You only know how to cry while holding the memorial tablet of Li Zhaoxian who has been dead for many years, but you turn a blind eye to the death of your own daughter!
Then the Kong family, if you kill your daughter, can you just let it go? !
If you don't care, I'll take care of it!

Mrs. Zhu immediately left the house in a carriage and came to a farmhouse on the outskirts of Beijing.

In the basement of the house, there sat a depressed young man with some burn marks on his face. He seemed to be 26 or [-] years old.

Mrs. Zhu looked down at the young man with cold eyes and an arrogant expression: "Liu Cheng'en, do you still want to save your sister?"

The young man's pupils shrank, his thin lips pressed into a tight line, and his eyes were fixed on Mrs. Zhu, waiting for her next words.

Mrs. Zhu did not show off: "Your sister is now in Bazhou, in the bandit's den. The imperial army will go to encircle and suppress her soon."

"If you want to save her, you must agree to a condition."

Liu Chengen's voice was low: "What are the conditions?"

Madam Zhu's eyes flashed with hatred, and she gritted her teeth and said viciously: "Lead the rebels to Qufu, Shandong, and massacre the entire Confucian family!"

Liu Chengen's body became stiff.

Having studied Confucian classics for many years, he knew how much impact the massacre of Confucius would have on the world's scholars.

He, Liu Chengen, will become a scum reviled by people all over the world.

However, Liu Chengen is dead.

He is just a dead man imprisoned here now.

Seeing this, Mrs. Zhu sneered: "That's fine. I'll find someone else. But don't blame me for seducing the emperor and exposing the scandal of your sister to the world for being pregnant with a dragon seed!"

"As a result, the image of integrity and uprightness established by your Liu family in the minds of scholars will be gone, and scholars all over the world will be ashamed of your Liu family!"

Liu Chengen lowered his head and said nothing.

Mrs. Zhu didn't try to persuade her, so she got up and left.

Seeing this, Liu Chengen stood up and asked, "Why do you want to massacre the Confucius Mansion?"

Mrs. Zhu didn't even look back, she stood up straight: "Why? I'm just a mother who wants justice for her daughter."

"If you are willing, go and ask Yan Shenggong Kong Wenshao why he had to kill my daughter?! He could have divorced her, so why did he insist on killing her?!"

"Okay." Liu Chengen said loudly.

If he doesn't do this, someone else will take action on Mrs. Zhu's behalf.

It's better to do it yourself, instead of wasting time in a dark basement.

Ah Jiang, Ah Jiang, are you really still alive?

Half a month later, a young man wearing a straight jacket and a hat came to the border of Bazhou, with burn scars on his face.

The visitor's surname was Liu Minghui, and he said he was going to join his former friend Zhao Hao.

Zhao Hao is now reused by Liu Liu, Yang Hu and others, and has formulated effective military discipline to keep the discipline of the rebel army under good control.

Not only the attitude of the common people towards the rebels is getting better day by day, but the centripetal force among the rebels is also increasing day by day.

These rebel soldiers didn't just pop out of rocks. They were all raised by their parents and had families.Ordinary people were bullied by the rebels, and many of their own people were filled with righteous indignation.

After all, after thousands of years of education of propriety, justice and shame, if an adulterous women's association robs ordinary people's property, they will still feel guilty and uneasy in their hearts.

In this way, they will have doubts about the legitimacy of the uprising they are engaged in. If they have doubts, their centripetal force will naturally be compromised.

Some are even considering escaping to the south to live anonymously after the winter passes.Zhao's rectification of military regulations quickly dispelled their doubts.

Zhao is very satisfied with the overall team quality and the progress in ideological education.

Brothers Liu Liu, Liu Qi and Yang Hu also quickly realized the charm of military regulations.

They were originally a ragtag group, but now they have specialized training in military regulations and appropriate training in martial arts, and their combat effectiveness has been further enhanced.

The so-called knowledge is power. The ancients were honest and did not deceive me.


Zhao Hao heard that an old friend named Liu Hui was visiting. After pondering for a moment in confusion, he was overjoyed and rode out to greet him.

After the two met, they hugged each other for a while.

"We said goodbye to the capital in the past. I didn't expect to have the chance to see you again. Brother Zhao, you are well." Liu Hui looked at this former friend with a smile.

Zhao Hao was filled with excitement and had tears in his eyes: "Brother, I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it!"

At that time, Zhao Hao was studying at Shuntian Prefecture, and he had a good relationship with Liu Chengen, who had studied there, and they often communicated with each other.

Although the Liu family was the first assistant, Liu Chengen was poor in clothing and low-key in behavior. Zhao Hao's family background was also average. Zhao Hao once thought that Liu Chengen was the son of a poor Hanlin.

Unexpectedly, he was later favored by Zhongshu Sheren, and Zhao Hao learned his true identity.

But who would have thought that the Liu family would suddenly fall down and the hozens would scatter, and Liu Chengen would also die in the accident.

Zhao Hao was filled with righteous indignation over this and spoke nonsense. He scolded Liu Jin's associates in government schools and various gatherings of scribes. Only then was he framed by Liu Jin, deprived of his honors, and driven back to his hometown.

Separated by life and death, the years have changed. The two people who used to scold Fang Qiu and wanted to make a difference in the officialdom reunited in this land of the rebel army, and they were filled with emotions.

Zhao Hao was about to host a banquet in honor of Liu Chengen, but Liu Chengen stopped him: "Brother Zhao, my name is Liu Hui, and I have two important things to do here. There is a woman named Liu'er named Liu, who was originally from Huailai, and now she is here Bazhou, I hope Brother Zhao can help me look for him."

Zhao Hao laughed cheerfully: "This is easy to talk about. My wife is with this Liu family. The second thing, please tell Brother Liu too."

Liu Hui pondered, stared at Zhao Hao and said seriously: "The second thing is that I want to join the rebel army, and I want Brother Zhao to help introduce me."

Zhao Hao suppressed the abnormal expression on his face and whispered: "Brother Liu, you can't be joking! This is a serious crime against the Nine Clan!"

Liu Hui grabbed Zhao Hao's wrist and said, "Brother, I'm not kidding."

"You know the situation of my family. Now, Jiao Fang, the culprit who caused the destruction of my family, is still living peacefully in his hometown. How can Liu let him go unpunished?!"

"Please help Brother Zhao and give Liu a chance to take revenge!"

Zhao Hao's pupils shrank.The hatred for killing the father and the hatred for destroying the family are irreconcilable.

Brother Liu is much more determined to join the rebels than he is!
Zhao Hao agreed and quickly recommended Liu Hui to Liu Liu, Liu Qi, Yang Hu and others.

Liu Liu, Liu Qi and Yang Hu had already recognized the charm of talents in Zhao Hao, and warmly welcomed Liu Hui, who was recommended by Zhao Hao, and set up a banquet to entertain him.

While pushing cups and changing cups, drinking and testing each other, Liu Liu, Yang Hu and others became more and more surprised!

This Liu Hui is really hidden!

He is well versed in the general trend of the world, knows everything about the use of troops at his fingertips, and speaks clearly and logically.

Liu Hui's family had a good academic background, and he was already very interested in the art of military use. As the eldest grandson of the First Assistant, his knowledge reserve was naturally beyond what Zhao Hao, a student in the government, could match.

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