
Chapter 190 Under the old plot

"I don't like to hear this, Mr. Minister."

Fu Zhen said: "First of all, I am not a merchant girl. My grandfather was an imperial merchant in the former dynasty. He was not an ordinary businessman. My father was a dignified Jinshi and was a fourth-rank official in the court.

"Secondly, a business woman is not necessarily inexperienced. My mother manages such a large business with ease. Even if Mr. Xu is a great talent, you may not be able to do this if you are asked to sit in this position, right?"

"Why does Mr. Xu think that I don't even have this knowledge?"

Xu Yin raised his eyebrows and nodded: "Then why do you think I'm waiting for you?"

"It's not difficult to tell." Fu Zhen stretched himself, "You are playing music under my wall. A little bit beyond the wall is my yard. Don't you just play it for me?"

"Then why did you come out?"

"It's past dinner, and it's time for me to go back to my room. I heard someone playing music outside the wall, and they played it so well. It didn't look like they were just wandering around here. If I didn't make any movement, Mr. Xu would just I'm afraid it will feel strange.

"Even if I don't come out in person, I still have to send someone to take a look. And I just went out at that time, so naturally the person Xu Shilang saw was me."

Xu Yin turned his head and looked at the courtyard wall next to him, and said with deep eyes: "Why can't it be a coincidence? Maybe I was passing by here and I happened to be interested."

Fu Zhen raised the corners of his lips: "If it is someone else, it is naturally a coincidence.

"But last night, I broke into your house, and today at noon, I impulsively beat the princess again.

"In this case, it can't be a coincidence that you are here playing the flute.

"It's difficult for others to figure out the direction of the yard where I live, but it shouldn't be a problem for Mr. Xu.

"After all, my father has worked in the Rites Yamen for ten years. He has countless colleagues who he has made friends with, and it is easy to find out about them."

Xu Yin stared at her: "General Pei, it makes sense to introduce you as a friend."

Fu Zhen frowned: "It's just me trying to climb high."

The moment she lowered her head, her peripheral vision converged into the shadows in the distance.

Someone stood in the shadows in the distance.

They were two strong warriors with weapons at their waists and wearing the clothes of Xu Mansion servants.

Of course, Yongping's guards could not accompany him to do such a thing.

With Xu's family status, of course there is no need to hire such a guard.

The men in black who poured lamp oil on Liang Ning happened to have such a figure and skill.

There was a "wipe" sound.

Xu Yin polished a fire stick, walked down to the ground and came to her.

The firelight shone into her eyes and illuminated her face.

Xu Yin stared closely at these eyes, not missing the slightest change.

It is full of confusion.

Just no fear.

It is impossible for a person who has been burned by fire not to feel the fire that is close to him. Especially when the flame was still in Xu Yin's hand again.

The firelight illuminated her skin so clearly that even the tiny fuzz and pores were visible.

This is a body without a trace of scar—at least the exposed skin.

Xu Yin put out the fire.

He returned to the car: "Why does a person like Fu Yun have a daughter like you?"

"My lord, this is a joke. To put it bluntly, my father is just a name to me. It was my mother who raised me."

Xu Yin sat back and asked again: "You just said that I played the music well?"

"You are amazingly talented, and your music is naturally good."

"Then let me teach you?"

Fu Zhen shook his head.

Xu Yin: "Why?"

Fu Zhen spoke in a low voice: "I have been sick since I was a child and have struggled with physical strength. Learning this requires strength."

"You have been a member of an official family since you were a child. Have you never learned any talent?"

"Of course not." Fu Zhen raised his head, "I am good at female celebrities and I am also good at painting, but my painting skills will naturally not be able to attract the attention of the Minister."

Liang Ning doesn't know how to be a female celebrity, nor does he know how to paint.

Xu Yin's eyes fixed: "Who is your master of painting?" "It turns out that the eldest son of the master of painting in the north of the city, Mr. Yi Lao, is my master."

Xu Yin said slowly: "The skills of Mr. Yi's disciples shouldn't be much different."

"Ashamed. But I have been recovering from illness for many years, and this painting is indeed my greatest achievement."

Someone ran over in the night and spoke in Xu Yin's ear.

Not the two in the shadows.

Instead, it appeared out of thin air.

Xu Yin waved his hand and asked people to leave, frowning, not knowing what he was thinking.

Those who retreated disappeared into the night.

If Fu Zhen was not Liang Ning at this moment, she would not notice anything wrong.

It is not a big deal for a high-ranking official to have several shadow guards.

But no one knew that she was Liang Ning.

The people around Xu Yin can be traced back to when he burned Liang Ning to death.

At that time, he was just an editor of the Hanlin Academy.

Why is there such a person around him?

Fu Zhen once thought that he was from Prince Rong's palace.

Until she saw Lian Ruan.

When Yongping was beaten today, Xu Yin did not come forward to defend him. It can be seen that after so many years, Yongping has been unable to do anything to him, and King Rong is not within the scope of his fear.

When Liang Xuan ordered Fu Zhen to beat the mother-in-law next to Yong Ping, Fu Zhen deliberately misled him that he was Xu Yin's person, and the mother-in-law believed it for a time.

It can be seen that Xu Yin probably has his own private power that can compete with the palace.

King Rong was probably unaware of this force. And neither Rong Wang nor Yong Ping had any doubts about Lian Long's origin, right?

Indeed, a poor man was favored by the Prince of Rong and became a prince's horse. After that, he rose to prominence all the way. It was a cliched story of climbing the dragon and attaching the phoenix.

The most clichéd plot can also be the safest cover.

How could Yongping and the others know that Lian Ruan had never appeared before? How do you know that their master and servant will have the same piece of jade?

Very few Hu Ji outside the customs can speak the Central Plains dialect.

The two armies were fighting, and the checkpoints were extremely strict. How could there be so many caravans coming in and out of the northwest.

In just three days, how could he quickly find a caravan with an orchid who could also speak the Central Plains dialect and learn this song at the same time?

He's smart, that's true.

But he was very lucky to be able to complete this within three days.

King Rong has been identified as the main culprit in the alley murder case, but what about the people around Xu Yin?

"You go."

Xu Yin said after being silent for a long time.

Fu Zhen said, "You won't punish me for what happened in the temple this morning?"

He looked over.

Fu Zhen looked confused: "Then you came to see me this time - after all, I beat the princess impulsively. Aren't you here to stand up for her?"

Xu Yin looked at the flute in his hand.

Fu Zhen said again: "Our Ning family's gold shop has a few new styles of red gold hair and noodles. Why don't I ask the shop to have a pair of pure ones, and ask the minister to give them to the princess to apologize?"

Xu Yin said in a manly voice: "I remember that you seem to have taken refuge with the Crown Princess."

"But last night I broke into the chamberlain's house and received the blessing of the chamberlain. I must return this favor."

Xu Yin just stroked the flute and said nothing.

Fu Zhen frowned and said: "After all, I am not worthy of being an enemy of the princess, and the minister does not need to say that I gave it to you. As long as you can take it back and let the princess calm down, I will be satisfied. Look at the sincerity of my apology. Is it enough?"

Xu Yin sat for a moment and said lazily: "It's up to you."

Fu Zhen lowered his head: "I will leave it to you when it is done soon."

"No need. I will ask Lian Ruan to find you." Xu Yin looked at her, "You should know him?"

"We know each other." Fu Zhen curled his lips, "Last time we were on the roadside, I asked him to help me pick up my purse."

(End of this chapter)

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