Dragons: Reboot the New World

267 Diseases in Chapter 48, Act 2

Chapter 267 No.40 The Second Disease in Eight Acts

Inuyamaga waved, and the girls quickly retreated, kneeling on both sides with their backs pressed against the wall.This is a Japanese rule. When men talk about serious things, there is no place for women.

"So in the eyes of the principal, I am still the same person I was 62 years ago, and the Snake Qibachi family is still the weak Snake Qibachi family in 1946, is that right?"

"Oh, that's still a little different." Angers shook his head, "At that time, you were just gangsters fighting on the streets all day long to grab territory, but now you consider yourself a mafia noble."

"The world has changed. A pimp like you, Mama-san, can turn into a celebrity agent, but Ah He, you don't think that you can make the whole world revolve around you just by knowing a few female stars, do you?"

"I've said it before, I've seen a lot of people like this. They'll brag about it after having a meal with a second-tier star, as if they've slept with a movie queen, and they'll say, 'I'm not the same person anymore'. In fact, I just made a few powerful friends and attended a few high-end social events, so I thought I had the power in the world..."

"I came to Japan alone in 1946, and I am alone this time as well."

"It means that you alone are enough to face the Sheqi Bajia?"

"Eight families is a bit difficult, but killing three or four families should be no problem." Angers smiled, "I'm old."

"Hilbert Jean Angers!" This sentence finally ignited the anger, and Inuyama He burst into flames, "Your arrogance is too ridiculous! Do you think the Sheqi Eighth Family is the same now as it was in 1946?" ?”

The corners of his eyes twitched, as if a poisonous snake was pulsing there.

Angers words stung him.

He is the family's envoy, and he came here to negotiate with Angers, but according to Angers, he is just a troubled child.

Angers could give him a candy or slap him.

"Ahe, you accidentally exposed your inner thoughts."

"You arranged such a luxurious scene, put your arms around a woman, acted like an old gangster and talked about friendship with me, and then suddenly turned your face and became aggressive. Do you want to prove to me that you have grown up and have your own voice? ?”

"After so many years, are you still thinking about these childish questions? Thinking about what kind of people the world revolves around, what kind of people deserve the right to speak, and thinking about why I can always be so arrogant and arrogant."

"You are always so eager to prove to me that you have grown up," Angers lit a cigar, "but, Ah He, you are almost dying of oldness."

"Are you going to your grave with these childish questions?"

Inuyama He Muran, he understood that he made a mistake, the mistake was being too eager.

After receiving the task from Tachibana Masamune, he arranged the Hongmen Banquet non-stop, freeing up the most luxurious venue of the Inuyama family.

He also gathered the most beautiful girls under his banner and ordered Mimi, Kazano, and Kotono to suspend all performing arts activities and report back home.

He would use the grandest ceremony to welcome Ange, let Ange feel the strength of the Inuyama family today, first shock Ange with his power, and then negotiate terms with him.

But Hilbert Jean Angers, this man alone, was a constant reminder that he had been weak and humiliated.

His majesty is all a paper tiger based on that fragile self-esteem. When that man is happy, he says, Ah He, you are a sensible and good boy. When he is unhappy, he says Oh, after so many years, Ah He, why haven’t you grown up yet? big.

Inuyama Ga understood that Ange was a big shot from the beginning. In the eyes of a real big shot, his behavior was like that of a nouveau riche who suddenly gained power. He always piled all the gold and silver on himself and couldn't wait to prove that he was a rich man. , qualified to join the upper class.

But this kind of person who dares to speak loudly only when he has to dress up and be surrounded by people is undoubtedly cowardly in his heart.

"Principal, we admit that it was unkind of us to hide it from you and let your students take risks for us, but other than that, the family does not owe the secret party anything. We have surrendered to you for 60 years."

Inuyama He's voice was as tired as an old man, "Your students are all alive, you should go find trouble with the Fierce Ghosts. We don't owe the Secret Party anything, we just don't want the Secret Party to get involved in our affairs."

Angre smiled and said, "Your business? Which things are your business?"

"No comment, family secrets are not enough for outsiders to know!"

"Then let me tell you the secrets of your family. Maybe I know more than you." Angers exhaled a puff of smoke.

"You, the Snake Qi Hachi Family, have always been outside the mixed-race society. Before the Meiji Restoration, we had never even heard of the name 'The Snake Qi Hachi Family'. It was not until after World War II that I found you on a U.S. military cruiser."

"The fact that you don't participate in the disputes in the mixed-race world is not because you have no utilitarianism, nor is it because this small island in Japan is a remote corner. On the contrary, you have ambitions that are greater than all mixed-race organizations."

"Japanese mixed-races are afraid of contact with other mixed-races, because your existence itself is a secret that cannot be known to others."

"We have spent decades studying your genes, and the results are shocking. Your genes are completely different from those of European and Chinese hybrids. Your dragon genes come from an unknown dragon king."

The expressions of Miyamoto Shio and Ryoma Genichiro suddenly changed. Inuyama Ga stretched out his hand and pressed on their shoulders. So they could only pray secretly in their hearts that Anger would not spit out that taboo name, otherwise the situation would really get out of control. situation.

"Dragon genes can be divided into four categories: earth, water, wind, and fire, each coming from the four monarchs who master the omnipotence of the elements."

"And your dragon gene belongs to the fifth category that has never been discovered before," Anger stared at Inuyama He's eyes, "Ah He, let's test it. Which Dragon King besides the four monarchs have I missed? "

"It turns out you already knew it." Inuyama Ga said quietly.

"White King Blood Descendants, you really exist. We have been looking for you for thousands of years." Ange said slowly.

It was as quiet as death, with heavy breathing coming and going.

The secret has been revealed, as if the sword has been unsheathed.

"Principal, what you are doing is tantamount to pushing us to the cliff. We cannot let the secret be exposed." Inuyama He calmed his breathing and asked slowly, "Let's be direct, what do you want from us?"



"Gao Tianyuan is the treasure house of the dragon clan, and so is the blood of the White King. These things are beyond your control. You take these as your own, just like a child carrying a loaded revolver in his arms, which may go off at any time." Does the principal think he is an adult suitable to master this secret? Forget it, it is useless to say more, we will not give this secret to you, because there is no way out behind us!"

Angers suddenly laughed out loud, and then asked something that had nothing to do with the topic.

"Ah He, I wonder if you have ever heard of a disease."

Inuyama He was stunned, "What?"

"For example, do you know my student Caesar?"

"Of course the heir to the Gattuso family knows." Inuyama He didn't understand what he meant.

"I saw students talking about him suffering from a disease called 'Secondary Two'. Oh my God, I really thought it was a disease at first, so I searched online... Old people like me can only follow it through the Internet. The trend among young people is gone.”

"It turns out that's a Japanese word, 'chuni' means second grade in middle school."

"Some children suddenly change their personality when they reach the second grade of middle school. They take themselves seriously and say that they have grown up. The me today is completely different from the me in the past. They learn to smoke, listen to heavy metal and start to evaluate the taste of ramen. , in short, I feel that I am an adult, more vicissitudes than a real adult, I think the world is very dirty, all the girls in the class have slept with others, I think that if I want to do it, I can definitely do it, I want to steal a motorcycle and take my class with me The beautiful girls I have sex with go to the beach but they have never done it seriously... and they also fantasize about being the hero of a harem anime."

"But I think Caesar is not a typical chuunibyou, he is just a little self-righteous," Angers continued. "A real chuunibyou will think of himself very lonely and like to say, 'I have no way out.' Such stupid words, but never really thought about the meaning of the so-called 'retreat'."

"But that's not the most troublesome thing, because when they grow up and become sensible, they will realize how stupid they were when they were children. What I want to talk about is the kind of middle school disease that never seems to grow up. His middle school sophomore disease The grade lasted throughout his long life, and he was still brooding over it until he was in his 70s."

"It's just that I was scolded a few times by the teacher when I was a child, and I kept a grudge in my heart for the rest of my life. I vowed that one day I would repay this insult. It was just that I was spanked by my father for disobedience, so I made up my mind in my heart that no matter how many times passed, Years, one day you will definitely step on this man’s head and repay the psychological pain he gave you a thousand times, together with the red mark on your butt..."

Inuyama He finally understood the cynicism and sarcasm in Angers words. In front of the other two heads of the family and his goddaughter, the shadow of more than 60 years ago shrouded again.

Every time Ange said something, his face became more ferocious, with lines of rage pulsing and his pupils glowing with a terrifying golden color.

The man who had given him endless insults once again made him taste the embarrassment after a long time. His self-esteem was shattered, and the murderous intention wrapped inside was exposed and began to beat slowly.

But Ange turned a blind eye to the furious Inuyamaga, and continued to talk non-stop.

"Obviously I just got a slap on the butt because I made a mistake, but I feel that I have been inhumanly abused. One day I must take revenge on this wrong world. I obviously just watched a few childish animations but I feel that I have grasped the eternal truth. Others who think they are the most sober are ignorant. Even though they were only dumped by a woman once, they say that there is no true love in this world and that good girls are dead in this era..."

Hilbert Jean Angers always only showed his elegant side, even when he drew his sword to kill someone, he was so calm.

"Enough!" Inuyama He suddenly stopped drinking, his pupils glowing with a frightening brilliance.

"Really, Ahe? Do you think this is enough? How come your patience becomes worse as you get older? You just can't stand it anymore, right?" Angers is still aggressive.

"I met a lovely lady when I was entering the country. I told her that I came all the way to Japan just to meet my stupid student and give him extra lessons..."

Ange suddenly stopped shouting, "Ah!"

The sound was so loud that it sounded like a roaring lion in this small Japanese room. It suddenly stopped and there was deathly silence.

"In 1946, you were a middle-school-aged boy, and 62 later, you were still in the second grade of middle school."

"I remember that at that time, you failed every test in class, but at least under my education, you still knew what it means to respect teachers and respect morality. But after 62 years, you are old, but you have learned what I taught you. Throw it all away, and you have become even more stupid than you were in 62. Do you want to stay under the teacher and never graduate?"

"It's time to give you some extra lessons." Ange said coldly.

"Then let's see if you still have this ability, sensei." Inuyama laughed angrily. He opened his kimono, revealing a dark red wooden handle around his waist.

The famous sword "Onimaru Kunitsuna" is a famous demon-slaying sword in Japanese history.

He held the handle of the sword, and a flash of light and shadow flashed. Onimaru Kunitsuna unsheathed it at an invisible speed, and a sharp sound like a dragon's roar echoed around.

"Inuyama-kun!" Ryoma Genichiro knew that the family did not really want to go to war with Angers, so he was prepared to fight Angers several times verbally.

But now Onimaru Kunizuna has unsheathed his sword, which means that Inuyama Ga has murderous intentions. This old swordsman of the Jakaki Hachi family always greets people with a smile, and his sword has never been unsheathed for many years.

But at this moment, everyone could feel the compelling blade and murderous intent. His golden pupils had been ignited, and this was the posture of the mixed-race, ready to kill the enemy.

"This is the place where the Inuyama family belongs. I decide what happens here. Please wait a moment for the head of the Ryoma family and the head of the Miyamoto family." Inuyama Ga said coldly, "I believe that this kind of duel between men is not suitable for me and the teacher." Strange, right?”

"To be honest, I don't remember much." Angers scratched his temples, "I never remember that you and I had a duel between men."

"In my impression, it seems that you have always come to me for advice as a student, and then I whipped you to the ground with a bamboo stick or wooden knife. You could only lie on the ground holding your head and gasping... Ah He, Do you think I will have thousands of male duels with a pimp Mama-san?"

He placed his cigar on the ashtray and rolled up his sleeves.

Inuyamaga waved.

Qinano held a long sword with a black scabbard and knelt beside Ange, "The famous sword 'Ichimon no Sect', please go to the principal."

Kazuya knelt on the other side holding another long sword with a white sheath, "The famous sword 'Chōso Yako Tetsu', principal please."

A tachi and a small dachi are both famous magical weapons in Japan's official history. Their lengths perfectly match Niten's first-class sword-wielding skills.

It seems that Inuyama Ga had anticipated the battle with Angers before this, and had already prepared weapons that Angers could take advantage of.

"As a sword master who was once as equal as Mr. Dan Sheiwa, 62 years have passed. Isn't the principal now so old that he can't even hold a sword?" Inuyama Ga's voice was very calm, "I need to give you half an hour to warm up." Warming up, teacher?"

"No need." Angers stretched out his hand to hold the handles of the two knives and responded with a smile, "Although I don't practice it often in the United States, it is more than enough to deal with your half-hearted skills like Ahe."

(End of this chapter)

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