After one stick of incense.

The main hall of the house.

Scattered in all directions, the disciples who had performed their missions returned one after another to report their gains to the elders.

After listening to this, Mr. Xu and Sui's expressions gradually darkened, and they looked at each other with the same solemnity and horror.

Even if they were prepared in advance, it was still hard for them to imagine that the Chen family actually dared to plan such a treasonous thing.

"The Chen family alone cannot achieve such a situation. It seems that some rumors are not groundless. Evil cultivators have emerged, and there may be great disasters within a hundred years."

Elder Sui sighed through the message, and then became extremely serious.

"No matter what, since you and I already know about this, we must stop them even at the cost of our lives. Otherwise, if they succeed in the blood sacrifice and break the evil, the consequences will be disastrous."

What he was worried about was not that there would be another Nascent Soul Lord on the mainland, or that a whole city would die.

The evil cultivator has reappeared in the world after thousands of years, and the plan has been planned for a long time. The Chen family can only play the role of a vanguard in front of the formation, not a big fish.

Although the vanguard in front of the formation is not the main force, it plays an extremely important role in the entire march. Just like knocking down dominoes, one move affects the whole body.

Once the Chen family succeeds, blood sacrifices like this will inevitably spring up across the continent.

As the saying goes, a single spark can start a prairie fire. At that time, the peace that has lasted for thousands of years will be destroyed in a moment, and war will resume and the smoke will fill the air.

When the nest is overturned, no eggs are left intact, and no one can stay out of this disaster.

And once such a large-scale turmoil breaks out, it will be a sea of ​​blood, mountains of corpses, and piles of bones. How many people can be left who can keep their true intentions and stick to themselves amidst the extremely bloody killings?

The seven major sects rule Canggu on the surface, but in fact they are beyond their reach. Moreover, the Canggu continent is so vast, with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles. It is unknown how many creatures it has given birth to. Among them, those belonging to the seven sects and carrying the orthodox inheritance are less than one in a billion. .

The purpose of cultivating immortals is to compete with heaven. As a monk, no one is willing to live under others for a long time, and no one does not want to live a long life.

The vast majority of people do so not because they don’t want to become stronger, but because they have no way to become stronger.

Now that the evil cultivator has reappeared, it is tantamount to showing a path to becoming stronger before the eyes of the world. Even if the law of heaven does not allow it, even if everyone calls for beatings, so what?

It was with this in mind that Elder Sui said, "There is no need to fear death."

The human heart is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant. One hundred thousand years ago, the great powers of Canggu united to drive the demons out of this world.

But the war did not end, and what followed was a melee between various ethnic groups, which almost broke the world and left everything devastated.

The demons have retreated, evil cultivators have risen again, and in the chaotic world where mountains and rivers are stained with blood, only the law of the jungle survives.

The seven major sects that now stand in all directions rose up like new stars in such a brutal war, forcibly carving a bloody path, shocking the world, and trying to ensure the continuation of the human race's flames, which established their current status. .

In that battle tens of thousands of years ago, the human race was the final winner.

Countless creatures and countless martyrs sacrificed their lives in exchange for today's peace.

Thousands of years have passed, and that bloody history is now little known.

There are even more daring people who are greedy and want to subvert everything that has been hard-won and recreate the bloody battles of the past to satisfy their own selfish interests. Elder Sui believed that at this moment, even if the person sitting here who faced this situation was not him, but other elders of Tianheng Sect, or colleagues from the other seven major sects, even the demons from the Twelve Demonic Palaces in the Western Regions build.

No matter who is here, they will make the same choice as him.

Since they are the elders of the seven major sects and enjoy resources and treatment beyond the reach of ordinary people, they are also obliged to work hard for this.

Elder Xu, the same is true.


A corner of the main hall.

Ye Pianran silently digested the information he got from others, thinking that his worries were indeed unnecessary.

Just now, Elder Xu, who has always cherished his words like gold, spoke, pointed out the Chen family's plot, and also pointed out the name and function of the Eight Yin Lianjiao Xuan Demon Array.

In general, his statement is almost the same as that of the Divine Lord, which shows that he is knowledgeable, but he is slightly vague in some details, especially when it comes to the issue of pure yin bodies.

Ye Pianran saw the right opportunity, and in the name of guessing, he told the theory of yin years, yin months, yin days, and yin hours, which made Elder Xu suddenly realize and enlightened.

As everyone communicated and discussed, the mystery of the Chen family was gradually unveiled, and strange events were connected together to form a complete picture.

First of all, the large-scale disappearance of Chen family disciples was due to receiving an emergency summons from the family. Most of them had not known the Chen family's plans before. After returning to the clan, those who complicit will live, and those who disobey and unyielding will die.

Chen Xingyue and Chen Shurui undoubtedly belong to the former, and Ye Pianran suspects that the five-star Kuimen Formation they talked about five years ago is most likely a sub-formation of the Eight Yin Lianjiao Mysterious Demon Formation.

The effect is even more simple, that is, it can invade the bodies of those who assist in the formation without anyone noticing, thereby affecting their cognition and causing them to lose their basic thinking ability. Only the Chen family follows suit.

The person who brought this news back was Ning Ziyi, who was exploring the cave alone. Without saying a word, he offered a photo stone, and the scenes recorded in it were simply horrifying.

A few disciples who were ignorant of worldly affairs and had simple minds even vomited it out, suffering a huge impact on their souls.

Ning Ziyi's harvest was the greatest of all. The photo stone he sacrificed not only recorded the Chen family's inhumane crimes, but also some conversations between the Chen family's children.

The content of the conversation was very complicated, but the most valuable information included the following.

First, the blood sacrifice is a top priority for the Chen family. Anyone who attempts to interfere with this matter will be killed without mercy;

Second, the day when Chen Shurui and Meng Shanshan held their wedding banquet was called the banquet day by the Chen family. It was also the day when the Chen family planned to launch the Eight Yin Lianjiao Xuan Demon Array, which was three days later.

Secondly, there is the disappearance of people in Huixing City and even in several surrounding cities. It is now certain that the disappearance of these people is related to the Chen family.

And except for children under ten years old, everyone else has become blood food, providing nutrients for the operation of the formation.

The method of blood sacrifice is extremely evil. Not only did these monks who were treated as blood food die without their whole bodies, only the stumps and broken arms were left, they were not even able to re-enter reincarnation or reincarnation because their souls were also included in the formation. If this formation is not broken, they will not be able to escape.

Overall, the first day's mission was very fruitful. The two elders Xu Sui discussed for a while and formulated the next plan.


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