Zundu and fake toot?The target of the strategy has become dark again

Chapter 248: Marriage to the Beast Clan, He Turns Dark 1

When Xiao Li went home today, he saw a novel stall under the overpass.

The two characters "fortune telling" were written crookedly on it.

The simple tables, chairs, and yellowed banners are all incompatible with the highly commercialized City A.

But only the little girl sitting on the chair was interesting.

She was wearing sunglasses, which made it difficult to see her eyes, but just looking at her outline, you could tell that she was extremely beautiful.

Beauty is in the skin but not in the bones.

But Xiao Li has always felt that beauty should be in the bones and not in the skin.

But the little girl's skin and bones are impeccable.

Such people tell their fortunes.

Even just saying a few auspicious words without any basis will make the listener feel happy all day long.

He was immediately interested.

No matter whether her calculations are accurate or not.It's worth it just to catch a glimpse of the beauty.

It just so happened that he got off work early today, so he simply lined up at the back——

Yes, although this stall is simple, you still need to queue up.

Maybe he had the same idea.

They all want to get a hold of the pretty girl’s aura.

The first person currently in line is a young man.He has orange hair and doesn't look like a serious young man.

Xiao Li shook his head.

Young people today.

"What can you figure out?"

He heard the young man ask the little girl.

The tone was not good, even a bit fierce.

But the little girl dealt with it calmly, "I calculated that you have to rely on others for food and clothing. You have a very bad temper and will destroy the furnishings at home..."

Seeing the Jumao youth's expression change, the little girl didn't stop and told even more exciting news——

"And I also figured out that you lost your fertility due to someone else's influence, and you hate everything lately——"

When the orange-haired young man heard this, his expression suddenly changed and he walked away without looking back.

Xiao Li could see his red earlobes from behind.I don't know if it's because of shame or anger.

But don't tell me, this little girl is probably right.

Otherwise, with the temper of that orange-haired young man, he shouldn't have walked away in such a dejected manner.

He might smash her stall.

Hey, I came here to tell my fortune, but I still heard such gossip.

They rely on people for food and clothing, but they have lost their fertility...

Xiao Li has already begun to imagine a bloody drama.

The middle-aged woman who was second in line took a step forward and held the little girl's hand tightly.

"Master, tell me my fortune."

You can find it out by comparing it.

This little girl is really white.

Not only his face, but also his fingers were glowing with a cold white color.

"Are you suffering from insomnia, dreaminess, appetite, and irritability recently?"

Before the middle-aged woman asked her question, the little girl started to answer it.

Xiao Li sighed softly.

The little girl is still young.

I started having these regular symptoms.

How many modern people can avoid insomnia, loss of appetite, and irritability?

Do you have the nerve to say that you are a modern person if you don’t have one?
But the second paragraph that the little girl said immediately shocked Xiao Li——

"If my calculation is correct, you have already given birth to ten children. Don't have any more." As if she suddenly remembered something, she added: "You can consult the orange-haired boy just now and ask your husband to do the same." ...Ahem."

Click to stop, click to stop.

"Host, if this continues, when will we be able to wait for the fragments?"

The system glanced at its host and found that she was still setting up a stall to tell fortunes.

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