This immortal is a little crazy

Chapter 76: Kill the body and destroy the soul, and become a great demon

Chapter 76: Kill the body and destroy the soul, and become a great demon
This is the Shinto system on one side and the Eastern Shinto system on the other.

The innate ancient gods are born for the innate and possess supreme power. They are the incarnation of all rules and the embodiment of the innate way. They are immortal, but even the innate ancient gods will be killed.

The killed innate ancient gods will return to the origin of the avenue until they are born next time or never return.

Then there are the living gods. The living gods are the first batch of creatures to appear on the earth. They are a group of powerful creatures including the ancestors of the human race. They possess various powerful abilities. Not all of them exist and are immortal, but their movements are Possessing tyrannical power and even the attribute of immortality.

For example, the Yellow Emperor, the so-called immortal Emperor of Heaven, is one of the ancestors of the human race and the most powerful person in this world.

Finally, there are the blood-eating gods. They obtain supreme divine power through the sacrifices of their descendants and become emperors of the heavens.

And this world also exists - immortal!Or mountain man! !
In the bloody world, the chaotic mountains and rivers, all the beings who entered the restricted area were on the run. Li Luo read the most fundamental evolution of the world through their blood, and then countless lives began to evolve.

The rich divine blood replaced the thin divine blood. Various species hybridized with each other to give birth to new species. Miraculous changes broke out. That was the existence called miracle. And the miraculous evolution was taken into account by Li Luo, who saw the birth of the miracle. incorporate the rules into itself.

The world is imperfect, and creatures are not perfect, so they need a perfect existence to make them more perfect.

But perfection never exists, because perfection means the inability to evolve.

Therefore, we must evolve and replace ourselves with a brand new self.

"If I'm going to evolve, I have to kill myself."

Li Luo clearly realized his flaws. If he wanted to evolve, he would have to kill himself, kill himself completely, and transform into a new self from the old self.

Immortality and evolution are opposites.

Immortality means stubbornness, but living things must abandon their yesterday's selves if they want to progress.

In the first century AD, Plutarch asked a question: If the wood on Theseus's ship was gradually replaced until all the wood was no longer the original wood, would the ship still be the same ship?

A ship that can sail the seas for hundreds of years thanks to constant repairs and replacement parts.As soon as a board rotted, it was replaced, and so on, until all the functional parts were no longer the original ones.

The question is, is the resulting ship the same original Ship of Theseus, or a completely different ship?If not the original ship, at what point is it no longer the original ship?

There are approximately 40-60 trillion human cells, which may undergo large-scale replacement every 6-7 years. Among them, small intestinal epithelial cells are short-lived and only live 2-3 days.The skin replacement time is about 15-30 days, red blood cells can survive for 120 days, white blood cells for 13 days, and platelets for 7-14 days. Nail renewal time is 4 months, hair growth period is 3-7 years, and after the growth period, it is about A quiescent period of 3-4 weeks, after which growth resumes
Liver cells have a lifespan of 5 months and take a long time to renew. Brain cells cannot regenerate, so they generally do not renew.

Li Luo's everything except his brain cells has been updated now, but now
"I need to kill some of the brain cells and transform them into more advanced ones, which means" Luo Li was trembling, he was trembling with fear because he was about to kill himself.

Only by killing his yesterday self can he progress and progress towards a more powerful level.

The Luo Li who once was will be an eternal memory. "I have no spirit and no soul. All I have is cells. Brain cells and nerves constitute the personality originally named Li Luo. But now this big ship named Li Luo has changed from a wooden ship to an ironclad ship. But his operating system is still old."

"So if I'm going to evolve, I have to kill myself."

Are you afraid of dying?
Of course he is afraid of death. There is no fear of death without life. Especially for Li Luo, he does not have to die.

In the past, he didn't resist death because he had nothing to lose, but now he is a great sage, a great sage who laughs proudly at the stars. He has a lot. He can escape and enjoy it for hundreds of years, even several years. millennium.

But is he going to do this?

Li Luo clenched his teeth, the essence of the great avenue of this world was condensing, constantly surrounding him in his evolution.The original water of life, the soil of the thoughts of all beings, according to his plan, what is needed now is fire, a fire, a real flame, but does he need the kind of fake hand fire of others?

Silence, a long silence, Li Luo fell into a long silence. This silence plunged the entire restricted area into an unconscious riot.

Because the mirror was reforged with the help of Li Luo's power, it was an extremely vast small world that gave birth to too many evil spirits, intercepting intruders and killing each other everywhere.

It is very miserable. This is a bloody world, with blood-red lilies wrapped in black tendrils, and an extremely terrifying human face growing in the stamens!

According to the plan, Ji Fa, who was supposed to become a new generation of kings, was running around in this bloody world. Everything was going crazy, all creatures were killing crazily, and the world itself was collapsing.

Wait, no, no need to wait.

Li Luo's will slowly revived, and he let out a low and terrifying laugh. The laughter was full of pathos and determination, but it also carried a sense of indifference.

"Divinity? Demonic nature? It's rare to wake up. Is it the rebirth of the animal nature or the rebirth of the true self?"

Li Luo's eyes were filled with determination, and he slowly raised his grown palm and placed it on his forehead.

"Should I act arbitrarily? Or should I kill my body and soul and embark on the path of evolution?"

Hesitant, but is there any need to hesitate?
Yes, there is no need to choose.

Li Luo, what are you afraid of?Afraid of death?
But isn’t death the way humans transcend themselves?Isn’t the way for human civilization to achieve evolution also death? !

The path of evolution is originally death! ?

"Hahahaha. Divinity? Demonic nature? The world is useless, it is rare to wake up, kill the body and destroy the soul, and become a great demon!!!"

The palm he slapped hard shattered the Tianling Cap, the old cells turned into dust, and the supreme law was engraved in it. The mirror reflected the most essence of the universe that Li Luo had experienced, and the tiniest elements collided and were engraved. The unique Dao patterns are injected into the deepest part of consciousness, forming eternal Dao marks and creating a supreme treasure body!
(End of this chapter)

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