Zundu and fake toot?The target of the strategy has become dark again

Chapter 210 He went dark in the survival game 28

Chapter 210 He went dark in the survival game 28
It's so abnormal.

"Xiao Tong, I...I'm fine."

Wen Yao slowly calmed down her breathing and tried to control the frequency of her heartbeat.

She needs to advance and inevitably kill someone.

But since No. 16 was not her target rat, there was no need for her to kill her.

Even the man named "Xiao Feng" is not a rat, and she still wants to slit his throat with a dagger.


Don't let games affect your mind.

The dagger at her waist was only stained with the blood of the men who robbed Yu of food in the previous level.

Now the dagger has been rinsed clean, and even that trace is gone, just like new.

Brand new things are always hard to bear to get dirty and damaged.

The girl's fingers circled back and forth on the handle of the dagger, and finally put it down.

This game can easily affect people's psychology.

Players kill each other and are addicted to killing. Is this what the game wants to see?

On the 16th, I was still waiting for a reply from Wen Yao and his wife.

The woman's chin was slightly raised, trying to increase her momentum.

After she finished speaking, neither of the two people on the other side responded to her, as if they were thinking.

In the end, No. 16 could not hold back his composure and asked——

"Have you considered it carefully? I am among the top ten in the previous level. With my help, your probability of successful hunting will be greatly improved. Instead of losing everything, it is better to cooperate and win-win..."

Mentioning this ranking, the calm confidence in No. 16's words came back.

She was able to rank among the top few in the previous level, but she got there through hard work.

Tall and strong people, sinister and cunning people... there were all kinds of people, and without exception they died under her dagger.

If she hadn't been misled into choosing "rat" in this level, and rats couldn't actively attack cats, why would she lower her profile here and talk about cooperation with two children?Fortunately, these two little lunatics fell silent.

Yu had already reached the door, which was only an arm's length away from the woman.

After hearing what she said, the young man did not answer, but turned around and raised his eyebrows at Wen Yao.

He didn't say a word, but Wen Yao understood his meaning from the slightly excited eyes: Do you want to kill them both?
He seemed to have no psychological burden at all.

It was in vain that she struggled for a long time.

Wen Yao shook her head.

"Oh, then you go, we don't need help." Yu waved his hand after receiving the girl's signal.

It was beyond Wen Yao's expectation.

The young man agreed too easily, his tone was flat, and he seemed very indifferent.

Wen Yao thought he would insist on eliminating both No. 16.

After all...he enjoys the process of killing people.

Otherwise, he would not pretend to be a powerless person and use himself as a bait just to lure others to take the bait.

But he easily let go of the previous Shamate team and the current No. 16 duo.

The boy seemed to regard this life-and-death killing game as a diversion when he was bored.

The huge scarlet land was just a playground he accidentally stepped into.

The change in identity from rat to cat did not bring any emotional impact to him.

The Matt-killing team he let go last time was later wiped out, and Hong Mao, who was finally eliminated, even bore all the pain points left in that level.

So this time, what will happen to the two men on No. 16 he let go?

The corridor door that was suddenly closed opened again with a creak.

"Host, what kind of door is this? Is it a remote control? But I didn't see Yu pressing the remote control..."

(End of this chapter)

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