Chapter 126
"Young Master, I asked you to be a sensible person. Now, it's my turn to speak." Fat Taoist Priest Ahu said.

"It was the depth of autumn at that time, and the two thousand-year-old ginkgo trees between the twin towers of Dinghui Temple in Gusu City were golden. After school, I went around to Dinghui Temple and bought a large bag of ginkgo fruits with a bamboo pole. I was excited to prepare Go home and give it to your sister to bake and eat."

"My family runs a small pear candy shop next to Dinghui Temple. Before I stepped into the house, I saw a young man unconscious under the neem tree at the door. He was three or four years older than me. He was very handsome. If I had known about this dog in advance, The thief, just ignore him and let him die of cold and hunger, but my whole family is a member of the Baiyuan Sect, and Mother Wu Sheng taught us compassion and friendship."

Wang Heng was shocked again. Taoist Ahu turned out to be a demon from Bai Yuan Cult.

"I hurriedly called my sister to help. I carried the unconscious man to my house and drank two large bowls of rice soup before he woke up. After waking up, the thief called himself Shen Dalang and said to my father: "The store has stronger cinnamon. Is there any flavored pear candy? ""

"This sentence is the starting point for contact between the church and the church. It was a troubled year, so my parents moved him to the woodshed in my small yard to get to know him."

"According to this dog thief, he is a believer from Jiangxi. He fled all the way to Suzhou. We, the leader of the Baiyuan Sect, are brothers with the King of Yuzhang, and they act as a leverage to each other. We never thought that the King of Yuzhang would not be killed without a fight. As soon as the boat division entered Zhili in the south, they were defeated by the imperial army. King Yuzhang was captured alive by General Shenwu. The leader was riding a tiger and was unable to dismount. He refused to be captured and hurriedly launched an attack on the ground in Jiangxi. Taking advantage of the leader's approach to the altar, the followers risked their lives and occupied several places. There is still a place to stay in the county town for a while, and the imperial court will send a large army to conquer it again. Without armor and food, it is afraid of the worst. Seeing that the situation is not good, this dog thief escaped and found a way out while the road was not blocked. "

"What this thief said made my father very uneasy. He opened a sugar shop and was responsible for liaising with the church. The news from the elders of the general altar was to wait for King Yuzhang and the leader's army to attack Suzhou to coordinate the uprising, and then the war Suddenly, there was no order from the general altar for a long time. My father did not know that King Yuzhang had been defeated, so he reported the news to the Suzhou branch overnight. The leaders of the branch felt that the situation was serious and asked my father to come forward to perform a ceremony at Dinghui Temple and spread the secret order. Summon the congregation to gather under the guise of a Dharma assembly in three days to discuss important matters."

"Early that morning, my mother asked me to take two rice balls to the school and not to come back to eat lunch. My sister gave me a new cotton-padded jacket that she would sew and quietly told me that I would go to school after school. I'm waiting at Master's place. My sister is going to take me to Yuanmiao Temple to visit the temple fair. I understand that my sister must have made an appointment with Brother Shi and wants to use me as a cover."

"That was my happiest day. Brother Shi invited us to taste all kinds of delicacies. My sister's face was always full of smiles. I knew that my parents had promised Brother Shi a long time ago, and we were just waiting for spring to pick a good one. I will be hired soon."

"The three of us wandered from late to late at night. Brother Shi was afraid that I was weak and weak, so he suggested that we go to Shi's house not far from Yuanmiao Temple and take a rest, and asked the male servants to hire two small sedans to take us there. Go home." "Brother Shi's house is very big. It used to be Shiyuan, a very famous place in the city. Now, although the west courtyard is abandoned, the east courtyard is still very grand. My sister is about to marry to Shiyuan as a young lady. I feel very happy. Extremely."

"We talked and laughed for a while, then walked to the west courtyard of Shi's house. Suddenly someone came out of the gable wall and called us in a low voice: "A'e, Ahu, Xiao Shi." "I knew it was daddy from the sound of his voice. Why did daddy show up here?"

"Dad made a shushing gesture, and more than half of the gable of the west courtyard collapsed. Dad motioned for us to jump into the gable and get inside. Although it was already dark, there was a faint light in the alley, and I saw my mother leaning against her at a glance. In the corner, he had fainted, and his mother had a knife wound on her back. Brother Shi said that he had gold medicine at home, so he rushed to the east courtyard to get it. His father told Brother Shi to be careful to avoid people and not to light a lantern. Come."

"While waiting for Brother Shi, my father told my sister and me that the Shen Dalang we rescued a few days ago was a spy of the government. Shortly after the Dharma Assembly started ([-] a.m.), the government surrounded Dinghui Temple, and everyone panicked. They got up and said that they should just use their weapons and kill them. The officers and soldiers were very hungry. However, Shen Dalang, a thief, said, "We are just a sect gathering, and we have never committed any rebellion by killing officials. We are also good people on weekdays, so why not He went to negotiate with the government, and now he volunteered to go, and the leaders believed him and wanted to make a living."

"An hour later, the thief came back and said that he had negotiated with Lord Liu, the master of the government. All the believers put down their weapons, surrendered to the government, and were immediately pardoned and released. Everyone cheered like thunder, saying that they had passed the test. But dad is very worried, he has always opened a shop in the city, how has he ever seen a government official be so easy to talk to, and Dalang Shen has only known him for three days, can he really be trusted?"

"Dad became suspicious, so he quietly went to the lower room of Dinghui Temple. Our family lived next to the temple, and we were familiar with every plant and tree in the temple. Dad knew that the cellar dug by the old monk was in the lower room, so he kept silent. Hidden inside."

"Sure enough, dad's premonition was right. After the congregants handed over their weapons, they only heard a roar, and arrows rained from all directions. The officers and soldiers went on a killing spree, and all 82 men who attended the meeting were killed. Here, Dad still doesn't understand. Liu Fuzun, a dog official, knew that King Yuzhang was defeated and was afraid that the Bai Yuan cult members in Suzhou Prefecture would not rebel. In order to gain military exploits, he came up with a vicious plan and ordered Shen Dalang, a dog thief, to pretend to be The members of the Baiyuan Cult took advantage of the gathering to defile the sect members, kill officials and rebel, and took their heads to ask for credit."

"Until night fell, everything was silent, and my father secretly left the lower room. There was no one in Dinghui Temple, but there was faint green blood on the blue brick floor,"

(End of this chapter)

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