Chapter 35
If you don't know how to overcome this toxicity, then just swallow all the poisonous mist and then give birth to a new self from your own cells.

"Very good, you centipede actually killed one of my cells, so use your own life to compensate!"

Stepping on his own flesh and bones, Li Luo screamed loudly, punching and fighting again, one punch after another, each punch was crazy and domineering to the extreme.

This is fighting madness!
Pudu Cihang didn't dare to fight. He was finally afraid and felt timid in his heart.

On one side, he clung to the defensive line and continued to emit poisonous mist. His thousand legs turned into magic weapons and flew away. On the other side, he used his body skills to fly back quickly, using all his strength to deal with it, only delaying it.

But how could Li Luo let this monster go? His murderous intent was high, and he bombarded him with unparalleled explosive fists.

Accompanied by wildly waving fists and crazy words, the huge burst of power blasted towards Pudu Cihang.

"Pudu Cihang, let me, Li Luo, crush your dream of transforming into a dragon!"

Constantly wailing, the huge body swayed, fell from the sky to the ground, and then burrowed into the ground. The carapace was covered with scars, the mouthparts were broken, and the majestic and huge head swayed toward the ground.

But it turned around in the sky, like a meteor from the sky, swooping down at extremely high speed, and struck hard on Pudu Cihang's huge head with a whip leg.


The demonic energy in the sky exploded, Pudu Cihang's head was shattered by the tyrannical force, yellow pus splashed, and the broken mouthparts shot out thousands of meters away.

The sky was wailing, but even though the head was broken into pieces, the twisting thousand-legged body still struggled desperately to drill down to the ground.

The twisting Baizhang body swayed unwillingly, and the behemoth with the missing head instinctively fought back at Li Luo. In an instant, thousands of sharp limbs rained down on Li Luo's body like a torrential rain in the air.

Facing the attack as violent as a rainstorm, Li Luo's body kept retreating due to the strong thrust, but with a roar, Li Luo was still completely blasted away, hitting the joints of Pudu Cihang's body.

A fountain of blood gushed out, and Pudu Cihang was directly blasted into three pieces. The big pool of flesh and blood was blurred, and it became impossible to fight back.

But Pudu Cihang was also a decisive person. After realizing the situation he was in, he sacrificed two parts of his body without hesitation.

In an instant, a lifelike golden body of the Tathagata stood on the earth, and a mandala that contained everything in the six realms of the world suddenly bloomed. This is the highest magical power of Buddhism in this world - the great enchantment of the mandala womb!

The so-called mandala is a microscopic world, and the womb treasury refers to the original mind. The original mind generates all dharmas, and all dharma comes from the womb treasury. It is self-contained in the great enchantment of the womb treasury of the mandala. boundary.

In the past, Pudu Cihang hid his demon sons, demon grandsons, and flesh demon caves in the great barrier of the Mandala womb.

But now this small world can't stop Li Lin at all, Pudu Cihang decisively sacrifices his own flesh and blood and the devil's son and grandson hidden in the great barrier of Mandala.

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, the sun and the moon changed, and the yin and yang were reversed.

The sky is gray, the ground is pitch black, and there is a lot of cold air in the air. Looking at the foggy scene, a thin gray barrier emerges, dividing the two worlds. Isolated.


Li Luo wanted to rush through, but he accidentally rushed through the gray barrier, but he was still in the world of the sun.

At this moment, the underworld is like the moon in the mirror or flowers in the water to Li Luo. He can only see it from a distance, but cannot enter it.Hades is not beneath the earth, but the dark side of the world.

It can be said that the underworld is everywhere, and one can enter the underworld even in the sky.

But the pure air rises to become the sky, and the turbid air descends to the earth. Therefore, after approaching the ground, it can directly transform the world.

Pudu Cihang integrated the great mandala womb barrier that was supposed to transform him into the paradise world into the underworld, expanding the underworld. At this moment, he was protected by the underworld, making it impossible for Li Luo to succeed.

But in this way, not only the future of transforming into a dragon was cut off by Li Luo, but also the path to becoming a living god and Buddha was cut off. He could only live in the underworld and become a ghost and Buddha in the underworld.

"Li Luo, one day, one day, I will send all three of your souls and seven souls into the endless hell, tormented forever and ever!" Pudu Cihang's hateful voice came, with a strong ghost tone. The air was extremely cold, and it was surrounded by gray and black yin energy.

Li Luo didn't pay attention to the wails of Pudu Cihang, the bereaved dog. He just looked at the underworld like a mirror, water and moon, and the endless black mountains that stretched for unknown miles. He saw the Yin Qi rising into the sky, the war horses neighing, the evil ghosts billowing, and the endless ghosts.

"The devil is close to the Buddha, and people are close to the devil, turning the world upside down; people with the devil's heart are like the devil in the Buddha's body, and they have crazy dreams."

Turn around and leave without hesitation, hell?

There should only be one underworld in this world, and that is the underworld created by the human heart. As for the others.
Break it into pieces!
The Great Zhou Dynasty has been destroyed, and the world is at peace!
With the fall of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the whole world entered Li Luo's control with almost no obstacles, and he became the supreme ruler of the Central Plains Dynasty.

But Li Luo had no desire to rule. He just issued orders and then supervised others to follow them.

Absolutely correct, absolutely just, the god named Taiyi dominates everything.

Running thousands of laws in the world, scanning the entire earth, watching everything in the world, and shaping new laws.

Li Luo allowed the god to continue to grow stronger, gradually becoming more powerful under the creation of civilization, and expanding to the entire world, not just the Central Plains, but also the grasslands and southern Xinjiang. Everything was developing rapidly.

As for Li Lin, he lives alone on a tall building, swallowing up all the spiritual energy in the world. The anger, hatred and souls of all people are all included in his own sea of ​​suffering.

The sea of ​​demonic nature is becoming more and more unpredictable, the sea of ​​lust, lust, appetite, lustful suffering, the sea of ​​demonic nature, the sea of ​​desire, the hell that all living beings use their desires to shape for themselves.

Nie Xiaoqian looked at Li Luo in awe, watching everything in the world become completely new.

Since that battle, Li Luo has become more ruthless, perfect and decisive.

That supreme evil belongs to the supreme good.

Whoever wants to be a creator in good and evil must first become a destroyer, must first destroy values.

After destroying the fear of kindness in his heart, Li Luo truly became a being who obeyed himself. He no longer obeyed others.

"Master, what are you thinking about?" Nie Xiaoqian didn't know what Li Luo was thinking, and she didn't dare to delve into what Li Luo was thinking, because maybe she had actually realized that Li Luo was doing something extremely terrible.

(End of this chapter)

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