Shadow Spy

Chapter 24: Morning meeting at the consulate on Monday

Chapter 24: Morning meeting at the consulate on Monday

"Sir, it will definitely cost money to rescue Zhu Zhu. We all know the moral character of those patrol officers..." Xiaohu explained.

"Then there's no need now. If there's definite information, it won't be too late to get it when you need to spend money to redeem someone!" Of course Li Junhao can't accept this money, otherwise it will really become a money transaction. How can we talk about friendship in the future?

"Yeah! I understand!" Xiaohu nodded his head, his eyes changed a little, and the status of Mr. in his mind was raised several levels.

"Go back, be careful on the road." Seeing that it was getting late, Li Junhao stopped keeping him.

"Yes, sir." Xiaohu agreed, packed up his things, and went out to leave.

Li Junhao, who came back from sending him out, slapped his forehead and forgot to ask Xiaohu if he knew how to cook. At this time, everyone had left and he could only cook noodles!
After finishing a large bowl of soy sauce egg noodles, although his neck was full, Li Junhao felt that life was really difficult and he missed the takeaway food in his previous life!In fact, he also knew that there were similar services in the concession at this time, and many hotels and restaurants also provided food delivery. However, when he first arrived, he didn't have the phone numbers of these hotels at all, so he didn't rush to inquire at the last minute, so he had to go alone. Feeling bad.

It was getting late, and after reading all the newspapers of the day, he suddenly felt an urge - he needed to do some exercise!So I came to the yard and played a set of military boxing that I learned in the military training in college. I immediately felt the difference. It was not even what I felt when I was in the "stronger" state two days ago. It was obviously enhanced by more than an order of magnitude. The sound of the punches was even louder. Reminds him of legendary martial arts!

After boxing for nearly an hour, he felt that his body was fully mobile, and he felt that his physical fitness had improved to a higher level!After going to the bathroom to wash off all the sweat, I looked at my body in the mirror. My skin was white and firm, my muscles were graceful, and my body was well-proportioned and strong... Wow, it didn't look like me anymore - in fact, it wasn't me at all in my previous life. .

At this moment, his heart moved. He opened the system panel and took a look. Sure enough, he found that his status had changed: he had reached "extremely strong"!This is an unexpected surprise. I didn’t expect a tube of primary gene enhancement potion to be so powerful! ——
On April 4, Monday, he woke up at 10:06 in the morning. Although he only slept for six hours, he felt energetic and energetic. It was the best night's sleep since he came to this era.It was only 30:[-] when I went out after washing. I arrived at the Consulate General and had breakfast in the restaurant. It was not even [-]:[-] when I arrived at the office.

Around 8:45, his assistant Brown Kester and secretary Milia Delgado arrived at the office. Milia even came to him directly and said that [-]:[-] was the weekly morning meeting of the consulate general. All diplomats and heads of departments attended, and he had to go.After asking clearly, he, the lowest-level diplomat, could only attend such a meeting and just wear his ears, so he didn't bother to prepare.

At 8:30, Li Junhao went up to the third floor. In front of the largest conference room of the Consulate General, two heavily armed Marines were guarding the door. Everyone who entered the conference room would be checked to see if their IDs were consistent with their own. , the procedure is very strict.

When it was Li Junhao's turn, because he was a new face, he was checked more carefully, and his identity was even confirmed by comparing his work ID with the list of participants in his hand.Although he is not used to this, he can't help but admire the rigor of Americans' work. He feels that this is something he needs to learn, and he must remember the importance of procedures at all times in the future.In the center of the conference room is a large oval-shaped long table, with more than 20 high-back chairs placed at one end and on both sides of the inside, and there are more than 30 shorter chairs against the walls on both sides.

At this time, many people were already sitting on many chairs. After Li Junhao came in, he consciously went to the wall, but was greeted by his immediate boss, Ms. Xizhi Hempli, the first secretary of the Business Department, who was sitting in front of the long table. When other people around him saw him sitting there, they were either paying attention, curious, or indifferent, but no one spoke against it.

Li Junhao knows that Americans have a habit of emphasizing individuality. During meetings, except for the most important positions, other rankings are not paid much attention to. In other words, in the American official sequence, in terms of positions, except for the most important positions, Important positions must be outside the front ranks, and other positions are ranked not by rank but by seniority and background.Therefore, although he is now only a first-class attaché enjoying the treatment of Third Secretary, he is protected by First Secretary Hampuri, and no one will object when he sits next to Hampuri at the front of the long table.

At 8:45, political counselor Justin Sheehan walked in accompanied by a tall red-haired white man in his sixties, and took the main seat at one end of the long table and the first seat on the right side, as if It shows that these two people are the first and second leaders here.

At 8:46, the meeting officially started. Sheehan acted as the moderator and first said: "Everyone, there are three topics today. The first is of course a briefing on last week's situation, and the second is the latest policy direction from the country. , and finally the work schedule for this week.”

During the next briefing, the four first secretaries from the Government Affairs Office, the Commercial Office, the Military Attaché Office, and the Cultural Office made reports, while the four counselors in charge and the military attache only listened.Then there were reports from the heads of the administrative department, secretarial department, financial department, logistics department, security department, guard force and other functional departments. They were all about the internal affairs of the consulate. Everyone just listened casually, knowing that these things were not meetings. the key of.

The second item is the latest domestic policy direction, which is personally briefed by the three counselors and military attachés. The order is naturally from low to high.The cultural counselor reports some domestic cultural information, domestic new trends of thought, new films, local universities’ enrollment intentions, the United States’ cultural input to the world, etc.;
The military attaché reports on the current military situation in the world, the current situation of the Sino-Japanese war, etc. It is relatively simple;
The Commercial Counselor mainly reports on the world economic situation, the import and export situation of domestic goods, the local business situation in Shanghai and Shanghai, especially the adjustment and promotion of U.S. goods in the Far East trade policy;

Political Counselor Sheehan made his final speech, explaining the latest U.S. political strategy toward Asia, which mainly supported the Nationalist Government in resisting Japanese aggression, provided corresponding military assistance, and maintained the stability of the Shanghai Concession. There was no new content.

However, these contents were very new to Li Junhao. Compared with other staff who were indifferent, he listened with great interest and diligently took notes in his notebook, which seemed to be the most serious.

(End of this chapter)

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