistake in the chaos and injured his leg. He hid under the rockery and watched helplessly as the soldiers killed the other four brothers on the spot except the eldest brother.

The sky in the east showed a white fish belly, and it would be dawn soon. Huang He was worried, not knowing whether the army of soldiers would leave and come back.A young man jumped out from the darkness and dragged Huang He into the fake cave.

This young man is Dalang, the son of a painter. He was separated from the painter when chaos broke out in the middle of the night. Dead people were everywhere in the guesthouse. He didn't know what to do and sobbed softly.

Huang He practiced breathing in the Beiyuan of the Guesthouse every day. He had seen gardeners rowing boats to trim the flowers and trees on both sides of the lake, which was connected to the outside.Dalang helped Huang He find the gardener's boat, and quietly sailed out of the North Garden of the Guest House before dawn. They did not dare to go ashore, so they parked beside the lush woods on the shore.Huang He and Dalang didn't lose their luggage. There was dry food in Huang He's package. They took a sip of lake water when they were thirsty and a piece of cake when they were hungry.

After two or three days, Huang He's legs became stronger. They went ashore and followed a group of porters. They heard the porters saying that at midnight the day before yesterday, officers and soldiers from the imperial court surrounded Yuzhang City, saying that the King of Yuzhang was already in Anqing. Captured alive by General Shenwu, the Princess of Yuzhang, Princess Lou, set herself on fire in the palace, and the palace burned into rubble.

The porters pointed to the guest house behind them and said that all the people inside, except the palace maids and maids, had been killed for treason, and blood flowed like rivers.

Huang He and Dalang were so frightened that their faces turned pale. One of the porters said that Lou's father was the husband of General Shenwu. Before she died, Lou begged for the people of the city and asked General Shenwu to let the people live. Therefore, Yuzhang City can still go in and out in the past few days. They have to rush out of the city and hide in the countryside for a while. If General Shenwu returns to the capital, the people of Li will starve to death if he guards against a violent point.

Huang He and Dalang decided to follow this group of people out of the city immediately. They were now unkempt and looked similar to these porters, but they easily slipped out of the city gate.

Huang He wanted to go back to Tiandu Mountain, but Dalang had nowhere to go, so he followed him to Tiandu Mountain.

They were burdened with money. At this time, the war was in chaos and everyone was fleeing. Where could they buy food? Sometimes they stole melons and sometimes vegetables. They were starving in the land that had been ravaged by the imperial army and the army of King Yuzhang. A full meal.

Until they met a group of refugees, supporting the elderly and the young, and carrying a lot of belongings. The two of them were young and strong and worked as porters for this group of refugees.

After getting along with each other for a long time, I realized that these refugees turned out to be members of the Bai Yuan Sect. The leader of the Bai Yuan Sect and King Yuzhang were brothers, and they used each other's influence to influence each other. Unexpectedly, King Yuzhang had been captured alive by the court. Bai Yuan The leader of the church hurriedly launched an uprising and occupied several county towns. Seeing that the situation was not good, these church members hurriedly went out to seek refuge with relatives and friends.

This group of believers was very friendly and gave them some dry food as a gift when they parted. With these dry food, Huang He and Dalang walked to the foot of Tiandu Mountain.

The grass and trees at the foot of Tiandu Mountain are no longer as vibrant, lush and lush as they were before they left. Huang He wonders in his heart why they are withering like this before autumn.

There was still a long way to go up the mountain. Yellow Crane first went to the big pool at the foot of the mountain to drink from the mountain spring and build up his strength. He saw a ragged shepherd boy grazing cattle by the pool.

Huang He took a closer look and saw that it was his younger brother Xuan Stork. Xuan Stork also recognized Huang He, and the two of them hugged each other and cried.

Xuan Yuan said that all the palaces and pavilions on the main peak of Tiandu Mountain had been burned down by the government. Master Yuanyang Zhenren jumped off the cliff, and his brothers died and fled. Xuan Yuan was young and was killed by the people at the foot of the mountain. Saved by rural farmers.

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