Zundu and fake toot?The target of the strategy has become dark again

Chapter 237 He went dark in the survival game 55

In the end, if you want to advance, you must know the name of at least one other player, and this player can only choose from those assigned by the game.

Before the third level officially starts, each player will be randomly selected from three other players.

What needs to be done is to find out the correct full names of these three players. Only the pinyin is not enough, the ligatures must also be written correctly——

Find at least one.

Because there are two boxes for filling in names on each person's panel.

The left side represents elimination and the right side represents promotion.

After each single "Guard the King" game ends, players need to write a name in the left and right grids.

A green light means the name is correct, a red light means the name is incorrect.

After the green light turns on, there will be a step of "confirm submission". Once confirmed, the elimination grid will take effect immediately, and the corresponding player will be eliminated directly.

However, the promotion grid will only take effect when there are only three people left at the end, and the promotion grid will not take effect until the elimination grid takes effect.

This means that if you want to advance at the end, you must write the name of one of the three designated targets and eliminate the opponent before that.

Because three people are not enough to produce two kings and two knights, a new round of "Guard the King" game cannot be played.

In other words, in many "Guarding the King" duels, you can eliminate others at any time, but if you want to advance yourself, you can only wait until there are three people left...

And since there is a "confirmation" step, you don't have to eliminate others. You can simply use this to test whether the entered name is correct.

As for the points accumulated in previous levels, they are not useless.

The points of all members of each team are added together to determine the team's total points.

Five hundred points can add a "life" to the king of your team.

"Host, this is too complicated." The system read it one by one, feeling dizzy and about to vomit.

"well enough."

Wen Yao probably understood the meaning of this level.

Just look for the names of three people, whoever you find, and eliminate them.

The "Guard the King" game itself cannot directly eliminate people, but winning "Guard the King" can get clues to the name.

Name, everything is for name——

"Dear player, congratulations on seeing this! Have you been dizzy? There is only the last step to start the fun and exciting fourth level. Please draw your three designated targets——"

The rabbit demon turned over the rules to the end.

It's time to start smoking.

As long as she doesn't draw fragments, she can accept whoever she draws.

Draw three from the remaining nine people. The probability of winning Tang Li or Yu is not particularly low, but it is not high either.

Wen Yao held her breath slightly.

"3, 2, 1... Confirm extraction."

"Dear player, your three targets are——"

Three pictures appear on the panel.

All are men.

They all look good.

And it says "object".

If she hadn't read the rules of the game, she might have misunderstood it as a human game of dating and finding a partner.

The most important thing is that she knows all three people.

Tang Li, Yu and the former followers of No. 16.

Wen Yao, who drew Tang Li and Yu at the same time:...

Sometimes she also wants to learn game development.

See for yourself what the developers think.

Then find the loopholes in the game and force your way back to the real world.

Of course, Wen Yao could only think about this.

The probability of drawing Tang Li and Yu at the same time was very small, so Wen Yao could only comfort herself.

She has encountered such a small probability thing, maybe she can really advance together with Tang Li and Yu in the end.

Although the probability of this event is lower.

But it's not entirely impossible.As long as the three of them are not eliminated, and each of them eliminates the other three people, and they meet at the final summit, all they have to do is look at each other, smile, and fill in their names in the promotion grid.

Of course, Wen Yao also knew that it was difficult to do this.

But this is not difficult or easy.

It can only be like this.

She hopes that both herself and the fragments will survive, this is the only option.

It was impossible for her to write Tang Li and Yu into the elimination grid.

That left only one option.

The girl gently squinted her eyes, her long and thick eyelashes trembled slowly twice, and her eyes fell on the last photo.

This person is not unfamiliar to her either.

He is the little follower of No. 16.

He was the submissive person before and always looked at No. 16’s face whenever he said something.

She didn't know the number of No. 16's little follower, but she was sure that No. 16 was not among the list of those who advanced to the fourth level read out by the electronic voice.

Moreover, Wen Yao did not see No. 16 inside during the execution.

So No. 16 died early in the cat-and-mouse game and did not survive to the end.

The backer did not advance, but the follower not only survived to the end, but also successfully advanced.

Very strange.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

This little follower... would definitely not be as simple as the last time she saw him.

But sorry, she had no other choice.

We can only get his name as quickly as possible.

"Dear players, please draw your team and identity for the first round of "Guard the King" game."

"3, 2, 1... Confirm extraction."

Wen Yao felt a strange sense of calm in her heart.

We have already drawn Tang Li and Yu at the same time, can it be any worse later?

"Dear player, you are the king of the red team. Please escape from the pursuit of the blue team knights and lead your team to victory——"

"Wow, host, it's a good start. It's not bad to be a king!"

Obviously the king and knight in a team are the most important.

People who are more confident in their abilities certainly hope that Duoduo will be assigned to these two identities so that he can lead the team to victory.

Wen Yao closed the virtual panel.

She was so immersed in the results of the initial draw that she couldn't figure it out.

Still have to take it slow.

How could both Tang Li and Yu be drawn?

After drawing your identity, you no longer need to look at the virtual panel for the time being.Because the team color and identity will be displayed above each player's head.

She was not far from the central square where the gathering was held, and Wen Yao had visited there in her spare time.

She didn't need navigation at all, she could just follow her memory.

Wen Yao "greeted" the developer from the bottom of her heart while walking towards the central square where the game required them to gather.

On the way she met Tang Li and Yu.

The three of them were transported to different places before the official start of the fourth level, and now they are together again...

Wen Yao: It’s better not to get together.

On their heads were two very clear blue words - Soldier.

Haha, she thought the situation couldn't get any worse.

really can.

At least in the first game of "Guarding the King", she was on the opposite side of both of them.

"Morning..." Wen Yao wanted to say hello to the two blue team fragments, but she couldn't say the word "good".

Finally, she muttered, "Good morning."

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