I really don't want to take shortcuts anymore

Chapter 292 Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction

Wen Jia's guess was correct. Wen Zhou really supported him in guarding the border. He even used this incident as an introduction to recall his heroic appearance when he went into battle to kill the enemy.

Although he is open-minded, Wenmu and Lin obviously have not reached his ideological level, and they are inevitably reluctant to give up. Luo Qianhuai couldn't bear to see them crying in sadness, so he quickly said goodbye and returned to the drug store.

It was not yet the first month of the year, so there were not many patients in the pharmacy, and Wen Pu could handle it alone.

Luo Qianhuai called Xingjiu and told her to order clothes and weapons. He also specifically told her to set up an interlayer inside the leather armor. There were countless small cloth bags sewn in the interlayer, which were distributed in the key parts of the human body. Burn some ceramic pieces the size of a pocket, then stuff them into your pocket, and it will become an ancient version of anti-arrow armor.

Xingjiu admired her whimsical ideas. Just when he was about to leave to do something, he saw that she was hesitant to speak.

"Madam, do you have any other explanations?" she asked.

Luo Qianhuai did have an unkind request, asking her to ask Mr. Mo if he had any martial arts skills suitable for the battlefield.

But before she could ask, the system suddenly said:

"It has been detected that the host has an urgent need to find a killing field martial arts. Do you need this system to calculate a shortcut route?"

"What? The system can also provide martial arts skills?" Luo Qianhuai was very surprised. Since the last time she asked the system for papermaking skills and was rejected, she has never thought about it again.

By the way, last time the system claimed that it could not be provided directly and could only be put into the lottery pool on the grounds that it surpassed the known technology of this plane. But this martial arts technique is different. You can use what has been used by predecessors.

She believed that if she spoke to Mr. Mo, he would definitely try his best to find him. But since she was not planning to have anything with him in the future, the less favors she owed, the better.

"System, this technique is prepared for Wenjia. Please try to fit his personal conditions when looking for shortcuts," she said.

"The wish has been received. I was calculating the shortcut, and the shortcut calculation was successful. I got the Overlord Spear and a set of mental techniques. The consistency rate with Wenjia himself is as high as 90%."

The system interface unfolded before her eyes, and Luo Qianhuai's eyes lit up. There are a total of eighteen styles of Overlord's marksmanship, all of which are killing techniques used in horse fighting. On the last page of the marksmanship, the blueprint of the Overlord Spear was specially marked. It must be forged from fine iron. It is one foot, three feet and seven inches long and weighs ninety-nine and eighty-one kilograms. It is truly an unparalleled weapon.

It's so long and heavy, can it really be picked up by humans? Just as Luo Qianhuai was about to complain, he saw the matching mental method unfolding behind him.

It is said that if you practice according to this mental method, you will gradually become extremely powerful, and wielding such a spear will be a piece of cake.

So for what purpose? Not only did she have to spend a lot of money to help Wenjia make a gun, but she also had to spend a lot of money to find a BMW.

Don't you need a BMW? How can an ordinary horse carry a person and such a heavy gun?

"Xingjiu." She sighed: "There is no need to buy weapons now. Let me draw a drawing and then order them. You go find a good horse. It doesn't necessarily have to be very fast. It must be tall and strong. Particularly capable of carrying heavy loads.”

Xingjiu didn't know why, but he still took the order.

Luo Qianhuai locked himself in the room and copied all the marksmanship and mental techniques stroke by stroke. He then found a separate piece of silk and copied the drawing of the Overlord Spear on it.

After doing these things, it was time to light the lamp, when suddenly a small sedan carrying people came outside Ji'an Hall.

A woman in her thirties entered the drug store and said that a woman at home was sick and wanted to ask Luo Qianhuai to see her.

Luo Qianhuai called Yan Shu and came to a private house in Tongqingfang. Tongqingfang is located in the southeast of Changling. It is one of the several villages where middle-class families in Changling-eup live together.

The private house is located in the deepest part of Tongqingfang, and its single-family house is very quiet. The sedan landed in front of the door. Luo Qianhuai followed the woman and walked in. He saw that there were many flowers and trees planted in the courtyard, and there was also a peach tree that was about twenty years old. In the last month, you can see the burning color.

Yan Shu was stopped in the outer courtyard and did not follow.

He was already in his early ten years, far beyond the age for men and women to sit together at the same table. Since the master here was very particular, Luo Qianhuai naturally would not force it, and took the medicine box and entered the inner courtyard.

Although the layout of the inner room is not luxurious, it is still quite elegant. There are several interesting pictures of flowers and birds hanging on the wall, and the handwriting and signature are all written by the same person. There is a small varnished table under the window, with a lotus-shaped white porcelain basin on it, and several pale yellow narcissus plants growing in it.

Seeing this, Luo Qianhuai guessed that the owner of this room must be a woman with a quiet personality, so when the female servant in the room opened the curtains and revealed the patient inside, she was a little surprised.

The patient is about thirty years old, with a plumper body than ordinary people, a pair of eyebrows, a pair of eyes that are slightly protruding, and very obvious dark bags under the eyes. In addition, he has high cheekbones and a mouth that is bent downwards from birth. At first glance, he seems to be a mean-spirited and difficult person, which is completely incompatible with the style of the room.

But doctors never judge people by their appearance. Luo Qianhuai asked about the symptoms gently, and the patient was very cooperative. He said that he had a long-term headache, which was as painful as acupuncture and was fixed in position.

Luo Qianhuai carefully checked her pulse and found that her pulse was stringy and tight, her lips were dark, and her tongue was dark red with ecchymosis.

"Do you often feel hot and upset, irritable and irritable, and have insomnia and dreams at night?" Luo Qianhuai asked.

"How do you know?" The surprise on the woman's face was very obvious, and she held Luo Qianhuai's wrist with her backhand, her hand strong.

Luo Qianhuai struggled to pull his hand out, his eyes casually glanced at the other person's fingers, and he was suddenly startled.

Although she didn't know the identity of this woman, seeing that she lived here alone with two female envoys and a housekeeper, she imagined that she didn't need to work by herself on weekdays. Her hands should be properly maintained, but not only were they rough and dry, but her nails were also There are still some stains?

When I think about the fact that she suffered from blood stasis in the chest at a young age, which is also known as coronary heart disease in later generations, I feel a little sympathetic.

Maybe it's because of this illness that he lives alone here, and his maid may not be as dedicated as she seems when serving him. In short, he is a poor person.

She thought for a moment, then picked up her pen and wrote the prescription.

Prescription name: Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction, use 4 qian of peach kernel, 3 qian of safflower, 3 qian of angelica root, 3 qian of raw rehmannia root, 1 and a half qian of Ligusticum chuanxiong, 2 qian of red peony root, 3 qian of achyranthes root, 1 and half qian of platycodon and 1 qian of bupleurum. Take 2 coins of money, 2 coins of Citrus aurantium and 2 coins of licorice, decoct them in water.

This is a traditional Chinese medicine prescription for the treatment of coronary heart disease in previous lives. It is effective in promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, promoting qi and relieving pain. It is specially used to treat diseases caused by blood stasis in the chest and qi stagnation.

However, when she started practicing, most of the patients diagnosed with coronary heart disease were elderly and had various other diseases, and most of them sought Western medicine for diagnosis and treatment, leaving Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction almost useless.

The patient in front of me is young and his symptoms are still mild. If he starts treatment now, he is still very hopeful of recovery.

It's just that although this prescription is symptomatic, the safflower, peach kernel, chuanqiong and other things in the prescription are taboo for pregnant women.

Therefore, even though the patient is not pregnant at this moment, Luo Qianhuai still reminds her that sexual intercourse is strictly prohibited while taking the medicine. After the patient responded solemnly, he handed the prescription to Yan Shu and asked him to take someone back to get the medicine.

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