Chapter 161 Emperor Zhengde’s anger

After all, I owe her a lot.

Qin Liu stayed in the Leopard House, and no one came to visit her until dark.

I followed the waiter to a large hall, where two people were already sitting around the table, and the aroma of food and wine was overflowing.

Qin Liu had been in a restaurant and knew from the first smell that this wine was the best Qiulu Bai that had been brewed for hundreds of years. It was produced in Qilu and was very rare.

The tall young emperor in an ocher dragon robe picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp. He looked at Qin Liu walking towards him and said with a half-smile but not a smile: "How do you feel about meeting old friends again?"

The other person opposite him immediately stood up, raised his robe, knelt down, and said loudly: "Zhu Yue committed the crime of deceiving the emperor, please punish him severely!"

Qin Liu just walked up to him, his pupils shrank, and he knelt down to salute.

The person who apologized was no one else, but Zhu Yue, whom he had not seen for more than half a year.From just a glance, she could see that Zhu Yue had lost a lot of weight, and his originally handsome face was now not only unhealthy pale, but also slightly sunken.

Is this an injury that he has yet to recover from?

Before Qin Liu could kneel down, Emperor Zhengde held her up and refused to let her kneel down.

How could Qin Liu's fragile body compare to the powerful young emperor in front of him?
Emperor Zhengde did not let Zhu Yue stand up, but looked at him condescendingly, with a hint of ridicule at the corner of his mouth: "You deceived me? Tell me, how did you deceive me?"

Zhu Yue lay on the ground and said nothing. His tall and upright figure in the past now looked so cowed.

Emperor Zhengde put his hands behind his back and walked a few steps towards the center of the hall, as if talking to himself, with a bit of sadness and sadness in his eyes: "For four years, I have been unable to sleep day and night, and I have been tortured by my conscience. I am unworthy of my best friend. , I am ashamed of Mr. Liu Ge who has worked for the country for most of his life, and I am also ashamed of her and her children..."

"Have you ever experienced even half of that heartache every night?!"

Emperor Zhengde suddenly turned around, his eyes were red, and the veins on his forehead were exposed. He pointed his finger at Qin Liu and said angrily: "And you, knowing that she is still alive, refused to reveal any information, so that I have been suffering from this heartache!"

"I regard you as a good brother, a good brother, but what do you regard me as?"

"The devil who stole your sweetheart?"

"A shameless and despicable man who uses despicable means to force others into trouble?"

There was silence in the main hall, you could hear a pin drop.

After a long while, Emperor Zhengde calmed down his excitement and said calmly: "Yes. Ever since he was imprisoned, Ah Jiang has been in my dream. But after knowing that you two are in love, I thought about fulfilling your wish."

"That's why I reduced Duke Bao's military power and allowed the Empress Dowager to keep Ah Jiang in the palace. I just wanted her to get married later, and I could cancel the Xie family's marriage in time for you to marry her."

"She is a well-behaved and polite girl. At my instigation, she mustered up the courage to teach you privately and sew a fox fur cloak for you. She was worried that you would catch the cold at the border. She also asked me for some Mongolian words. Teacher, I study Mongolian diligently day and night, but I’m afraid I don’t have a common language with you.”

"But what about you? The cloak was sent away for a few months, but there was no news. What did you do?"

"How can you deserve her affection?!"

Qin Liu felt his heart throb suddenly.

Perhaps Liu Xuejiang's heart that was suffering every night in this palace was also in such pain, right?
Perhaps, she would also regret that she should not have indulged her feelings and sewed the fox fur cloak with her own hands.That cloak represents a young girl's yearning and pursuit of love.

Zhu Yue, who was lying on the ground, remained motionless.

Emperor Zhengde continued speaking to himself: "Yes, I was also wrong. I shouldn't have let others see what I was thinking about Ah Jiang. This gave people an opportunity to take advantage of her."

"But I don't regret it!"

Emperor Zhengde opened his hands and pointed at the surrounding buildings: "This sturdy leopard room was built for her by me! It belongs only to the two of us!"

"What you can't give her, I'll give it to her!"

"But you hid her and didn't let me find him. Why? Why?!" Emperor Zhengde became more and more angry as he spoke. His eyes were red and he was walking around like an enraged beast: "Liu Jin Are you also responsible for his death?!"

"Can't you see that there are useful people around me? Can't you see that I have my own hobbies?"

Emperor Zhengde pointed at Qin Liu angrily: "Even she was used by you to make me accidentally kill Liu Jin!"

Zhu Yue finally raised his head and looked directly at Emperor Zhengde calmly: "Your Majesty, Miss Xuejiang is not an object. You must ask her own opinion about her future."

"If I tell the emperor her whereabouts, will the emperor be able to protect her?"

"The child who was burned to death outside Juyongguan Pass, doesn't that still explain the problem?"

"Your Majesty, you can't even protect your own heir, let alone a woman?"

"She is standing here safe and sound now, but what about tomorrow? What about next month? What about next year?"

"Will she turn into a pile of bones, or will she still be alive and kicking? Can you guarantee that?"

"You have been to the inn she ran and passed the town where she lived, but you just can't find her."

"Your Majesty, you are the one who should open your eyes and see!"

"I dare not expect to be married to Miss Xue Jiang. I only wish that she will be safe and happy and live a peaceful life."

Emperor Zhengde was speechless for a long time.

If he could really protect her, he would not leave her whereabouts unknown, life or death unknown.

What about the emperor?
It's just a chess piece that can't help itself.

Zhu Yue added: "Yes, Zhu Yue also played a small role in Liu Jin's death. Now Liu Jin has aroused the anger of heaven and earth. If he is not killed to show the anger of the people, riots will occur one after another in various places. I am afraid that a catastrophe is coming! Liu Jin dared to do so at the beginning Braving the disapproval of the world and standing up to fight for the emperor against the ministers, you should have thought that there would be a day like this where you would die as a sacrifice!"

"If one day, the emperor needs one of Wei Chen's heads, Wei Shen will not hesitate!"

Emperor Zhengde laughed helplessly, turned and left.

Qin Liu immediately knelt down and shouted: "Your Majesty, the son of a common woman died at the hands of Qian Ning, a member of the Imperial Guard Qianhu. I hope the emperor will bring the evildoers to justice and redress the injustice of the common woman!"

Emperor Zhengde's back paused, but in the end he did not look back and left with his shoulders slumped.

Seeing this, Qin Liu went to help Zhu Yue up, who was still kneeling on the ground. He looked at him earnestly, his lips moved, but he hesitated to speak.

Zhu Yue smiled faintly: "A few days ago, my youngest brother was just added to the family tree. It was recorded in my mother's name that he was raised by my mother herself. His surname is Zhu Minggang and his nickname is Erlang. If you have the chance, I can meet Miss Liu."

Qin Liu looked at Zhu Yue questioningly.

Zhu Yue just nodded towards her with a sure look in his eyes.

Qin Liu's emotions were mixed for a while, and he felt sad.

The biological son, Erlang, was protected by his identity as the second son of Baoguo Gongfu, so he was safe.

But, when will their mother and son be reunited again?

The fake Erlang who was burned to death outside Juyong Pass made Qin Liu furious, but he could do nothing.If Erlang's true life experience is revealed at this time, it will only push him to death.

What makes Qin Liu even more sad is that the child who replaced Erlang died innocently.

Zhu Yue asked slowly: "Miss Liu, what are your plans for the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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