Dragons: Reboot the New World

Chapter 254 Scene 35 Pompeii and Angers

Chapter 254 No.30 Five Acts Pompeii and Angers

Schneider and Manstein exchanged glances, and rang the small bronze bell on the door.

"Come in, gentlemen." Ange's voice came from the door.

Schneider opened the door, and there were bookshelves on all four walls. The collection of books led directly to the top of the small building. The patio composed of bookshelves and ancient books was filled with golden sunlight.

Angers sat drinking tea under the skylight on the top floor while squirrels scampered up and down the shelves.

"I came at the right time, I just finished making a pot of tea." Ange smiled at the two of them and motioned them to come up to the second floor. "The best Pu'er tea was brought back to me from the high and cold mountainous areas of Yunnan, China, at a huge price. of."

"You are still in the mood to drink tea..." Manstein walked down the stairs to the second floor and took the tea that Angers had just made with a hint of bitterness in the corner of his mouth.

"I already know what you are going to say." Ange asked the two of them to take a seat, then took a sip of tea, "Don't look so sad."

Guderian was already sitting in the office. It seemed that he had arrived earlier than Manstein and Schneider.

"What are you doing here?" Manstein asked in a low voice.

"Hey, look what you said! I lost my student, how could I not come!" Guderian raised his eyebrows and said in a loud voice, "Aren't you anxious if your student is lost? What's more? But Mingfei, it’s Mingfei! The best young man at Kassel College..."

"Well, Chen Motong is not missing, I'm not in a hurry." Manstein shrugged, "I'm here to apologize."

"It really doesn't hurt to stand and talk! You are also responsible for Mingfei's loss. If you had stopped Long Yuan's plan in time, the tragedy would not have happened. You helped the evildoer!"

"This is the principal's office, gentlemen." Angers said.

The three of them fell silent, and for a moment they didn't know what to say.

Too many things have happened in the past few hours, the ancient dragon city in the trench appeared, the Japanese branch betrayed, the submarine volcano erupted, the nuclear power cabin exploded, the life and death of the Caesar team were unknown, the tsunami and mermaid tide hit Atami, the first The Seventh Fleet's weapon system automatically launches an attack... The Executive Department has never encountered such an intricate situation since its establishment.

"It's not too bad," Angers finally broke the silence. "Thanks to those Tomahawk missiles, otherwise tomorrow's headlines in the world's major newspapers will be headlines like 'Alien Attack'."

"Haven't figured out who hacked into the [-]th Fleet's fire control system, and it looks like they don't want to let the dragon's secret out," Schneider said. Bar?"

"Don't worry about that. Since those people can gain control of the Seventh Fleet's fire control system, they can also do a good job of mopping up." Anger smiled, "I don't know who they are, but they are undoubtedly A bunch of geniuses."

"We have received a collective resignation letter from the Japanese branch," Manstein said.

"It's more accurate to call it a collective mutiny book. Those Japanese finally did what they dreamed of for many years." Angers scratched his head, "Have you not contacted the Caesar team yet?"

"I'm sorry, principal, I haven't been contacted." Manstein said solemnly, "But I really can't forgive those bastards from the Japanese branch. Although I know they are a group of disloyal people, I didn't expect them to be such bastards!"

"Yes!" Guderian supported from the side, "They deceived us and murdered our three top students. What a naked mockery!"

"Where is Chen Motong's team?" Angre asked again.

"It seems that he ran away early and there is no danger for the time being." Schneider said.

"Norma calculated that the chance of Caesar's team surviving is less than one percent." Angers sighed, "This possibility is like walking into a bar blindfolded, groping to sit down, taking off the blindfold and suddenly realizing that you are Is there an Audrey Hepburn-level beauty sitting next to me? Some students’ parents will be furious.”

"Then what should the Japanese branch do..." Manstein was most concerned about this.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet." Angers waved his hand, "If we reason with them and they reason with us, then everything will be easy to discuss. Powers should be handed over, compensation should be paid, and compensation should be paid. A life for a life... After losing my three most beloved students, it is reasonable for several heads of the Sheqiba family to die."

"But if they are unreasonable, I don't have to sell face to those Japanese guys. Since the Japanese branch doesn't want to do it, no one can criticize us if we take over the Sheqiba family. After all, it was the other party who was unkind in the first place. .”

Angers' words were calm, but there was a killing intent as sharp as a sword. He didn't show such indifference in his heart at all. It seemed that in addition to being a great educator, Hilbert Jean Angers was also a dragon slayer. The... strongest dragon slayer in the world!
"In this case, I will inform the most elite commissioners of the execution department to put down their tasks and summon them back. It is best to prepare for war with the Japanese branch at any time." Schneider said, with a sneer under the breathing mask.

"There is no need to summon all our commissioners back and let them do whatever they have to do. In the mixed-race world, wars never depend on the number of people."

"If we want to go to war with the Sheqiba family, it's enough for me to go alone. 60 years ago, I could make those Japanese guys unable to hold their heads up alone. It's the same today 60 years later."

Ange's body exuded an unparalleled sharpness, like a famous knife that has been polished for a hundred years.

His blade has not become dull with the passage of time. Just as the night watchman said, Angers has been sharpening his blade in the past hundred years. He has always maintained his best condition. Be fully prepared at all times...

At the right time, turn yourself into a deadly knife tip and give the opponent the most painful blow.

"Then...what other instructions does the principal have?"


"Wait?" Schneider was taken aback.

"I'm waiting for Frost. It's been six hours since the explosion of the Trieste. Six hours is enough for Frost to fly here from Rome. I lost their precious heir and I have to deal with the parents of the students. I'm going to launch an army to hold him accountable, right? I'll talk about other things after I finish talking to Frost."

Angers rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, "I always feel that Caesar is not his nephew, but his father. I really treat Caesar as a father, and I only have to pay homage to the old man by eating and drinking."

The phone on the table rang just at this time.Sure enough, as Angers expected, the Gattuso family's indictment came six hours later. At this moment, Frost Gattuso, who was furious, must have been on the CC1000 express from Chicago to Cassel College. Angers Slowly he sat up straight and grabbed the phone.

"It should be Frost." Manstein said in a low voice. "He threatened to carry a double-barreled shotgun with enough ammunition to smash our heads."

"Hi! Angers! You are in the office, right?" The voice on the other end of the phone actually sounded very happy, with the feeling of "Hey brother, I came all the way to come and play with you."

"Why is it you?" Angers was surprised.

"This is hard to explain in words. More cordial greetings will wait until we meet. Is your sunroof open?"

"Open... what do you mean? Don't mess around!" Angers frowned.

"You are not messing around. Look up at me. I am greeting you. Now your closest friend Pompeo Gattuso is only 200 meters away from you and is approaching you at a speed of 3.5 meters per second!"

Everyone looked up following the sound, only to see the sun shining brightly. A fluffy parachute slowly fell like a white cloud, blocking the entire view of the patio. The figure holding the end of the parachute had fallen into the center of the skylight, and was looking towards the skylight with a smile. They waved.

"Does your insane appearance have to be so eye-catching? You will damage my roof!" Angers yelled angrily.

"Don't worry, I just won the world championship in BASE jumping!" There was no need to say this over the phone. The parachute blocked the entire field of vision. The man shouted amidst the roar of the wind, "Pompei Cato" Suo's appearance will inevitably attract attention. Even if I don't wash my face for three days and appear in Paris Fashion Week wearing clothes like a beggar, 90.00% of the reporters' cameras will be focused on me... Oh yeah!"

Schneider, Manstein, and Guderian were stunned, not because this guy was so playful, but because his name... His name was Pompeii, and his full name was Pompeii Gattuso... He was Caesar His biological father, the current head of the Gattuso family.

Frost's seat on the school board is actually owned by Pompeo. Ten years ago, this man appointed his younger brother as a representative of the Gattuso family on the grounds that he "physically and mentally dislikes crowded situations, and every meeting must have angina." School Board.

I have to admit that Frost is indeed a strong man... except that he is a bit uncomfortable here in Angers.

It took him ten years to sideline Pompeii, hold the power of the family in his hands, and make the family power flourish.

It is said that Pompeii's orders no longer work within the Gattuso family, and everyone obeys Frost's orders, but Pompeii is Pompeii after all, a man with the great name of "Pompei".

The head of Gattuso's family inherited a heroic bloodline, and his brothers, no matter how outstanding they were, were just common people. Therefore, no matter how powerful Frost was, as long as Pompeii walked into the restaurant when he was eating, he had to get up immediately and give up the end of the long table. The first place goes to this two hundred and five brother.

The man landed on the big desk, and the white umbrella flowers slowly fell behind him, like clouds or the long skirt of a palace lady.

He twisted his waist and appeared, "Dear gentlemen, applause! Cheers! Remember you are talking to Pompeo Gattuso, the world champion of BASE jumping!"

"Weren't you still playing horse racing when I last saw you?" Angers frowned, "When did BASE jumping become your specialty again?"

"The Spanish princess I rode horse racing with broke her leg. It makes me feel so sad to continue riding with a woman with a broken leg... BASE jumping is better. It is a sport for young people. Young girls prefer men who do BASE jumping. "Pompei stepped off the seat, dragging a parachute behind him.

"Are you from Rome?" asked Angers.

"No, no, Bangkok, I flew here from Bangkok. When Frost called me, I was riding an elephant with the Thai princess." Pompeo waved to the three professors, "This must be Professor Schneider, your mask It’s so cool. You are a scumbag compared to Darth Vader, and you have a deep and intimidating voice. Sometimes I want to have a voice like yours..."

"This is Professor Manstein, right? We talked before the Long Yuan Project started. Do you remember me? Your hair is great. Someone said that a bald head is the criterion for testing whether a man is handsome... "

"Ah, Professor Guderian is here too? The new tenured professor of our Kassel College who is about to take office? I know it will be an honor for Kassel. Your appearance is very academic, and you have a... Einstein plus Bolgar Planck plus Boltzmann's intellectual atmosphere..."

After saying hello, he turned around and groped in the tea cabinet, and took out the "Lapsang Souchong" collected by Angers. This jar of black tea is produced in Wuyi Mountain in China. The tea trees grow on the cliffs of thousands of feet, and monkeys are needed to pick the tea leaves. The tea leaves are smoked using pine needles.

Angers himself hid it for three to five years and was reluctant to drink it. Pompeii immediately dug it out for him. There is a saying that is true. The men of the Gattuso family have always only enjoyed the best things. Caesar In this regard, he is very much like his father.

"Gentlemen, leave me and Pompeii alone for a moment," said Angers.

"Don't look out, I'm just about to enjoy the collection of Angers. Do you want to come with me?" Pompeii said.

"No, let's take our leave now." The three professors stood up at the same time.

"Then we have the opportunity to play cards together in the future." Pompeo waved to the three people who came downstairs. "If you know mahjong, you can also play mahjong. I think mahjong is much more fun than poker."

"Absolutely!" Manstein, the last one to walk out, nodded repeatedly and closed the door.

"How long has it been since we last met?" Pompey turned to Angers.

"Ten years? Why don't you, an old man, age?" Angers took a sip and said that it was indeed his treasure. It tasted quite mellow.

"A playboy like me plays with women every day, drives a yacht, participates in Paris Fashion Week, and goes skiing in Switzerland with supermodels. Of course he stays young forever." Pompeo took out a cigar and tapped it on the upper of his shoes to make sure The tobacco is tighter,
"I don't smoke very much anymore, just to keep in good health."

"Are you here as a representative of the Gattuso family this time?"

"That's right, the father was very anxious when his son disappeared, so he went out in person."

"You also care about your son?" Angers sneered, "You haven't even attended his parent-teacher meeting, have you? What did Caesar say when he told me about you last time, 'bastard stallion father'? Probably That’s what it means.”

"Alas, I will shed tears if I talk too much. Although I am an unqualified father in his eyes and yours, you must know that father's love is something that is not obvious, but is heavier than a mountain and heavier than a mountain. Water also needs tenderness... In short, Caesar is just in the rebellious stage, and eventually he will know that I am a good father!"

(End of this chapter)

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